Chapter 80 White Dew Is Frost (First)

  • Yu Feng Ci
  • Step slowly
  • 1477 words
  • 2020-10-23 23:51:19

The figure of the woman who claimed to be Flying Snow was erratic, and she walked like a ghost. When she reached the outskirts of the city, she was completely lost.

Under the wind and dark moon is the cold back of Qin Zhan, and Gu Zi, the long sword in his hand, has a long cool glow. The sound of strong wind and grass, the sound of wind grinding sand and stone, and the bone chilling air.

He suddenly remembered the night he was sent to the mass grave. The woman walked through here alone. Facing the darkness in front of her, she resolutely took every step. Until entering the mass graves, where there was only corruption and death, facing the remains of solitary graves everywhere, facing the glittering green fire, and the smell of death, what was her mood? So

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