Chapter 44 Long live the Grand Governor

After taking over the military administration of Bianliang City, Han Qing naturally had to send someone to check the warehouse and count his assets.

There are too many things in the internal storeroom. The Jin people can move valuable and useful things, such as silk, porcelain and weapons.

This led to the fact that there were still many heavy and space occupying things in the internal repository that were not removed by the Jin people, such as refined iron, such as arrow lag, feathers and other things that made arrows.

After Han Qing came to power, he immediately sent someone to take out all these things, ordered the craftsmen to start forging weapons, and counted the inventory in the internal repository.

In fact, the Ministry of Household is responsible for the statistics, that is, Mei Zhili should be responsible for it. But because the Ministry of Household is understaffed, Han Qing is mainly worried that Mei Zhili will turn to Zhao Song and won't collect treasures for himself, so he asks Xu Bingzhe to help Mei Zhili.

Xu Bingzhe knew that he followed Han Qing's order, and when sorting out the internal repository according to the records in the books of the internal Yuanfeng Library and Daguan Library, he followed his steps to seal up all the treasures in the internal repositories without leaving any. Then he captured Zhao Ji's internal chamberlain and others and brought them to Han Qing.

Wang still waited for his attendants to know that the weather was changing now. Han Qing was the most important person in the city and had the right to kill or live.

In order to please Han Qing, Wang still waited for his attendants to report to Han Qing that Zhao Ji had many treasures in Longde and Ningde palaces.

Han Qing then ordered Xu Bingzhe to take people to seal those treasures.

Before long, Xu Bingzhe brought back a long list to Han Qing.

The list is full of treasures and curiosities collected by Zhao Ji.

Mainly, gold and silver products (each weighing hundreds of thousands of jin), the West Sea Night Pearl, various gems and jadeware, as well as other corals, agates, colored glaze, rhinoceros, tortoise shell, dragon brain, and ivory, which belong to thousands of jin each.

Han Qing did not expect that Zhao Ji could still hold so many treasures when Zhao Huan scraped three feet to find gold and silver treasures to pay for war reparations!

Han Qing thought, "If Zhao Ji brings all these treasures out to recruit soldiers and encourage soldiers, maybe Bianliang City will not be broken by the Jin people, will it?"

With a big wave of his hand, Han Qing melted all Zhao Ji's gold and silver wares into medals to reward those who had done meritorious deeds. Other treasures were secretly stored in his private treasury, which would be used as rewards to win people's hearts in the future.

The reward for meritorious soldiers was soon issued.

Wearing the epaulet representing the rank of martial arts and touching the heavy gold and silver medal, the soldiers are enthusiastic and have great strength to fight against the Golden Man.

In order to stabilize the army, Han Qing even moved his Dadu Mansion to a place only ten miles away from the southeast city wall, and moved Fen's headquarters here.

This made the soldiers on the front more confident to defeat the Jinren and win the final victory of the war.

Han Qing did not slack off on the northwest because the southeast direction was the main direction of the Jinren attack.

On the contrary, Han Qing will personally go to the northwest to see the deployment of Zhang Shuye and Wang Qiong every day, and then transfer the officers and men from the northwest to the southeast in turn to participate in defense, so that all officers and men have the opportunity to fight, so as to avoid being caught off guard by the Jin army because they have no practical experience.

Han Qing's action proved to be right later.

A few days later, the Jin army suddenly launched an attack in the southeast and northwest of the city at the same time.

They first bombarded the city walls with artillery, many of which were destroyed.

However, the Song army and militia in the city were very tenacious. They organized forces in time and soon repaired the buildings.

At the southeast Tongjin Gate, the Jin army mounted a big wheel on the ladder, wrapped it with leather, and pushed it to the bottom of the city to attempt to climb the city.

The officers and men of the Song army pushed them away with hooks and poles, making them unable to move forward.

If the ladder is close to it, hook it with a hook and rope, and set fire to the ladder.

The Jin army attacked several times and was repulsed several times.

At the Shanli Gate in the northwest, the Jin army attacked the city with goose carts, caves and other equipment.

Zhang Shuye and Wang Qiong went to the front line to command the soldiers and soldiers, and used the conscience less gun, bed crossbow and nine bull crossbow to fire intensively.

Although the target of the Heartless Gun is not good, it is powerful. People who are attacked by it often have no injuries but bleed from their seven orifices. The key is that the explosion sound of the Heartless Gun is very frightening. As long as the horses hear the explosion sound, they will run around, ignoring the control of the riders. At the beginning, the Fen Army recaptured the outer city of Bianliang so easily, following the thunder, Heartless Gun It has a lot to do with the fact that the explosive package can frighten Jin's horses.

