Chapter 84 Difficult to Survive (First)

  • Yu Feng Ci
  • Step slowly
  • 1268 characters
  • 2020-10-23 23:51:19

The ethereal peak? Never heard of the name, should be very far away.

So we really left for four months.

Misty Mountain

It is an evergreen mountain.

It may be impossible to imagine the meaning of the so-called mountains, because no one can imagine what kind of mountains and waters can be called grand without facing them personally. Only then did I realize that a person is so small in the sea.

There are many nameless flowers, plants and vines everywhere, and there are always several life size female history statues in the green cluster. They are either happy or surprised, or frowned or angry, even though there is no repetition of similar clothes and headwear. Although carved from stone

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