Chapter 42 Blood Battle Gene Man (Next)

  • Mecha mercenary
  • Memories of spirit are like carefree
  • 3613 characters
  • 2020-09-13 09:35:30

The gene man on the windshield watched me explode his own kind, angrily yelled at me through the glass, and kept smashing the glass!

I saw that the windshield was quite firm, so I ignored the crazy gene man and quickly tore the coat of the stick to check the injury!

Zam~my coat was torn open, and I immediately became foolish! In front of me, there is not the flesh and blood I imagined, but a dense bulletproof vest. There is a clear paw print on the vest. There are 5 holes in the five fingers, but there is no blood. I don't know how deep the wound is! I used my index finger to grope through the holes one by one and found that none of the five holes were penetrated, which means that the stick was not injured at all! However, judging from the depth of these five holes, the grip strength and the sharpness of the claws of the genetic person are really not covered. If it were not for this bulletproof coat, the stick would be in danger now!

"Laohu, am I no longer good? Tell me the truth!" The stick looked back and saw that I was stunned. He thought I saw something shocking!

I looked at the stick with a sad and indignant face for a long time. Suddenly, my face changed and the stick was overturned

"Ah? No injury?" The stick looked at me in surprise, and then carefully put his hands behind his back and felt for his own back!

"Who can hurt you when you wear such a thick bulletproof vest?!" I scolded the stick angrily.

After a little movement of the stick, I felt that there was nothing wrong, so I got up with a grunt and patted the bulletproof vest and sighed, "Thanks to my foresight!" There was no sign of injury.

"Don't be sentimental, think of a way to solve this guy first!" I stared at the gene man on the windshield!

When I and the stick were trying to solve the problem of the gene man in front of us, an unusually loud roar broke the night sky in the dense forest, instantly attracting everyone's attention! Not only us, but also the gene man on the windshield looked at the place where the hiss and roar sounded!

Ow~~Another deep roar, like the horn of attack, caused all the genetic people to roar!

The guy on the windshield roared to the sky and looked at us reluctantly. Then he jumped onto the roof of the command car and ran along the roof towards the rear door!

When I noticed that all the geneticists jumped onto the roof of the car nearby, I understood their intention. They wanted to directly attack the rear door of the command car through the absolute shooting dead corner of the roof!

"No good, the back door!" After that, I didn't wait for the stick to respond. I picked up Browning on my back and ran to the back door of the carriage!

On the corridor leading to the rear door, I can clearly hear the footsteps on the roof. It can be seen that a surprising number of gene people have gathered on the roof. If we rush down together, it will be enough for us! I ran towards the back door desperately, knowing that it was really a race against death!

When I rushed to the back door, I was shocked. The bodies of several vehicles had just formed our temporary 'fortress'. Several security soldiers were transferring injured soldiers from two armored vehicles to the coach of the command car. Two security soldiers were standing beside the back door of the coach to meet the injured soldiers, totally unaware of the situation on the roof!

"Roof, mind the roof!" I yelled and rushed to push the two security soldiers squeezed in the back door!

Almost at the same time, two geneticists suddenly hung upside down on the back door of the command car, showing their claws and grabbing two security guards!

In a moment of urgency, I didn't care so much. I leaned back straight with my upper body, put Browning on my shoulder, bent my knees on the ground, and shot into the ceiling near the back door!

In the face of my penetration, the two genetic men put on a desperate posture, and tried their best to slap their paws on the faces of the two soldiers!

The two security guards who were photographed fell out of the car without even uttering a scream and landed on the ground outside the car. I'm afraid they are in danger!

At this time, several security guards near the back door of the carriage understood what had happened and hurriedly raised their guns to shoot at the roof!

Two geneticists hanging on the back door were quickly beaten into a beehive and slid off the roof! And with them came three or four screaming gene people!

Then I noticed the situation around me! My original intention is to let the command vehicle, engineering vehicle and material vehicle form a fortress with their bodies to help us defend! However, I ignored the height of the car body. Each car is nearly four meters high. In this way, instead of forming an effective defensive fortification, everyone is framed in the middle of the open space, creating a commanding advantage for the genetic man!

As the Gene Man rushed into the empty space between the car bodies, the whole situation became chaotic! Soldiers who used to transfer the wounded on the open ground have now mixed up with the gene man, wrestled together, and barely tied with the gene man with a strong bulletproof vest!

The narrow space severely restricts the use of weapons. We are at a loss when standing on the bus. Shoot, for fear of hurting our own people, and don't shoot. The security guards will lose if they fight alone!

"Old Butterfly, don't be in a daze, take a taxi!" A loud shout like a bolt from the blue freed me from hesitation!

I followed my reputation and saw a gun with machine armor coming out of the crack on the roof of the opposite armored vehicle. I was holding a heavy machine gun and shooting wildly at the genetic man on the material vehicle, engineering vehicle and command vehicle. The half meter long tongue of fire turned his whole upper body red. At first glance, it was quite morale boosting, A lot of gene people fell off the roof!

"Hit the roof, don't let these bastards jump down!" I shouted to the security soldiers nearby!

The security soldiers in the carriage woke up from their dreams, raised their long guns and short cannons, and fired at the genetic men on the material vehicles and engineering vehicles on both sides!

For a while, the gunfire was loud. Under the guidance of the artillery, we formed a dense fire net over the open space! Gene people on the roof were knocked off the roof one after another. Even if gene people occasionally jumped into the open with bullets, they were beaten into a hornet's nest before landing, and were already dying when they landed on the ground!

