Chapter 64 Cloud Pattern (Next)

  • Yu Feng Ci
  • Step slowly
  • 1967 words
  • 2020-10-23 23:51:19

"It's just a matter of life... Daughters only mean to disobey their father." Although it means disobeying others, it's easier to talk to the father who is "dear" at any rate.

"You......" Master Yang was really surprised.

Yang Yunu knelt on the spot and did not dare to get up or raise his head.

"Good, good! Dare, don't be sloppy, this is my good niece!" Yang Yunu was surprised by the old man's praise behind him.

"Alas," Master Yang sighed, "Yu'er, my father thought you didn't like this marriage. I knew you were worried about Yang Zhao, and just now you wouldn't stop it."


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