Chapter 21 Withdraw from the Battle

  • Mecha mercenary
  • Memories of spirit are like carefree
  • 3716 words
  • 2020-09-13 09:35:30

After the staff shouted, I also noticed that the Velociraptor and the Big Beetle, who had been colluding with us before and after, seemed to enter a confrontation after the security guard retreated!

Our position happened to be between the Velociraptor and the beetle. Although there were contacts between them, the spearheads were directed at us, and there was not much conflict between them!

With the retreat of the security guard, the raptor and the beetle finally clashed head-on in a large area, but soon the raptor had the absolute advantage!

In the face of big beetles that are too much smaller than themselves, Velociraptor didn't pay attention to them at all. Instead, it just stood in the flood of insects and bit each other, devouring the meat of the beetles and letting the big beetles bite its two sturdy hind legs!

Facing the new enemy, the big beetle was also very aware of the current affairs and threw us aside. It piled up and rushed at the Raptor, and clamped the Raptor with two big tongs. However, this did not seem to have much impact on the rough skinned and fleshy Raptor!

In this way, the battle situation has changed from the previous Velociraptor and the big beetle attacking us together to a three-way battle. Although most Velociraptors fought with the big beetle, there are still stubborn Velociraptors and big beetles chasing us!

When I watched the beetle fight against the Velociraptor, a slightly smaller Velociraptor stole around the back of the command car and jumped onto the top of the car!

Since my gun position is close to the rear of the car, the Velociraptor stood beside me after jumping onto the roof. I can even see the drool from its mouth dripping on the outer wall of my gunner's cabin!

In the face of the sudden attack of Velociraptor, I didn't come back to my senses for a moment, so I looked at the Velociraptor with determination! But the Raptor attacked me at the first time - opened his mouth towards the gunner's cabin and bit it off. I just instinctively held my head to the other side of the gunner's cabin, closed my eyes and prayed secretly!

With a loud noise, the sharp teeth of the Velociraptor's mouth have hit the transparent gunner's cabin. Fortunately, the gunner's cabin is strong enough, but the sharp teeth of the Velociraptor have scratched several shallow marks! When I was in the gunner's cabin secretly congratulating myself, the Velociraptor was already furious, biting and gnawing at the gunner's cabin one by one, but still left several shallow marks on the outer wall of the gunner's cabin!

"Old Phalae, bombard him!" The artillery on the other side saw my situation very clearly, and gave me advice immediately!

I just woke up, trying to aim the muzzle at the Raptor!

The movement of the gun barrel also attracted the attention of the Velociraptor, who immediately abandoned the gunner's cabin in front of him and bit the gun barrel!

The power of the Velociraptor is so great that I can't move the gun barrel again even if I have enough strength! The idea of firing a gun to repel the Raptors suddenly came into my mind, but I immediately rejected it! If the Velociraptor has bitten the barrel out of shape and fired it rashly, it may cause the chamber to burst. I would have killed myself. Although it is less likely, I dare not take my own life to try!

Just when my mind was confused and I couldn't think of a solution, the artillery shouted in the walkie talkie: "Shake the stick! Don't move, Old Butterfly!"

As soon as the artillery voice fell, the stick started the command car and ran forward with full power, then suddenly brake!

With the sudden start and stop of the command car, the raptor on the roof was shaken out of balance, so I had to reluctantly loosen my gun barrel and scream to keep balance! Just then, the artillery fired!

With a dull sound, the shell hit the neck of the swift and violent dragon accurately. The powerful impact cut off the head of the swift and violent dragon like a chopper, and the blood gushed out of the wound more than one meter high and scattered on my gunner's cabin. The Velociraptor, who had just chewed and smashed the gunner's cabin, now only half of its body was left. Half a second later, the only half of its body slowly fell from the roof to the ground!

Because the artillery didn't even greet me when things happened suddenly, I was caught unprepared by everything in front of me. I can't imagine where the artillery came from with such confidence. I raised my hand to fight. You should know that the artillery shells almost grazed my gun position. If the deviation is a little bit, I am not the Velociraptor but I am left!

I stared at the bloody water falling from the gunner's cabin in a daze. After a while, I came back to my senses and said softly to the walkie talkie: "Gun, let me know in advance if you have this kind of thing next time! Let me have some psychological preparation!"

Perhaps it was the precision of the artillery that shocked us. The other raptors around us stopped their attacks. The chief of the department also ordered to stop firing in time, and instructed all vehicles to slowly retreat, so as not to stimulate the raptors any more!

The Velociraptor seems to have accepted our cease-fire agreement, just watching us carefully, without launching an attack. After we retreated a distance of 50 meters, the remaining Velociraptor finally left us and rushed to the big beetle in the mushroom forest!

On the one hand is delicious food, on the other hand is life and death. Everyone knows how to choose, and animals are no exception, because the most basic and lowest demand of all creatures in the universe is to live!

We turned around and left quickly when we were sure that the raptors had been thoroughly immersed in the delicious feast!

Later, according to Dr. Hockey's estimation, this attack of Velociraptor should not be directed against us, and their target should be the big beetle. It was only because we appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time and were mistakenly recognized by Velociraptors as predators and launched the attack! Our retreat was regarded by the Velociraptors as a sign of showing weakness and giving up food, so they no longer pursued us. As for the dozen Velociraptors that were killed by us, they were only regarded by the Velociraptors as the price paid for fighting for food, which is a natural thing in nature!

