Chapter 306 The Great Traitor Is Loyal

Is this dead?

At a glance at Rush Baturu, whose movements are becoming more and more slight, Longkodo wants to cry without tears, and tries to figure out what to expect, just like a melodious and graceful violin song, at the end of it, it turns into jumping and kicking. I'm sorry for my heartiness! Shaking, he turned to Hongxi, lifted his arms slightly, but could not bear the trembling of his fingers. "Your highness, you -- how can you --"

"You are presumptuous!"

When Hongxi drank it coldly, he hated Rushbaturu because he was afraid. He hated the rest of Xu. Those who dared to sympathize with the old man would be whipped on the opposite side. Secondly, I'm more tired of Longlong

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