I was shooting vigorously when I suddenly saw a flash of white shadow on the opposite armored vehicle, a bone spear was stabbing the shoulder of the gun, and the heavy machine gun of the gun immediately became dumb, which made me cry in my heart!

A moment later, the heavy machine gun in the artillery hand spat out again, which made me feel a little relieved. I guess the artillery should not be seriously injured!

Just a few seconds after the artillery heavy machine gun misfired, another four or five genetic men jumped into the open space between the vehicle bunkers! The advantage that the security guards who had just established hand to hand combat with the Gene Man in the open field immediately disappeared, and there were some faint signs of defeat!

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I simply had to jump out of the car to participate in the scuffle in the open field. At the moment when I lifted my foot, someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder from behind, and I looked back!

"You don't even have a bulletproof vest, what are you trying to do? Let me go!" The stick with the motorcycle helmet came out from nowhere, and there was a military spike in his hand!

I stared at the strange look of the stick. "Stick, can you do it? Don't try to be brave!" In my impression, stick is always a driver who has no driving skills but ordinary fighting skills. It's OK to hide behind the bunker and shoot. I've never seen him do such a desperate job!

The stick looked at me with disdain, pulled down the goggles of the helmet, turned around and held the army spike in his hand and shouted at the security guards who were crowded behind him: "You bastards are all crowded here to die? Just looking at the brothers outside to die? When the brothers outside die, it's our turn to sit and wait for death! It's also a fucking man to kill me!"

"Kill!" The stick yelled and jumped out of the carriage and rushed into the scuffle in the open field!

At the moment when the stick jumped out of the carriage, a roar broke out in the carriage. "Kill!" Seven or eight security soldiers crowded in the carriage also jumped out of the carriage with the stick holding the bayonet!

Although it is only the roar of seven or eight people, in the narrow space of the carriage, it is also shocking and enthusiastic!

"Pay attention to the gene man who blocks the roof!" Seeing the stick and others rush into the scuffle crowd outside the carriage, the situation in the open space became more chaotic for a while, I hurried to call the soldiers at the door to block the gene man on the roof!

I still don't trust the stick. I intend to watch the stick and prepare to help at the critical moment!

The stick is really unambiguous. Jumping into the battle group, I saw a genetic man holding a security guard and pressing him to the ground! Without saying a word, the stick rushed directly, put its left arm around the genetic man's neck from behind, and raised the military spike in its right hand to stab the genetic man's chest!

The genetic man felt pain, and when he released the security guard in front of him, he wanted to reach for the stick, but the soldier in front of him held his hands tightly and couldn't pull them back for a while! The stick took the opportunity to put the military spike on the soft rib next to the gene person's shoulder blade, and suddenly lifted up, pressing the whole body's weight on the military spike. Suddenly, the whole military spike was stabbed into the gene person's body, and then with a sudden blow, a stream of hot blood immediately splashed out along the blood letting slot of the military spike!

By the time the stick pulled out the army spike, the gene man was already limp. The stick turned over the gene man, pulled up the security guards who were still lying on the ground, and then rushed to another gene man not far away!

The action of the stick is fast and cruel. I'm really stunned!

When I was staring at the stick, I suddenly heard the artillery shouting to me, "Old Butterfly, help me!" I looked up and saw a genetic person squatting behind the gun, strangling the neck of the gun with the same posture as the stick just now!

"Shoot him, shoot him!" The artillery shouted at me.

I was busy raising the gun, but the Gene Man kept shaking when wrestling with the artillery. I couldn't aim at it at all, so I couldn't shoot at it!

When I hesitated to raise the gun, I suddenly remembered the old gun barrel behind me. The old gun barrel was a shotgun. As long as I shot in the general direction, I would definitely hit the gene person, and the shotgun iron sand was far less powerful than Browning's bullets. Even if it could hit the gun, the gun should not be injured by the defense ability of the combat mecha!

I quickly threw away Browning, took the old gun barrel from behind, yanked the skid on the barrel, loaded the bullet, and raised the gun to aim at the gun and Gene Man!

"Artillery~~" I yelled at the artillery, hoping that the artillery could be prepared!

When the artillery heard my voice, it backhanded the Genentech's chin and pushed the Genentech's head up with all its strength!

I took the opportunity to raise the muzzle a little and pull the trigger! Bang ~

Most of the iron sand is hit on the face of the genetic person, and a small amount is also hit on the helmet of the gun. Fortunately, as I imagined, it did not actually cause damage to the gun!

The gene man who was hit by a large amount of iron sand immediately covered his face and screamed, and the artillery unequivocally grabbed the gene man's neck with one hand and slammed the gene man's head against the roof of the armored vehicle with the other hand!

After smashing seven or eight times on the roof of the car, the Gene Man was already in a trance. Then the artillery put his hands around the Gene Man's neck and chin and suddenly twisted in the opposite direction. The head of the gene person was twisted to one side in an unnatural position, and the body soon became soft!

The artillery took advantage of the situation and piled the corpse of the genetic man beside him to block the spear and stone for himself, and then lifted the heavy machine gun to continue shooting!

------Dream dividing line----

This chapter was published earlier today. Try to publish another chapter in the evening, hehe!

I love red tickets, collecting, and writing books,

Seeking comments, support and opinions,

This is me, a carefree storyteller!