The arrows from the bed crossbow and the nine bull crossbow were not only very far away, but also very powerful. One arrow pierced three or four Jinren people, which shocked Jinren people.

In addition, the fortifications of the city heights on both sides of the northwest are good, and the plan of the Jin people to deflect the enemy did not work at all.

Of course, not everything goes well with Han Qing.

One day, Han Qing personally went to Ansu Gate for inspection, and then went to Chaoyang Gate for inspection.


The Jinren shot a cold arrow from the lookout and flew over Han Qing two steps away from his side.

Immediately, hundreds of golden soldiers yelled out outside the city and made rude remarks.

Han Qing's bodyguards asked him to fight in the city.

Approved by Han Qing.

Zhao Quan personally led his guards to let down the city, fought fiercely with Jin Bing, killed dozens of enemies, and then let up the city.

However, two loyal guards did not go to the city in time and were bitten by the golden cavalry who came later.

Seeing this, they jumped into the enemy group and continued to fight.

Han Qing can only watch them being hacked to death by the golden soldiers.

It's not that Han Qing doesn't save them. It's that in the field, infantry can't win against cavalry.

Han Qing immediately ordered that the two bodyguards who died in the war should be pursued as bodyguard doctors and first class martyrs, and that each of them should have a son as their adopted son.

It is also a coincidence that on that day, when Han Qing inspected the West Wall, he suddenly found that Zhao Zifang had built his own sitting place as luxurious as a sleeping hall.

When Han Qing asked about it, he realized that although Zhao Zifang stuck to the city wall every day, he drank and cooked tea with his aides in his "bedchamber" every day, or played the piano or laughed, and was drunk from time to time.

Han Qing calls Wang Qiong to ask, but Wang Qiong even knows about it, even Zhang Shuye knows about it.

However, because Zhao Zifang is one of the few children of the imperial family in the city, and because of the response to Mei Zhili's call to spend all his family wealth and food to recruit many armour guards, Zhang Shuye and Wang Qiong turned a blind eye to Zhao Zifang.

Han Qing was so angry that he not only pushed Zhao Zifang to the end and made him start from a junior Wei Yong, but also pushed Zhang Shuye and Wang Qiong's defense envoys on the north wall and the west wall to replace them temporarily.

The key is that it was sleet in the sky that night. Han Qing actually stood in the rain and snow with the soldiers on the wall, without any intention of descending the wall.

The Jinren came from a place of bitter cold. They are not afraid of wind and snow and cold.

Therefore, seeing the rain and snow, the Jinren launched their strongest attack since they attacked the city.

Their arrows shot like rain into the wall, like hedgehog hair.

They also bombarded the city wall with cannons, and the cannon stone as big as a millstone fell on the city from time to time, and a large number of buildings were destroyed.

For a while, the city wall was extremely dangerous.

Zhang Shuye, Wang Qiong and others desperately begged Han Qing to go down the city wall to hide.

But Han Qing stood still in the sleet with his sword, even if arrows and cannon stones fell on his side.

Han Qing ordered Zhang Shuye, Wang Qiong and others to perform their respective duties. If anyone makes a mistake and leads to the defense forces, they will be killed.

The Jinren's attack was really fierce this time. Zhang Shuye, Wang Qiong and others had no choice but to send a group of elite soldiers with big shields to protect Han Qing, and then organized to meet the enemy.

How anxious the officials are. Those junior generals and schools don't know. They only know that when they see Han Qing's shadow like Mount Tai, they are all full of strength, so that no matter how fierce the Jinren attack, they can easily fight back.

Before Xu arrived, Tang Ke and Sun Fu led the Manchu people to beg Han Qing to go down to the city.

But Han Qing just didn't move.

There was no way out. Man Dynasty's civil and military forces had to stand on the city wall against the rain and snow, with arrows and cannon stones, to guard the city with the soldiers.

Seeing that these towering men were all behind the Metropolitan Governor and accompanied them to defend the city, the officers and men were all fierce and fearless, and then beat back the wave after wave of attacks of the Jin army.

In the end, even with the help of rain and snow, Jin Jun still failed, and Song Jun won again.

After the Jin army retreated, it was unknown who took the lead in shouting, "Long live the Dadu!"

Then all the soldiers in the city shouted:

"Long live Dadu!"

"Long live Dadu!"

"Long live Dadu!"

