Chapter 316 Reaching the Cold Mountain

  • Youth Sword Song
  • Xinchen
  • 2051 words
  • 2023-11-18 06:10:52

Luanjing Mountain is a small mountain in the north of Yunling. Although it is close to the Central Plains, few people climb it because of the overgrowth of weeds. But there is nothing special on the mountain except a nunnery and a peach blossom forest.

The four teenagers walked up the mountain with difficulty. The hillside was no more than an official road. The white snow covered the thorny grass, and the teenagers' legs were scarred. Although the mountain is not high, it took the teenagers two hours to reach the top of the mountain in such an environment.

Although few people climb the Luanjing Mountain, there are still two beautiful little nuns outside the nunnery with dusts in their hands

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