Chapter 12 A Storage Room

  • Benevolent Lord
  • Understanding the Evil
  • 2978 words
  • 2020-09-10 14:36:57

Chapter 13 One Storage Room

In response, Qin Tian nodded and jumped out of bed in a hurry. He happily replied, "Well, sister, my stomach has been protesting for a long time. If I don't eat, I will rebel!"

"Grunt, grunt!" A strange voice came from Qin Tian's belly. Hee hee, scratched his head, looked at his sister, and smiled embarrassed. Seeing this scene, Sister Die felt a little funny on her face. Then she got up and walked towards the door, facing Qin Tian with her back, and said, "I will go out to check the situation first, and you can get dressed quickly." Then she went out directly.

Rubbed his dry stomach. "Don't worry. There will be something to eat later." Qin Tian said to himself optimistically.

He quickly sorted out his clothes, jumped to the ground, and looked at the mirror on the nearby cabinet. Looking at myself in the mirror, "Yes, the only thing I almost did was that I hadn't shaved my beard! Ha ha..." Look at my only weakness. My fingers touched it. Hmm, I don't know why. I looked at it and laughed. You must find a shaver later. I think about myself secretly.

"Not yet? Come down quickly." Sister Butterfly outside the house is urging her inside.

"All right, come out right away". Hearing his sister's cry, Qin Tian quickly put away his caution and replied quickly to the outside. Open the door and see Sister Die walking up and down the stairs. I muttered and hurried to my sister. "Let's go, let's go, just want to take my sister's hand!" Who knew that Sister Butterfly turned her head, but she had a cold face. "Er......, sister, are you swollen?" Qin Tian pretended to be ignorant and asked Sister Die.

Eyes turned, "You don't know, how about I help you remember?" I don't know when, the painting style suddenly changed, and the cold wind on Sister Die's face disappeared, instead, she became very cheerful. With a smile in his mouth, he greeted Qin Tian sweetly.

Seeing the kind smile of Sister Die, I don't know when Qin Tian has had countless goose bumps on his body. He shook his body, raised his head, and recalled the reason of the incident with a 45 degree angle looking at the sky.

After a long time, Sister Die changed her face from calm to impatient. At last, when we were about to get angry, even the strange sound of gnashing our teeth came out. At this time, don't think, this is the omen of Sister Butterfly's outburst!

Hearing the sound, Qin Tian immediately felt bad. Qin Tian finally stopped his killing behavior. Suddenly, she nodded and looked at Sister Die, who was gloomy. "Oh, I remember!" she explained with a strong desire for survival.

Hearing this, Sister Die's face slowed slightly. But Qin Tian still didn't let go. He smiled in his heart, but his face was still gloomy. Instead, he thought of a good idea! Xiaotian, is it bad? It seems that I will make a fool of him!

Sister Die, walking in front, suddenly said. "I'm hungry! Go and find me something to eat, or I won't forgive you!" He stopped and shouted at Qin Tian with a coquettish face. When he heard this sentence, Qin Tian thought he had heard it wrong, and his head suddenly shorted. When did he see this situation!

At a glance, Sister Die's face looked a little bad. She had no time to think about it, so she hurried down. "Well, well, wait a minute, I'll be back soon!"

Otherwise, I will leave with a cloud of smoke.

"Oh, boy, how can I run so fast today? I haven't finished my words yet!" Looking at Qin Tian's back, he became smaller and smaller in his eyes. I could not help stamping my feet and scolding in a low voice. Then I'll wait for him to come back and settle accounts with him.

At this time, Qin Tian was searching for food in a supermarket.

At the gate, looking at some snacks and sundries scattered on the ground, "I'm going, the supermarket is robbed!" The unbelievable voice came from Qin Tian's mouth. What happened here? Why are there some ice dregs on the ground? It's really strange. Then I'd better be careful!

When I got back to my senses, I put away my unconcerned mood and immediately raised my vigilance.

Get up the spirit of 12 points and slowly move towards the supermarket. First, look around. At this time, the rest of the supermarket seemed to be in a darkness, which was like a monster with cannibalism.

