Chapter 255 The Return of Kong Ming

  • Youth Sword Song
  • Xinchen
  • 2054 characters
  • 2023-11-18 04:48:06

The two teenagers looked at each other, then nodded in succession, "Yes."

"That's what I mean. You two use swordsmanship at the same time, even the strong ones at the top of the ground can't resist." Ye Zhiming said loudly.

"I see, hiss!" Ye Zuicheng gasped again and released his excited hands.

"The practice of Luancang sword technique is extremely tough, but don't hurt your hand. After all, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Ye Zhiming patted Ye Zuicheng's head.

"Thank you, master. I have written it down." Ye Zuicheng nodded.


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