Chapter 47 Xuan Ba Pairs Yang Lin

(The Li family ranks men and women separately, so Li Yuanji is the third childe and Li Zhao is the third young lady).

On the fourth day, Li Xuanba fought against Yang Lin, and then Li Yu fought against Li Yu.

Li Xuanba, the first person in the inner hall of the Sword Hall today, with a delicate face and a weak body, uses a huge heavy sword.

Various legends abound, and even two kendo geniuses Li Xiang and Li Bing are willing to submit to him.

It is even said that he once defeated the meat refining masters.

Of course, most people do not believe this. According to their understanding, there is an insurmountable gap between the condensing period and the meat refining period.

If you don't enter the meat refining period, you will not be a real expert after all! Internal power cannot be released, and achievements are limited after all.

Compared with Li Xuanba, Yang Lin's reputation is slightly weaker, but his basic gun moves have already reached the realm of transformation. Some people even say that he has a gun technique that has also reached the realm of transformation! He is also the hottest person in the inner hall.

How terrible is the marksmanship that has reached the realm of transformation? We can see some clues from Li Yu's unexpected killing of a meat refining expert.

At the moment, on the challenge arena, Li Xuanba carried the huge heavy sword and looked at Yang Lin with a relaxed look.

Yang Lin is a little older and has an old face. He should look like 15. He is also relaxed when holding the tiger head golden spear in his hand. But his big hand holding the handle of the gun still shows his desire for victory.

The forces of the Li Family are led by the direct family, which can be divided into the inner family consisting of their own collateral forces and the outer family consisting of forces not of the Li Family's blood.

Although Li Xuanba is a direct descendant, many people do not know his identity, and most people think he is just the son of the Li family.

Therefore, this battle is regarded as a duel between the inside and the outside.

Yang Lin doesn't have much to follow. It's his chance to be liked by the Supreme Elder of the Martial Arts Hall. At the same time, he naturally carries a huge pressure.


Surprisingly, it was also gratifying that the two men did not look at each other for a long time like Li Yuhan and Wu Niu, but looked at each other a little and rushed towards each other together.

In the process of Li Xuanba's running, the heavy sword was dragged on the challenge arena. With the high-speed sliding, a deep sword mark was left. The sparks were splashing all around, and the friction sound continued to be harsh. Many people covered their ears with pain!

"It's a little like a drag knife!"

Li Yu narrowed his eyes and carefully observed that the winner of the two men would probably fight with him. He must not be careless. You should know that both of them can pose a certain threat to him. Who knows if they have any cards.

Li Yu, who was engrossed, naturally did not notice that in the queue of the riding hall, a boy in white was staring at him coldly.

"The first sword!"

When Li Xuan was about to rush to the front, he stopped drinking at Bayi. The heavy sword dragged on the ground caught a spark and swept towards Yang Lin from the bottom to the top. At a very fast speed, he took up the shadow of the sword like a rainbow.

"Come on!"

Yang Lin's eyes flashed a ray of light, and instead of using the length advantage of the tiger head golden spear to stab it, he burst out, the gun tip jumped, and continued to hit the epee on the ridge.

Although the epee is powerful, the continuous blows on the ridge of the sword naturally changed the direction, and Li Xuanba was also exposed!

However, Yang Lin did not take advantage of the situation to attack. Instead, he swung back quickly.

Just as his figure disappeared, a fierce sword light suddenly flashed on the heavy sword that had just been changed. It was from bottom to top, soaring up into the sky, drawing a semicircular path.

"Your Chonglou Sword Technique has really reached the realm of transformation!!"

The retreating Yang Lin did not attack immediately, but said with heavy eyes. "But it's also good. Only in this way can you be my opponent!"

Off the stage, Li Yu could not help frowning when he heard the words. My aptitude is not bad, and I also worked hard. But why did my Moon Breaking Sword just reach the realm of transformation, but these birdies have already arrived at the realm of transformation.

What Li Yu did not expect was that he spent a lot of time cultivating the realm. People like Li Xuanba and Yang Lin began to use refined stones to cultivate since the fifth level of condensation. They didn't need much time in the realm at all, and they all had good teachers to teach them to avoid many detours, and they also had a lot of experience and rich combat experience. It is not comparable to Li Yu, who has fought several times.

