Chapter 52 Your Majesty

"Eight emperors and concubines, twenty-seven Zong Ji, near branch Zong Ji, 372 clan Ji, noble relatives, and more than 400 women?"

Han Qing's lack of insight led Li Hui to mistakenly think that Han Qing was dissatisfied. He immediately added: "With the king's dignity today, it must be inappropriate for the royal family to send such a small number of women to the king. The lower officials will discuss with the empress dowager and ask the royal family to send another 3000 palace girls, picking girls and singing girls."

"Wow, it's not four or five hundred, it's three or four thousand? That's too big, isn't it?" Han Qing thought quietly.

Seeing that Han Qing didn't speak, Li Hui thought that Han Qing was not satisfied, so he gently advised: "Although the royal daughters and the daughters of the royal relatives must all belong to the king, now whether... whether to pay less first, or it may make the world feel that the king is a little worried."

"Er... is it all mine?" Han Qing said in surprise.

Li Hui took it for granted: "Of course, all of them belong to the king."

"If the royal daughter and the daughter of the royal relatives are allowed to marry freely, the royal family will certainly marry in the powerful family, and will soon be revived, which will be difficult to control, and will make the king and those powerful families who marry with the royal family gap, which is not conducive to the unification of the king..."

After Li Hui's analysis, Han Qingcai reflected that the royal daughter and the daughter of the royal relatives should not be allowed to marry freely, otherwise, it would be troublesome to let Zhao Chen grow up by marriage.

According to the list given to Han Qing by Kaifeng Prefecture, Yanfu Palace currently has:

There were 83 concubines, 24 princesses, 22 emperors and princesses;

Ninety eight royal concubines, twenty-eight royal concubines, fifty-two Zongji, seventy-eight royal daughters, one hundred ninety-five near Zongji, and one thousand two hundred forty-one clan concubines;

There were 479 palace maids, 604 female collectors, and 2091 patriarchal women;

There were 207 clan women and 1314 singing girls;

There are 3319 women of noble and noble families, officials and civilians.

The total number of women above is 11635.

At least half of these 11635 people have close relations with the Zhao family.

If these five or six thousand women related to the Zhao family were allowed to marry casually, the Zhao family would surely revive.

At that time, Han Qing wanted to control Zhao again, but he was afraid it would be difficult.

Han Qing said, "What Zhaodu (the character of Li Hui) said is reasonable."

Li Huixin said, "You old man said, 'Don't worry about your wife

Han Qing said again, "Hmm... Is that so?"

Li Hui immediately said, "Why not? Since ancient times, there have been three thousand emperors, three thousand beautiful women in the harem, and three thousand people dote on each other."

Li Hui also said, "If others don't tell me, the emperor's harem has no fewer than ten thousand people."

Han Qing really knows this.

In the heyday of Zhao Ji's harem, there were really 10000 or 20000 beautiful women.

Later, after Zhao Huan ascended the throne, more than 10000 beautiful women were released from the palace, and there were still thousands of beautiful women in Zhao Ji.

Li Hui went on to say: "Most ministers think that the king should accept all the daughters of the Zhao family to show his respect and avoid civil unrest. Some ministers also think that the king should hold a wedding ceremony to show the world and stabilize the army and the people."

"Big deal?" Han Qing thought.


Not long ago, Fan Zhixu led the so-called 200000 (in fact, 100000) Western Army of the Sixth Shaanxi Route out of Wuguan, crossed the Yellow River, then moved eastward, later moved in Mianchi area, and finally settled in Qianqiu Town.

During the period of garrisoning in Qianqiu Town, Fan Zhixu had heard that Bianliang City was attacked by the Jin people, and 100000 troops of the Jin people garrisoned in Tokyo.

Fan Zhixu thought that since Bianliang City had been conquered by the Jin people, there was no need to hurry to serve the king.

Fan Zhixu also judged that it must take some time for the Jin people to transfer a large army from Tokyo to fight.

Therefore, Fan Zhixu did not rush to deal with it.

Fan Zhixu was a scholar in the third year of Yuanyou, the Song Zhezong, and an old minister in the first three dynasties.

In March last year, Fan Zhixu was appointed to take over from Ren Lang as the prefect of Jingzhao Prefecture and dispose of Shaanxi troops.

