Chapter 24 Encounter Loading Ratio

"It must be Li Xuanba. He is the first of the new generation of disciples. A heavy sword can weigh hundreds of jin, and it also killed you!" Wang Wei said with a look of worship, and his eyes were full of little stars.

"Not bad!"


"That is!"

Nearby teenagers responded in succession.

"Well, you should know that he has reached the level of eight layers of condensate. It was only one year since he entered the inner hall. Two years ago, it was the level of four layers of condensate. Two years ago, he jumped four levels. What a genius!"

"Yes, the little fart boy who followed Brother Yu at that time!" Huang Wei added, "I didn't expect to replace Brother Yu in the twinkling of an eye!"

"Brother Yu, who is Brother Yu?" a boy asked.

"Hum!" Wang Wei sniffled. "Brother Yu was the first person in the Outer Hall!"

"The first person in the outer hall, hahaha, that means a group of little kids!" A fat teenager laughed wildly.

"How dare you say that to Brother Yu, I will fight with you!" Wang Wei drew out his sword and pointed to the tip of the fat man's nose.

Li Yu, standing behind, was speechless for a while. I didn't expect that I still have such fans, but I'm so sorry that I'm standing in front of you. You don't know me yet.

"Well, Vigo, everyone is just talking. Don't draw your sword at any time!" The Guozi face boy stopped Wang Wei again and began to change the topic

"Yes, yes!" Many people nodded.

"The remaining two places must be Li Bing and Li Xiang!" Huang Wei added, "These two people follow Li Xuanba, and their strength is also fast. It is said that they are already the seventh level of condensate!"

"Alas, why don't I have this chance?" Wang Wei sighed.

"What's the matter?!"

An old inner hall disciple said doubtfully, "In those days, the highest level of our inner hall competition was only the seventh layer of condensate gas!"

"Every generation of talented people comes out, and every new generation replaces the old!"

Another veteran inner hall disciple sighed.

"In your opinion, there is no need to select, just four people!"

One sneered.

"It's hard to say, after all, not all people are willing to participate in the hall contest, and some people who go out to experience and have adventures are unwilling to come back!" Another young man said, "This is no longer the four people you mentioned!"

Li Yu cleared his throat and turned to the registration office without saying a word.

"Hum, even if they come, they may not be able to select steadily!"

Just then, a cold voice sounded, and immediately, the sharp momentum rolled up, like a knife, cutting through the faces of everyone.

Everyone turned to look, and there stood a young man with a long sword and purple clothes. His cold eyes were staring straight at the stone wall, his mouth was raised, and he was sneering. A few strands of long hair on his forehead slowly fluttered with the voice of ordinary people.

"Who is this man?"

Wang Wei asked in some doubt.

Huang Wei and others shook their heads in doubt.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me now. After Dabi, all of you will worship me!"

The man gave a cold groan, shook his long hair before his forehead, and turned to the registration office.


A strong momentum burst out again, and several people around him could not bear it. They took several steps back.

"Eight layers of condensate!!"

An old hall disciple said coldly, his eyes staring at the man's back like an eagle, full of fear.

"It's the eighth floor of condensate gas again. God, what happened?" Many disciples were puzzled. "Why am I still on the sixth floor of condensate?"

You should know that the eighth floor of gas condensate is the biggest barrier in the gas condensate period, and it is unknown how many teenagers have been blocked. But except Li Xuanba, two people have become the eighth floor of gas condensate just after entering the inner hall.

This makes the teenager who has practiced for many years feel embarrassed.

You should know that they are not yet 13 years old. According to this trend, they are likely to succeed in breaking the Yuan before the age of 16, and then become true disciples!

If you can break the yuan before you are twenty, you can call yourself a genius. If you break the yuan at sixteen, you are a genius among all the talents!

"If Yang Lin also condenses gas on the eighth floor, there will be nothing to fight!"

Li Yu thought in silence, thinking to himself that he would break through to the eighth level of gas condensation in this month's time, or cultivate the Moon Breaking Sword to the realm of transformation, otherwise, let alone the first place, it's hard to say whether he can win the first three.

Only the top three can enter the Earth's Meridian Pass for cultivation, which is a great opportunity to widen the gap with others.

At first, Li Yu was a little confident. When he arrived here, he heard about the existence of two eight layers of condensate gas, which naturally made him feel a little nervous.

"Li Yu!"

Standing at the registration office, Li Yu handed over his jade medal.

"Hmm!" The deacon took the jade token, made a little exploration, and returned it to Li Yu. "By the way, the money you owe the Library has risen to eight hundred taels!"

"What, I just owe a hundred liang!" Li Yu was still dreaming of the scene of winning the first place. He was being worshipped by male teenagers and obsessed by female teenagers. Hearing this, he suddenly stumbled.

"Well, how can I tell you? Do you understand the interest? The money owed will increase with the passage of time?" The deacon explained with both hands.

"I know the interest rate, but it's too high. It's only been a long time, and it has risen so much!" Li Yuyuan stared at her eyes and said aloud.

Eight hundred liang silver, that's 800 thousand yuan!

In Taiyuan County, you can buy a house. Even before, 800000 yuan was enough to buy a house!

I borrowed a few books and returned them a few days later, so much more!

"Well, you can argue with the library, er, I just remind you!" The deacon blinked, "if the delay is too long, not only will the number increase to a maximum, but you will not be able to enter the library again!"

"Got it!"

Li Yu took the jade token with a steely face and turned away.

"You are Li Yu!"

Just then, a man stopped Li Yu's way.

Looking up, Li Yu frowned: "I have something to do, please get out of the way!"

"Hum, it's OK to get out of the way, but you need to be able to take my move!" The young man said coldly, looking at the top with his eyes slanting, and a shallow smile hanging on his mouth.

Nima met a pretender, Li Yu, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly got angry, brushed out the unknown sword, and directly hacked the moon.

Li Yu is not afraid of ordinary experts at the eighth or even ninth level of gas condensation. He is afraid of such talented people as Li Xuanba and people like Yang Lin who have cultivated their external skills into the realm.

The blood wolf is also a genius who can kill people by leaps and bounds, but Li Yu can kill him.

"You answered me, not me!"

The young man flicked his hair and pulled out his sword.

"Go to hell!"


Li Yu's breaking moon cut the young man's long sword hard and made a harsh sound.


The sound of air breaking sounded, and the fire red light wanted to scatter everywhere.

The fire red light is the unique light of internal power in the cultivation of quenching formula. As long as internal power is injected into the nameless sword, the temperature on the nameless sword will suddenly rise, just like a red hot iron.

If the quenching formula continues to improve, Li Yu suspects that the nameless sword in his hand cannot bear the internal force of the quenching formula and is directly burned into molten iron. However, at present, there is no need to worry.

"Pa pa pa!!"

The young man took three steps back to stabilize himself. He shook his long hair before his forehead and exclaimed, "It's good, it's really worth being the first person in the Outer Hall, and he is qualified to be a less expensive opponent!"

"Brother Yu!"

The fight between the two was so powerful that it immediately attracted the attention of many disciples. Finally, someone in the crowd recognized the Buddha and shouted loudly.


Li Yu nodded to the man as a sign.

"Hum, when fighting, you dare to wander and seek death!"

When the boy in purple threw his long hair, the sharp sword in his hand suddenly changed into a thousand thousand, which directly enveloped Li Yu in the sword light like catkins.

"Snow Sword Technique!"

Li Yu narrowed his eyes, and then remembered that the Broken Moon Sword was all offensive. It seemed that he had no defensive sword moves!