Chapter 292 Beauty Smiles

  • Youth Sword Song
  • Xinchen
  • 2010 words
  • 2023-11-18 06:10:52

Yan Luoqian slowly walked up to the two teenagers and said, "You look just like your father. We met you when you were very young. At that time, my sister held you. The young master of the Scholar's Academy, Xiao Muyu.

As for you, we haven't met before. But I know that the sword behind you is called Yelan. Therefore, your surname must be Ye. At this age, you can afford to use the sword in the Sword Pavilion. You can either be Ye Frost Trace or Ye Zuicheng. "

Leaf frost trace and Xiao Muyu both felt a chill behind them, as if the wind poured in from the door had become colder. Instead, Jiang Haoyun's next words let two

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