Chapter 516 The Plan of Big Snake Pill

When Big Snake Pill was still in Muye, it was recognized as the most talented ninja among the three tolerance. Even in the whole history of Muye, it was also the best.

However, after "reincarnation without corpse", his mental strength was greatly weakened, and he was defeated in Yuzhi Boqi's magic, and even lost to Yuzhi Bozosuke three years later.

The strength shown in the fight between Lailai and Six Lane Penn undoubtedly exceeded that of Big Snake Pill, but he didn't know it yet.

Of course, colored glaze can't deny that the talent of the Big Snake Pill is really amazing, and its development of art can even be comparable to that of the second generation of Huoying. On the road of immortality and immortality, he has been on the way

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