Slowly came to a food shelf and looked at the empty shelves. My heart was silent again. How crazy these robbers are! Even the snacks were snatched away, which simply didn't leave a way for the rest of the people to live!

Turning around and looking at the shelves around, I did not find any food. Ah! Did I make a wrong decision to come to this supermarket? Thinking about it, Qin Tian could not help but have a strange doubt about his decision. The whole supermarket is not as busy as it used to be. Only a dilapidated scene!

I shook my head. It seems that I still have to go to other places to find food! Look at your stomach still growling. Qin Tian immediately decided to go somewhere else.

It was a small grocery store next to the supermarket. Looking at the plaque on it, there was a grocery store. In a small corner, there was a small sign with a bright red marker on it, writing the words of wholesale food.

Quickly walk here, squint and quickly scan outside the window outside the store, and see that the inside is also similar to the supermarket, when leaving. A sign with the words "wholesale" came into Qin Tian's eyes and looked into his mind. Stop the step you are about to lift, kick to the door and break into it.

Both hands waved the door and touched the ground to emit smoke and dust. Looking at the empty shelves inside, I just glanced at them and skipped them directly. The footsteps never stop, until they come to the unknown end. But still no food was found. How could that be? This kind of boss usually has a small basement. Where is it? According to this experience, I searched around for a while, and found a tunnel under the dining table in the house.

The corners of my mouth moved. I found it. I'll tell you! The brother of our dormitory is really not built. All kinds of news can be inquired, hehe! No matter how deep I hide, there is nothing I can't find. I thought of this chat I heard in my bedroom. Unexpectedly, it has played a great role now!

Alas... I don't know how they are now. The world has really changed. Go find them later! It's no use worrying now. Think about yourself, open the tunnel and find a place to turn on the lights. Then slowly enter into it.

Soon, a loud cry came from the underground space. How come there is so much food here! This is bread. There is milk over there. There are drinks here. Alas, there is rice here. I can see that there are various kinds of living food in the entire 50 square meter underground space, but there are at least a dozen boxes of them.

Looking at the considerable food reserves, I sighed. Is it not good for me? After all, this is a boss's grain reserve. Well, I should at least leave some for him! OK, I'll take less. I put my money here. I believe he won't blame me. Last night, he took hundreds of dollars out of his pocket and put them on the small table. It is that piece of paper on which the words of thanks are written.

Of course, the current situation is unknown. The boss here has been killed by the mob. Of course, this is the last words.

After all this, Qin Tian quickly picked up a box of milk and bread. Run to the direction where Sister Butterfly is.

A few minutes later, Qin Tian had already told Sister Die the whole story. Is this one? Well, sister thought for a moment, something should have happened, otherwise the store would not be robbed. You can give money! This is a very good job. After talking to Qin Tian, he nodded and commented. Listening to Sister Die's praise, she repeatedly waved and said, "This is what I should do.".

After that, we are not short of money. "Er, is that right? Well, that's all right." She jammed her shell, and then Sister Butterfly shrugged her shoulders and replied.

Let's have a meal first, and then we will observe what happens in this city. Otherwise, you will have no strength!

Seeing so much food, they said in unison. Smile at each other, and then quickly extend the magic palm to the pile of food. For a while, the sound of chewing bread and purring milk sounded.

My mouth said it was delicious. You can only work with strength! This sentence, just say. It is simply a catalyst to speed up eating! After ten minutes, Shuangshuang stopped.

Glancing at the place where there were two boxes of food, there were only two paper boxes now! "It seems that our appetite is huge again!" Qin Tian could not help sighing. But then I remembered the underground space I found, and I couldn't help boasting about myself. I am really a talented person. I covered the entrance well at the end.

Later, when there is no food, you can eat there. Outside, in the grocery store, there was a huge cabinet and bed. I don't know how it happened. It piled up around the whole house like it was broken by something. But most of them are near the table, covering a hidden entrance.

what about you? Have you had enough? All right, let's go find your brother. The city is safe for the time being, but no one has been seen yet. Sister Butterfly said to Qin Tian who was thinking about something.