We returned along the original road and found other vehicles waiting for us nearly three kilometers away from the mushroom forest! After some research, we decided to repair on the spot and continue our journey tomorrow!

Because a lot of cars were damaged in this attack, especially the No. 4 car of the security guard was seriously deformed and had to be repaired urgently!

For the sake of safety, the purser ordered the engineering vehicles to open a circular space with a radius of more than 50 meters on the spot. All combat vehicles were surrounded in a circle to closely monitor the wind and grass in the jungle, while the engineering vehicles, material vehicles and medical vehicles were surrounded for protection!

Because of the commander's calm command in this attack, everyone in the motorcade began to acquiesce to the commander's leadership. After all, a good leader can give you hope in a dangerous situation. Dr. Hodge, who only wanted to find the test article, did not care about it, but was happy to be relaxed!

After a day of travelling, all the people in the team rushed into their cars after dinner and fell asleep, leaving only sentries on sentry duty and engineers who repaired vehicles overnight!

We have been driving all day because of the stick, so we don't need to be on duty at night. Naturally, Dr. Hawkey won't get up at midnight to stand guard! There are only four people left, namely me, artillery, the Chief Controller and Acai. According to the Chief Controller's instructions, we are on duty for two and a half hours each! As a girl, A Cai was assigned to the last post in the morning by the superintendent, and the artillery was the first post. I was the second post, and the third post in the morning was left to the superintendent! This touched me a little. You know, in the army, the hardest sentry in the early morning is always a new soldier!

Maybe it was because I was too tired during the day. I should have taken over the artillery at 11:00 at night, but I didn't wake up until more than 12:00, and the artillery didn't wake me up!

When I got up, I found that the artillery was still carefully observing a dozen screens, large and small, in front of me, and watching the wind and grass around the motorcade through the screen!

"I was too tired during the day. I slept to death. Why didn't you ask me to get up?" I asked apologetically.

"Nothing, I guess you are tired, so I didn't call you! I want you to sleep more!" The artillery answered carelessly!

"Go to bed quickly! I'm fine, I can stand it!" I had to admit that I was a little touched by the righteousness of artillery!

"Don't prop up, be sure to keep your spirits up, I will wait for you to save me if something happens tomorrow!" The artillery smiled innocently, without any joke!

"No, I'm not as accurate as you. I'll thank God if I don't bombard you!" I waved again and again!

"If one day I have the situation you have today, you must not be soft hearted! Just shoot!" The artillery looked sincere!

"I dare not, I can't trust myself!" I hit haha!

"I can believe it. If I can't even believe it, how can I go through life and death together in the future?" The artillery said that he would lie down and sleep in his clothes!

There was no joke in the words of artillery, which made me feel pressured and moved. I haven't been in contact with comrades in arms before. After all, we are also soldiers! But compared with those people, these people are brothers who have gone to the battlefield and fought against enemies. This trust and affection is much more valuable than what they said when they were soldiers.

Shortly after the artillery lay down, the purser got up and wanted to change shifts with me. The reason was just to take care of the newcomers! This makes me both moved and ashamed. Although I think of myself as a soldier and an iron man outside, I am just a novice with mediocre ability in the eyes of the Chief Controller. Even when I stand guard, I have to be taken care of!

I secretly determined that I should become a real man as soon as possible, at least not inferior to the Chief Executive and others, and not be looked down upon by them again!

Faced with the constant persuasion of the Chief Controller, I insisted on guarding my own post. The Chief Controller had no choice but to sit down and chat with me!

"Chief, my performance during the day is not old and humiliating?" I asked the chief cheekily!

The chief purser didn't even look at me. "It's OK, but sometimes it's easy to hesitate, and the response is slightly poor. The most important thing is the lack of practical experience! However, it's good among newcomers!" The chief purser did not forget to give a symbolic compliment at the end!

"Ah, that's it! Ah~" I feel lost!

Seeing that I was depressed, the chief purser patted me on the shoulder, "Don't be discouraged. You can shoot accurately, and communicate with artillery more in the future. In addition, act decisively in the future, and the opportunities on the battlefield will be fleeting!" After a pause, the chief purser continued, "and then, at the critical moment, the mind must be clear, don't be confused, don't be impatient, don't hesitate when it's time to fight! We have to live a life by licking our blood. We must be ready to deal with emergencies at any time. If you can't cope with the emergency, or you are afraid of death and delay the fight, you will be unlucky not only for yourself but also for your companions! "

"Hmm!" I nodded!

The chief purser looked at the sleeping artillery and others and said slowly, "Remember, the most valuable thing in our business is life, the life of our companions is more valuable than our own, and the most reliable ones are those who dare to entrust their lives to you!"

I also followed the purser's eyes and looked at the artillery and others!

Just as I was looking at the Chief Executive affectionately, Ah Cai suddenly laughed two times in his sleep. Perhaps influenced by Ah Cai's bad smile, the stick in his sleep muttered a few bad words about Ah Cai, turned around and kicked the smelly foot on the face of the gun. After a few seconds, I obviously saw the expression on the face of the gun began to twist, and even the hands and feet struggled. I can imagine how powerful the stick is!

In such an affectionate atmosphere, I was surprised to see such a strange and funny scene, which made me and the Chief Controller crazy!

After endless entanglement, I have more responsibility for my lovely companions, who are in a mess!

============Infinite division line======

At the time of signing the contract, T.T. cried for advice, even criticism? Here, I would like to thank the fallen master of Huashan's book for his insightful criticism and suggestions!

Finally, ask for more votes, more collections, more support and more replies!