Chapter 48 Choose Me and Fly

Wen Jia asked, "My brother Xiang Fei is also on the admission list. Do you know where he has gone?"

Xie Hewu didn't expect such a problem. He kept thinking about who Xiangfei was? Why did she ask me this question? What do I have to do with this problem?

Of course, there are no answers to these questions. I certainly haven't heard of the name, but she doesn't want to explain. There are still many people waiting to choose?

The freshmen below began to whisper again.

"What kind of question is the Devil Head? Are you looking for someone to ask at this time?"

"Ah! What kind of brain circuit is this? Why do you ask such questions at this time?"

"Can you practice very well even if you ask like that? She is the head of the female devil. I heard that she has two items with full marks! Should we ask like this?"

"Who is her brother? Is he famous?"

"Is her brother Xiang Fei? Is that the one who went to the platform of shame? This can also be admitted?"

"Xiang Fei has also been admitted! Is it because our class is poor?!"

"I, C, you are blind. Xiang Fei has at least two items with full marks!"


Xie Hewu, of course, did not listen to the following comments. She was still very kind and said, "Now the question is, are you willing to practice with me? Who your brother practices with has nothing to do with this question. It depends on your will." When saying this, the emphasis was placed on "you", hoping Wen Jia would notice.

The students below heard it.

"Mr. Xie is so gentle. I will practice with Mr. Xie in the future."

"Yes, I don't get angry when I ask such nonsense questions. OK!"


Wen Jia said, "This question has something to do with whether I want to practice with you!"

Xie He asked, "What does it matter?"

Wenjia said, "Because where Brother Xiangfei practices, I will practice there. If you pick me, you must pick my brother!"

Xie Hezu frowned. If the question was a bit strange and understandable, the current statement was a bit excessive, and the tone of her voice began to become cold. "Do you know how much cultivation resources a disciple needs to consume? If I pick you, you should pick your brother. Why?"

The students were also shocked by this excessive request, "This is OK, too? If the class leader Xie agrees, I really want to refresh my cognition!"

"Although Xiang Fei is also very powerful, he has no spiritual power after all. That's too much!"

Wenjia blushed when she said, "This... I... my brother is very powerful. I was taught by him. I won't regret choosing him!"

Xie Hewu was completely angry. The first time she asked, she said it was because you didn't know. I said you still insisted. Will you not practice according to the requirements I gave you in the future? have one 's own way of doing things? "In that case, I won't choose you."

Then he left without picking other students.

The students are frying.

"Even if we get on the honor platform, we don't respect the section chief."

"The head of the class needs you to teach him who she is. Isn't she arrogant?"

"It's right for the head teacher not to choose her. Since your brother is powerful, let him teach you!"

"Xiang Fei doesn't know where he is. I'll teach you why he doesn't come out!"

"He is still powerful without spiritual power. It will be the same in the future. No wonder he wants to let the two class leaders choose together. Brother and sister have a good relationship."


Xie Hezhou's departure left Wen Jia a little confused about what to do. She was stunned and blushed even more, but still said in a low voice: "Just want to be with Big Brother. You will regret not choosing Big Brother!"

Other section leaders also saw this scene. Next, none of them chose Wenjia.

Some are unwilling to accept such ungrateful students, and some are unwilling to waste resources. Besides, what's the meaning of others choosing not to accept them? Are you inferior to others? Well, even though it may be better than Xie Hewu, you can't lose momentum at this time.

Wen Jia also knew that. He thought that the question he had just asked would stop the others from choosing him, but. She also has no regrets. As long as she finds Brother Xiang, she will not be afraid of failing to practice well! Alas... I don't know where Brother Xiang is?

While Wen Jia was daydreaming, a voice asked, "Ye Wenjia, are you willing to practice with me?"

When Wen Jia looked up, he saw that he was a middle-aged man. He didn't notice much when he just introduced him. No matter who he was, he felt it necessary to ask the question again, "Can I ask you a question?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Ha ha... I don't know where Xiangfei is, but I can choose you to join him at the same time. Would you like to?"

Wen Jia couldn't believe her ears. The class leaders just now were unwilling to choose her again. "Are you serious? If you choose me, you have to choose my brother Xiang Fei, or I won't."

The middle-aged man said, "Yes, I'm serious."

Now it was Wen Jia's turn to hesitate, and he heard the voices behind him.

"God, the president of the Rune Guild wants to choose her?"

"If she agrees, she will be a disciple of Shufu Guild soon?"

"Wow... I began to envy her again..."


Wen Jia faintly heard the words of "Shufu Association" and asked, "Sorry, section chief, I didn't remember just now. What's your cultivation characteristic?"

This middle-aged man is Feng Fujian, the president of the Shufu Association. Feng Fu said, "I am a carver, and my disciples will be carvers in the future!"

Wenjia said, "Are you a carver? What's your relationship with the Shufu Guild?"

Feng Fujian had known that Wen Jia would ask strange questions, but he had obviously made psychological preparations and said, "I am the president of the Shufu Association!"

Just when everyone thought Wenjia Society would agree, Wenjia said, "Thank you, President. I will not practice with you!"

Feng Fujian is ready for her to say yes, "Well, then you will be...... What? What are you talking about?"

Wenjia added, "I still don't want to practice with you."

The students at the bottom finally convinced that Wen Jia had been rejected by the class leaders because he had to choose Xiang Fei at the same time. Now they see all the class leaders no longer choose her. I'm afraid that even if there are characteristics in the future, because of this matter, it is hard for the class leaders to accept her as a student, which basically means that her practice career may stop here.

Now, the president of the Shufu Association, who is the most powerful carver in the Shufa School, is willing to accept her as a student in the room, which is against the norm, because it is generally one to two years after enrollment, we will decide whether to continue to cultivate the carver according to your performance in the aspect of carver. After all, the carver needs talent, Not everyone has a chance. She refused?!

"Is there something wrong with her? Does the engraver not do it?"

"Yes, the engraver has a high status. Why not?"


Feng Fujian narrowed his eyes and said, "Can you tell me why I don't want to?"

Wen Jia said, "So many section leaders refused to choose me. Why did they choose me and accept my brother?"

Feng Fu said: "I accept you, of course, because of your talent. There is only one possibility that you can get that score in the power test. You have such talent, and I am the most senior engraver in the School of Arts and Law. I made a breakthrough a few days ago. I think you must have seen the celestial phenomena caused by this. It's too wasteful not to practice engravings with me. Don't worry. In the first few years, you can go to any other section chief to practice. How? "

President Feng Fujian has always been arrogant. Even if other section leaders are in front of him, they should also give full face. Now they lower their stature and accept a disciple, which shows that their talent is not ordinary.

The students also heard Feng Fujian's words. It turned out that Wenjia could carve a symbol. No wonder she was picky about the choice of the class leader.

Even the class leaders who just followed others didn't choose her began to regret. Why didn't they go to see the students' achievements? We should have known that Wen Jia could carve a symbol. Anyway, let alone take Xiangfei, it's OK to pull a few more people together!