Chapter 37 Meet Ghost Shark Again

Cangjing colored glaze and Pine Moon Maple spent a day in this dense forest. During this period, they did not encounter any other ninjas thanks to the contribution of Pine Moon Maple's divine happiness.

Several times, Matsumoto Maple was able to sense that there were ninjas nearby, and they should be fog hidden ninjas, but Cangjing colored glaze hesitated for a while, so Matsumoto Maple did not contact them.

The trace of ice escape must be eliminated

Besides, I have to think about how to make up about Zhan Ye Cang

"Everything is really troublesome!" Cangjing colored glaze complained to Song Yuefeng, and then reminded the other party to try not to expose the mind of Shenle.

The next day, the two returned to the Fog Hidden camp. The temporary camp was no longer there, but with the wide range perception of Pine Moon Maple, they soon found a place where Chakra gathered.

And it is speculated that there are still many people!

As soon as they got close, they were found by the Ninja who was on the alert in the dark.

"Who?" It was far away from there. Two Fog Hidden Ninjas came quickly, looking like new faces. The other side saw Cangjing colored glaze and Pine Moon Maple's forehead protection. Although they were slightly relaxed, they had not completely let down their vigilance.

Ninjutsu, but it's impossible to defend

"We are members of the 27th team. We met the burning dun ninja halfway, and the other two have died in battle..." Cang Jing Liuli said the situation briefly.

The other looked at them in surprise.

One ninja turned back, and the other said apologetically, "I'm sorry, you two, you must confirm your identity before you can come back."

"No problem." Cangjing colored glaze expressed understanding.

Cangjing Colored Glaze and Songyuefeng stood there bored, looking at the camp in the distance, that is, some tents and other things. There was no trench, fortress and other messy things Cangjing Colored Glaze imagined, but they were very close to the water source. I wonder if they would feel wet

Soon, the ninja who had returned earlier confirmed their identities and indicated that they could enter.

"I didn't expect that the village started a war in such a big way." Cangjing colored glaze looked around in the camp, and there were many ninjas, estimated to be two or three hundred people.

Plus those who "play" outside and brush their achievements, there should be 500 people!

"Eh?" Cangjing Liuli found a familiar face. Although the shark face with cheeks looked very ugly, it was more friendly among a group of strangers

"Hi, Guishan!"

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark sat alone in a corner, as if he was wandering too far.

When someone called him suddenly, Ganshi Guishan was obviously a little confused. Generally speaking, unless the task is necessary, few people would take the initiative to greet him. Although most people know the reputation of "Weird Man of Fog Hidden Village", it is not very good

Turning around, two little girls stood in front of him. The one with black hair was smiling at him.

"It's you, Miss Feathercoat." Gui Shan seemed to feel a little better in his depressed mood.

"Are you alone here thinking about how to harm the beautiful sister in the medical department?" Cangjing colored glaze asked.

Pine Moon Maple on one side was speechless, and dry persimmon ghost shark was more unstable

"The lady in feather clothes was joking..." The dried persimmon ghost shark said with a dry smile.

"Are you joking? I think you are right... Is there a beautiful sister from the intelligence department asking you to have dinner?" Cangjing Liuli continued to laugh, but at this time she could not help being nervous

As far as we know in previous lives, the first scene of the memory of dry persimmon ghost shark who was invaded by Muye, especially the city green leaf, before his death was to kill six people in the intelligence department, and the most profound one was the woman who secretly loved ghost shark; The second act is to kill the river dolphin ghost in watermelon mountain and take away the shark muscle, one of the seven knives

It can be judged from the different costumes of Ganshi Guishan in the two scenes that these two things did not happen at the same time. The killing of Xiguashan river dolphin ghost should be about the same time as Yuzhi Boji's rebellion, while the scene of killing his companion should be very early

Will it be as early as the Third World War of Tolerance, and will it be a tragedy now? The smile on Cangjing Liuli's face remained unchanged, but his eyes were fixed on each other's face!

Is there shock, anger, shame or numbness on the face of Ganshi Guishan?

However, the last thing I saw was not

The other person's face is just a helpless smile, and seems to have a trace of self mockery, "How can someone ask me to eat......"

Cang Jing's glass was relieved. According to Cang Jing's glass, what the green leaves of the mountain city could see should be the thing that impressed Gan Shi Gui Shan the most. The reason why killing the six intelligence department companions made Gan Shi Gui Shan the most impressive was that in addition to the beautiful woman, she should

It was probably the first time that Ganshi Guishan killed his partner!

In other words, Ganshi Guishan has never done such a thing as betraying his teammates for the sake of the village!

The smile of Cangjing colored glaze is more sweet, but actually it is cute

"I will invite you to have dinner after this battle, and I will treat you!" As soon as Cang Jing's words of colored glaze came out, he immediately regretted

"Why do I say that? Eating costs a lot of money, and..."

"I even set up the death flag?" Cangjing colored glaze wanted to cry

Song Yuefeng felt the change of mood of Cangjing colored glaze, and I was confused

"Is this what adults often say, the girl comes? Well, which one is that?" Song Yuefeng was more confused.

At that moment, a ninja went to Cangjing Liuli and Songyuefeng, "Two, Captain Chi Gao, please come over."

Cang Jing colored glaze had to suppress the depressed mood of the disorderly talk just now, "Chi Gao? Looking for me and Feng, it can only be related to Ye Cang..."

She said to Shijiesha, "Well, I'll have to wait until I come back."

The dried persimmon ghost shark waved his hand and smiled, "It's a great honor."

If you were in a busy place, but no one paid attention to you, and everyone avoided you and hated you, would you be grateful if someone talked to you without caring?

The dry persimmon ghost shark silently looked at the direction of Cangjing colored glaze, his small eyes twinkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Have dinner?"

As expected, Chi Gao was the man with scar face. The question was also about Ye Cang. He asked in detail how to encounter and escape. It seemed that other ninjas had found the bodies of Shitian Yucun and Yida. So when Cang Jing and Song Yuefeng said the prepared response words with mixed truth and falsehood, they also passed.

Then the blood relay limit will not be exposed at least now

Later, Cangjing Glaze came out and found Ganshi Ghost Shark. They were very familiar with each other, and under the influence of Cangjing Glaze, Pine Moon Maple was not confined to the initial impression of the Fog Hidden Stranger, but also greatly improved.

The two talked about their experiences since the separation of Level B tasks.

The dry persimmon ghost shark then took on several tasks and successfully completed them, which made Cangjing colored glaze sigh that he was indeed the loyal defender of the village

However, the village's attitude towards him was too chilling, which finally made the dried persimmon ghost shark not believe in the world, and he rebelled and became a villain

This is also the consequence of the blood fog policy of the Fog Hidden Village

"I heard that you are working under the hand of the watermelon head puffer fish ghost?" Cangjing Liuli looked around and asked secretly.

"It's the watermelon mountain river dolphin ghost..." The dried persimmon ghost shark's mouth twitched.

"Almost. Do you think the watermelon head looks like a fat pig?" Cang Jing Liuli continued to ask. She didn't like the collaborator.

"Don't be disrespectful to him. Watermelon Mountain is one of the most tolerant people!" Shijiesha was helpless.