However, Li Yu, relying on his good aptitude and his brain after crossing, has never participated in the Taoism meeting of elders and deacons, and he is relying on his own exploration. In this respect, naturally, Li Yu is much worse than the two men.

Of course, the qualifications of Li Xuanba and Yang Lin are also very evil. Otherwise, even with sufficient resources and the guidance of experts, they could not reach this level.

On the high stage, when the elders saw this scene, they could not help but sigh again that talents like Yang Lin and Li Xuanba are definitely rare in years, but now they meet in the same era!

"The second sword!"

Li Xuanba ignored Yang Lin, but roared and rushed forward again. The heavy sword in his hand flashed through the void, and it seemed to turn into a sharp arrow and pierced Yang Lin's throat.

The epee also has such mysterious and precise control!

Many sitting elders and deacons could not help standing up at the moment.

"Very fast!"

Yang Lin's eyes narrowed, but he stopped defending. The golden spear with tiger's head in his hand also flashed a brilliant light, and the sharp edge directly pointed at Li Xuanba's heavy sword!


The golden spear and the heavy sword hit together, and immediately made a loud noise. The raging air wanted to roll around, and people could even see circles of ripples, shooting away quickly.


Yang Lin blushed and stepped back three times. Facing the heavy sword that was still stabbing him, he drew back his long gun, grabbed the tip of the gun with one hand, and flung it out. The tail of the gun hit the heavy sword that was coming up like a dragon.


There was another loud noise, but this time Li Xuanbaxie took three steps.

The two men fought hard and said that Yang Lin suffered, but he quickly changed his moves and finally missed Li Xuanba's sword.

"It's my turn!"

Yang Lin roared, and the spear came out of the hole like a poisonous snake. He caught the tail of the spear again, and the tip of the spear "shuashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashash.

"The third sword!"

In the face of Yang Lin's killing move, Li Xuan still had no mood change. He ignored the other's move, roared, and the heavy sword in his hand rose to the sky, like a stick, hitting Yang Lin's tiger head golden spear.


Yang Lin was shocked and stepped back three steps again, his face getting more flushed.

He may be slightly more skilled than Li Xuanba in marksmanship and basic swordsmanship, but Li Xuanba's skills and swordsmanship are more advanced than those he cultivates, and Li Xuanba is born with supernatural power, so several collisions are naturally the best.

"If Xuanba's Chonglou Sword Technique doesn't reach the realm of transformation, it's hard to say who will win or lose in the battle between them, but since Xuanba has reached the same realm as Yang Lin, it will only be Yang Lin who will lose!"

On the high platform, an inner sect elder's eyes were slightly confused. Obviously, as an inner sect elder, he was not eating dry food, but watching the growth of each demon disciple.


Just when everyone thought Yang Lin was about to fail, Yang Lin suddenly roared, and saw that his essence in his body was moving at a constant speed, and his skin became purple red. His body unexpectedly swelled three inches, and his arms and thighs were also thick, and his loose clothes were tight.

"Secret method!"

Some people in the crowd couldn't help making a sound.

Secret skills are special skills, which are different from ordinary skills that can be cultivated and sword skills that can cultivate external skills. They often have special effects.

Some can increase people's speed, some can increase people's strength, and some can even form strange lethality.

However, there is no doubt that the casting of secret methods consumes essence in particular.

Because the secret method is treasured and difficult to practice, there are not many books about it in the Li family. At least there are no such books on the first floor and the second floor of the library.

Yang Lin has cultivated the secret method. It must be the Supreme Elder of the Martial Arts Hall who has given him a small cooking pot.

However, after using the secret method, the consumption of essence will even reach twice to three times, or even higher, so Yang Lin must make a quick decision.

Sure enough, after increasing his strength, Yang Lin stopped retreating from the confrontation with Li Xuanba, and even took a slight advantage to fight against Li Xuanba.

"The fourth sword!"

"The fifth sword!"

In the face of Yang Lin, whose strength has greatly increased, Li Xuanba still hasn't changed much. During the attack, he keeps counting the numbers. It seems that it will be sooner or later to defeat Yang Lin, depending on the problem of the first sword.