Chapter 5 Break

The cultivation of internal and external skills should be emphasized. The cultivation of internal skills is internal qi.

The most important thing in the cultivation of qi is that it is a word of "shun". Once qi is shun, it will be easier to cultivate and get twice the result with half the effort.

If Qi is not smooth, it is easy to become possessed if you practice and do more with less.

That is to say, when cultivating, we must pay attention to our mood, that is to say, our qi is smooth. If we are upset and hold back, our cultivation will stagnate if it is light, or become obsessed if it is heavy.

This is also the reason why many people have to force themselves to say a few scene words before running after suffering losses and accepting their grievances. It is because they are afraid that the bad breath will affect their future cultivation.

Although the words on the scene seem weak, they are always explained, so they have little impact on themselves.

Just like others bully you when you are young, if you keep your head down and don't say anything, you will be naturally depressed. If you yell, don't bully the young poor in the east and west for 30 years, or I will take your dog's head within 10 years, you will feel much better, and you will express your strong self-confidence. Maybe you will be happy and cultivate faster.

Therefore, when Li Yuanji and those in black fled, they didn't even say a word about the scene, which seemed very strange.

You know, Li Yuanji is the third son of the leader of the Li family. If there is anything else in the Li family that frightens him, I'm afraid there are only those ancestors. As for the young man with beautiful eyes and weak Wenwen, what is his identity?

Despite their doubts, the teenagers continued to practice sword moves.

As for Li Yu, he was sent to the cultivation office of the Sword Hall.

Whether it is the momentum of the man in black or Li Yuanji's sweeping, he has been seriously hurt. Now he can only move his eyes and thoughts.

Even though Li Yuan fled in confusion, Li Yu's humiliation did not abate at all.

If he has just passed through with a little game mentality, now he is becoming more demanding in the bottom of his heart.

He didn't know the identity of a young man with a clear face, but it was not his identity that blocked several people, but his strength!

Yes, it's strength!

Although the boy is only ten years old, and the cultivation of sword moves shows that he has only four levels of internal skill of condensate, the fact is that.

Li Yuan clearly knew this person, and it was nothing to escape, but the man who was going to kill Li Yu did not know him, and before he left, he was going to kill Li Yu.

Just when he tried again, Li Yu clearly saw that with the loud drink, his ears, face and even limbs were almost convulsing at the same time.

This is the performance of being impacted by a great sound wave. If only he was afraid, how could he become weak as a master after breaking the Yuan Dynasty?

I don't know whether it is the legendary Lion Roar Skill. Although the legendary Lion Roar Skill is a range damage, the teenager's drinking is a single damage

If you are really strong, like those amazing tasks, no one dares to say a word even if you leave the Li family. On the contrary, you will be well served.

If the power is low, it can only be trampled underfoot.

No matter before, or now, it is so!

In the past, there was a fig leaf. When it was not their turn, everyone could deceive themselves. Even if it was their turn, there were public opinion, morality, law and other means of self-defense

Here, I can only rely on myself.

Of course, there is also the advantage here, that is, there is a pure way, as long as you work hard, there will be opportunities. Unlike before, even if you want to work hard, there is no direction to work hard.

Become stronger, become stronger, I want to become stronger!

I want to use my sword to sweep Jiuzhou with arrogance. I want you self righteous grandchildren to crawl at my feet!

The intense pain and humiliation, although giving Li Yu tremendous power, also distorted his soul.

I don't know how long later, in a daze, Li Yu fell asleep.

It seems that someone pried open his mouth, and then a clear and moist pill was poured into his stomach with warm water. Then, the warm current spread all over his body, and the pain was much less.

After a while, Li Yu felt that his eyelashes were slightly itchy and opened his eyes.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a face. Li Yu was so frightened that he staggered backward, pulled the wound, and suddenly showed his teeth in pain.

"Oh, Brother Yu, don't move!"

This man is obviously Xiao Zhao, the fuse of Li Yu's humiliation.

"Brother Yu!"

Seeing that Li Yu did not speak, Xiao Zhao shouted timidly. "Sorry!"


Looking at the cute little girl in front of her, Li Yu blinked his eyes. After all, this kind of thing could not be blamed on her, and although Li Yu was angry, he was not crazy and blamed others at will.

However, since Li Yu is determined to kill the third brother, he doesn't want to be involved with the girl. After all, it is my God who likes Xiao Zhao. Li Yu himself is not interested in such a green girl.

How to put it?

Li Yu was deep in thought. Neither he nor I had any experience of dumping others.

We are two people from two worlds. We are not suitable for each other; We have different personalities, even if we are forced to get together, it is not good; You are a good girl, but I

"Brother Yu, what are you thinking?" Seeing that Li Yu didn't mean to blame him, Xiao Zhao blinked his eyes excitedly and approached Li Yu.


What am I thinking about? A talented girl of seven or eight years old, and I only play with her occasionally... When I think back to what I just thought, Li Yu is speechless.

This is much easier. Li Yu took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't come to me again!"

"Why?" Xiaozhao was stunned, his excited expression swept away, and his eyes were already wet.

"Nothing, I don't like to play with you!" Li Yu said directly in his own voice, which was much smoother and less guilty.

"But Brother Yu didn't say that before?"

Looking at Xiao Zhao who wanted to say something more, Li Yu said coldly, "I've changed, I don't like you anymore!"


Xiaozhao was stunned and immediately ran out crying.


Looking at the little girl who left, Li Yu suddenly felt a sense of loss. He knew that this was his own breath, so he secretly comforted: "You are still young, and it is normal to like these silly things, but my brother is different. My brother is 20 years old, and he has also seen a lot of movies. So his mind is very dirty. It is not good to coax your girl. It is better to be big, You see, it's still so young. If we can't resist taking off our clothes... I guess the Li family will kill us even if they try to buy people's hearts again.

What do I think of such a little girl!

Li Yu shook his head violently.

However, Xiao Zhao is really a beauty. He should be very beautiful when he grows up. I don't know which pig will arch him!

Well, it's also good to cultivate beautiful girls, but unfortunately

Li Yu thought angrily. He thought that he was too thin skinned. He thought that there was no regret medicine to take. He should look at the older ones, the imperial sister and the wife.


God, when did I become so dirty and return my wife? Hmm, widows are about the same.

Huh, the key is strength!

Li Yu finally had some perseverance to pull back his thoughts in time, and at the same time, a sense of killing appeared on his face to check his physical injury.

If you have the strength, a wife can also do it. If you kill Ya, you will become a widow

"Young master, this man is useless!"

Li Yu did not notice that there were two people standing in the dark, and his every move fell into their eyes.

One of them is a star eyed sword eyebrow with a bright face. When he raises his hands and moves his feet, he has a natural and calm posture, which gives a kind of friendly feeling without losing his dignity.

The other was dressed as a scholar. Although he was also very handsome, his bearing was inferior.

"Why?" The young master smiled and did not express his opinion.

"Hum, I deliberately made friends with the third lady before. It can be seen that there is a man with great intelligence and excellent aptitude." The scholar analyzed, "but only after this small setback, I was so frightened that even the third lady did not dare to make contact. I can say that I rejected all the previous efforts. In my opinion, the mentality is too bad to be used!"

"It's reasonable, but you notice that killing is the motive force in his eyes!" The young man nodded, but he saw the other side, "If you use it well, it's also a good move!"

"Young Master, you are a god, and I can play a wonderful game even if you are useless!" The scholar was stunned and said respectfully. "In that case, it's not a waste for you to ask for a dollar pill for the young lady!"