Chapter 176 When the wicked come to the door, they will die if they give up their money

"You are suspicious. Haven't you heard the old generation say that ghosts are afraid of evil people?"

"With the green camp soldiers under my brother-in-law stationed here, what can happen if they are armed with swords? Even if there is, killing officers and soldiers is a crime of rebellion, who dares to act rashly?"

"Come on, don't mention your green soldier. He is drunk all day long. He likes to flirt with the big girls and little wives in the town when he has nothing to do. Our father's reputation is almost ruined by them!"

As they walked, they talked. Turning to the Moon Gate, they found the Pear Fragrance House on their left hand. Because Old Master Liu loved to watch plays, and they also had a troupe at home. Tonight, they were going to invite a new one

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