Chapter 9 Rest

  • Shadow of Death
  • Nanxuan Bamboo
  • 2335 words
  • 2014-04-28 21:50:07

Together, they killed Achucas, who was in the way, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The next road will be much easier.

As long as you arrive at the predetermined evacuation point, you can return to the spirit world through the black chamber opened with the help of the Erfan team.

After a slight recovery of strength, Liu Sheng began to simply treat the wounds of Iwasaki and Ishima.

His own injury did not matter. The situation of the two people was a little serious at present, and the island was even too weak to speak.

Nevertheless, Liu Sheng believed that it was not impossible to cure their injuries with his ghost cultivation and his ability to take pictures.

Because I don't know whether the news of the battle will attract other big empty places around me, it is not safe to continue to stay where you are to rescue.

Although Ono repeatedly assured Iwasaki that there seemed to be no other danger around, Liu Sheng finally decided to move to a secret place for further treatment.

It's better to be careful on the dotted boundary.

So, with the help of Fengling and Ohno, the group moved to a lee boulder.

"Wake up and take pictures!"

Once again, the soul chopping knife was liberated. The red light enveloped the two men, and the disordered atmosphere gradually calmed down.

Liu Sheng's face was a little white, and beany sweat fell down his forehead.

Liu Sheng felt great pressure when he used the soul chopping knife almost overdrafted before the injury was completely recovered.

But he still has to grit his teeth and persevere.

Although their breath has gradually stabilized, there still seems to be something wrong with the Temple Island.

Iwasaki's spiritual pressure is gradually recovering, but the spiritual power of the island has not changed at all!

Is his current condition not caused by injury? Liu Sheng has enough confidence in his shadow!

Remembering how reluctant Si Dao was when he liberated the soul chopping sword just now, Liu Sheng had to attribute his current state to the sequela of the liberation of the soul chopping sword.

Seeing Liusheng's white face, Fengling gritted his teeth and finally seemed to have made a great determination.

Blushing, he took out a silk handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat off Liu Sheng's forehead.

Liu Sheng looked up at her and smiled softly in gratitude.

"Are they... OK?" Fengling dodged her eyes, paused, and then turned to ask.

"It's OK. I should wake up soon."

The two men walked forward a few steps. Liu Sheng looked at the guarded field in the distance, and then turned back to confirm the status of the two patients. Finally, they lay down on the sand in a very indecent way.

With a sigh of relief, "This task is really troublesome."

He turned his head and looked at the wind chime sitting beside him, put his head on his knee, and kept his hands on the trouser legs.

Liu Sheng could not help laughing at this little girl who was a little nervous.

A gust of wind blew, which made the wind chimes appear black, and even the delicate ears seemed to have a pink halo.

Liu Sheng stared at the delicate face of the wind chime, and he was a bit crazy for a while.

It was not until Fengling's face seemed more ruddy, and even the long eyelashes were about to fall, that Liu Sheng realized his rudeness.

"Sorry... that... I..."

The wind chime didn't answer, but buried his head deeply, and the exposed snow neck even had a beautiful red glow.

"Well... I'll see if they are awake..."

Liu Sheng finally remembered an excuse that could ease the embarrassment in front of him. He got up and ran back.

He actually escaped.

I know that the little girl has a tender face, but I should not have acted so disrespectfully

But I didn't see it before. This girl is really beautiful

He shook his head hard, and Liu Sheng saw that both Iwasaki and Terima seemed to be awake.

"Are you all right?" Liu Sheng's face soon spread a smile, and there was still a trace of embarrassment?

"Ha ha, nothing's wrong!" Iwasaki laughed. "It's really the sixth seat of the Sifan Team!"

"Thank you, Liu Shengjun." The island also thanked.

"What's my credit? It's mainly because you are strong."

Liu Sheng smiled and looked at Temple Island. "Temple Island, please call me Liu Sheng later! We are classmates anyway. Don't call me Shengfen."

The temple island also laughed and said,


"That's right!" Liu Sheng thought for a while, but he couldn't resist curiosity and asked,

"Temple Island, will your soul sabre absorb your spiritual pressure?"

"It's not sucking, it's sucking..." After a long time, the temple island finally said with difficulty.

Hearing this explanation, Liu Sheng's face became solemn, and even Iwasaki sat up straight and looked at the island.

It seems that the temple island is going to tell some wonderful secret news.

"My sword is not a soul chopping sword." Shidao stared at them with bitter eyes,

"Its name is -- Yao Dao..."

"Yao Dao?!" Liu Sheng cried out in surprise.

He knows this kind of knife!

"Yes, Yao Dao......" Shidao paused and continued to explain.

Liu Sheng finally found out what had happened to the temple island through the narration of the temple island and the fragments vaguely remembered in his mind.

獏 Yao Dao is a kind of artificial soul chopping Dao, which is a special weapon specially developed for royal guards.

The secret research, development and manufacture of the Yao Dao is in the charge of Xiadalu Family, a great noble in the soul world and a family of soldiers and craftsmen.

Although the Temple Island family is a small noble attached to the Sifeng Family, it has not lagged behind since the Sifeng Family, and the Temple Island Family has taken the line of Xiada Road Family.

When Terima Hongyi entered the criminal army, the Xiadalu family gave him a precious gift as a concern for his younger generation.

Yao Dao - Purple Fog!

This ability of purple fog made the island successfully adapt to the work of the criminal army, and even won the nomination to serve as the chair officer of the Erfan Team.

Only then did the island finally know that the Yao Dao in his hand was a defective product!

It will endlessly suck up the spiritual power of the holder until the holder is completely sucked up!

It is equivalent to exchanging strength with life!

Xia Dalu's family hopes to use Temple Island as the dark place to break into the Erfan team, and grasp the information of Sifeng Academy through the relationship between Zhen Xiong of Sifeng Academy and him.

Of course, this is also the decision of the Ishima family!

This is the sorrow of the little noble! It can only be used as a sword in the hands of great nobles to burn your own life!

In return, Xia Dalu's family will help him to master the Dao that is about to backfire!

It was too late for Terima to refuse at this time. Once he recognized the Lord, he could not be separated from the host unless he killed it!

Gritting his teeth, he accepted all the temple islands and had to swear that he would not use the Yao Dao in the future.

If he had not been forced to do so this time, he would never have taken out this purple shadow!

The damage caused by Yao Dao to the host cannot be cured even by the leader of Sifan Team's Mao Zhihua!

Although this is only a one-sided statement of Xiadalu's family, it is impossible for Terima to find the captain of Sifan Team to verify the truth of this statement.

The captain of Sifan Team will treat him. He is not qualified!

Although he vaguely remembered that this weapon, called Yao Dao, seemed to be involved in a conspiracy, Liu Sheng, who couldn't remember anything, had to leave it behind for the time being.

Now what they need to consider is how the whole team should return to the spirit world!

"Something is wrong!" The big field who did not know when to arrive interrupted the solemn atmosphere of the three people.

"I have a very uncomfortable feeling, but I can't find the source."

"My intuition won't deceive me!"

Looking at Ono's solemn face, Liu Sheng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Even the time before meeting Ramiro, Ono did not show such a serious expression!

"Retreat immediately!" Iwasaki gave the order to retreat without thinking.

They must leave this dangerous area as soon as possible!

The empty circle is the tomb of the god of death!