Later, Zhao Huan appointed Fan Zhixu as Shaanxi Xuanfu Envoy and Shaanxi Five Road Economic and Strategic Envoy.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the Great Song Dynasty set up five roads at the junction of Shaanxi and Xixia, namely five war zones, namely Xihe Road, Qinfeng Road, Jingyuan Road, Huanqing Road, and Lianyan Road, which are called the five roads along the border.

Add Yongxing Military Road.

It is collectively called the Sixth Shaanxi Road, or the Sixth Western Army.

Each road has a management and comfort department, which is in charge of the military and political power of the road. The head is called a manager, commonly known as a marshal.

This kind of setup is mainly to deal with Xixia militarily.

In case of war with the Western Xia Dynasty, the Grand Song Dynasty would send ministers to serve as Shaanxi Xuanfu envoys or Shaanxi Zhizhi envoys to command the Six Route Western Army of Shaanxi.

Appointed by Zhao Huan, Fan Zhixu is both a strategic envoy of Yongxing Army and a Xuanfu envoy of Shaanxi.

In principle, Fan Zhixu had no right to mobilize the Sixth Western Army of Shaanxi.

However, after Fan Zhixu's letter of proclamation was issued at the beginning, only Huanqing Jinglue and Xihe Jinglue, Wang Yi, led the troops to come to the meeting. Xi Gong, Qin Feng Jinglue, Zhao Dian and Zhang Shen, respectively, did not come to the meeting.

Sun Zhaoyuan, who succeeded Wang Xiang as the head of Xidao, was very angry and wrote 28 letters criticizing Zhao Dian and Zhang Shen.

Zhang Shen then led the troops to come to the round, and Zhao Dian also sent the general Li An to lead the troops to the rescue. Zhou Lianghan, a professor of Qinzhou Prefectural Studies, once met Zhao Dian and advised him to lead the troops in person because the capital was in danger, but Zhao Dian refused to listen. However, Jing Yuan's strategic envoy Xi Gong did not come because he was defending Xixia.

Fan Zhixu joined up with six soldiers and horses, and tried to recruit some men and horses. Finally, he got more than 100000 soldiers, known as 200000 foot riders. Then he learned that Ma Changyou of Xining Prefecture was under the control of the right martial arts doctor Cheng Zhou's regimental training envoy.

Fan Zhixu was absolutely loyal to Zhao Song. When the Jin people learned that the Western army was coming to serve the Queen, they sent Xiuwu Lang Bao and Hemen Xuanzang Buddhist nun Dong to stop Fan Zhixu from leading troops to serve the King with Zhao Huan's imperial pen. Fan Zhixu understood his intention and immediately ordered them to be killed.

Finally, Fan Zhixu took the "200000" Western Army to Henan, ready to wait for an opportunity to fight with the Jin Army to save Zhao and Song.

When Yin Gaoshiyou, the fake Henan appointed by the Jin people, learned of this, he repeatedly complained to Yan Zonghan and informed Wan Yan Lou's room that he had arrived in Yiyang.

It never occurred to anyone that Wanyan Lou's room, with only 3000 cavalry, suddenly rushed to Qianqiu Town from Yiyang.

When the two armies fought, it never occurred to Wanyan Lou Shi that Fan Zhixu and others would be so bold and unprepared for battle.

As a result, the "200000" carrying the last hope of the Song Dynasty, the strongest regiment of the Song Dynasty, Shaanxi Six Road West Army, was so vulnerable that it was defeated by three thousand golden cavalries and collapsed.

The routed army abandoned its baggage and fled west. Nearly half of the casualties were killed and wounded. Only Zhang Shen, the commander of Carnival Yan, and Liu Guangshi, the soldiers and horses led by Liu Guangshi, were not defeated because of Liu Guangshi's quick reaction. They turned to Ruzhou and went to Songzhou (Song Nanjing) on the way to Beijing East.

At this time, Sun Zhaoyuan, the general manager of the Western Road, Wang Simi, the Economic Envoy of Huanqing, and Wang Yi, the Economic Envoy of Xihe all stayed in Shaanxi.

Fan Zhixu cried a lot and almost cut his throat.

Stop crying. Fan Zhixu, who has no food, grass and supplies, can only pack up the remaining soldiers and horses and return to Tongguan to join Sun Zhaoyuan, Wang Xu and Wang Yi
