Chapter 28 Zhenshu Pavilion does not provide

A loud announcement sounded, and the originally noisy meeting place soon became very quiet. Even if there were speakers, they began to speak softly.

I don't know how to do it, but the host's voice is like a microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the art symbol auction this year. As in previous years, we have prepared a variety of art symbols for you to choose from."

"This year, there are twenty special stores providing magic symbols, including Yufu Village, Shenshu Building and Tianshu Hall, totaling more than 500 pieces."

The number of this year is obviously higher than that of last year. Some people who know the situation begin to talk about it below.

Cheng Bingmei explained at the beginning: "Last year, there were 428 cards. This year, there are many more than last year. Wait a minute. Strange thing is that every year, we read the name of the special store. Why don't we just say three stores this year?"

The host continued: "There are about 80 more than last year, which is a lot! Thanks to the strong support of the Shufu Association. This year, the Shufu Association also sent representatives to watch the auction. Let's welcome the son of the president of the Shufu Association, Master Feng Jinfa! Let's applaud!"

On the scene, I remembered the applause that came from one after another. Some wanted to flatter President Feng, thinking that he could see it if the applause was loud. Others heard the host say "applaud", so they naturally echoed.

The host deliberately let the sound of applause ring for a while, and when it was almost there, he continued: "Let's invite Mr. Feng to speak! Mr. Feng, please!"

After saying that, he motioned for everyone to applaud again, and the applause that had just fallen sounded again.

Feng Jinfa waited for the host to move aside and began to say: "Everyone, thank you for your applause. I felt your enthusiasm from the applause, and I was very moved and gratified. Tomorrow is the last day of the entrance examination. In order to get better results in the exam tomorrow, the Shufu Association worked overtime this year. Eighty eight more Shufu were added to the number of Shufu last year! These 88 runes are all good runes! I believe that with these charms, I will certainly be able to help all of you in the exam tomorrow and achieve ideal results! Of course, according to the convention, the Shufu Association does not charge a penny. These Shufu are still provided to the auction through the college stores. I hope you can live up to the good intentions of the Shufu Association. No more nonsense, here I wish you all can get what you want at the auction, and I hope you can achieve excellent results tomorrow! Thank you! "

After the speech, the following applause became more intense, as if all the eighty-eight runes could get a share of themselves.

More people shouted slogans, "Thank you Shufu Association!"

"The Shufu Guild is wise!"

"Young Master Feng is kind!"

"Charm - Guild -"

"Charm - Guild -"

"Charm - Guild -"

The host waited until the voice was almost inaudible before he remembered, "Dear guests,"

The field immediately became quiet, and there was no more shouting slogans.

"Now the auction of magic charms has officially started. First, the first batch of magic charms can be used to get 18 weapons, which can be divided into three groups to attack the opponent from different angles. The opponent is unable to defend!"

"There are forty pieces of amulets in this batch, including five pieces in Yufu Villa, five pieces in Shenshu Building, three pieces in Tianshu Hall,....."

Xiang Fei listened carefully and finally heard the name of Zhenshu Xuan at the end.

".... One piece, which was not provided by Zhenshu Xuan. Now let's start the auction. After the auction, the top 40 people with higher prices will get the purchase right! Now!"

After a short pause, someone shouted, "Eight hundred and one, I want five!"

"One thousand one, I want five!"

"One thousand twenty-one, I want three!"

"One thousand twenty-one, I want five!"

"Two thousand one, I want three!"

The quotation kept coming and going. After almost a quarter of an hour, the quotation finally ended. After about five minutes, the host came out to report, "Ladies and gentlemen, the first round of quotation has ended! At present, the highest quotation is 251, and as of the fortieth, the quotation is 221. Now let's start the second round of quotation!"

If the quotation is lower than 221, it must be unqualified. Someone immediately quoted, "251, I want five!"

"Two thousand eight hundred and one, I want three!"

"Three thousand one, I want two!"


It was nearly a quarter of an hour before the quotation stopped.

After five or six minutes, the host came out again and reported, "Ladies and gentlemen, the second round of quotation is over! The highest quotation at present is 51, and the 40th quotation is 441. Now let's start the third round of quotation! It's the last round! Start!"

"Five thousand one, I want three!"

"Eight thousand one, I want one!"

"Nine thousand one, I want one!"


After nearly half a quarter of an hour, the quotation stopped.

After five or six minutes, the host came out again and reported, "Dear guests, the third round of quotation has ended! At present, the highest quotation is 911, the 40th quotation is 67.1, and the 12th quotation is 6700. Congratulations on your qualification. Please go to the quotation desk to confirm your qualification, and then go to the service desk to pay silver and get the charm! "

Xiang Fei heard the quotation, and compared with the selling price in the store a few days ago, it was more than four times more. Unfortunately, Ya didn't accept personal auction items, or he would draw a sign to make a profit immediately.

"This kind of quotation is really interesting, but it doesn't tell who bought the symbol. Don't you see who gets the symbol when you come?"

Cheng Bingmei said, "Now what is auctioned is only low-grade middle grade runes. This entry-level runes are reserved for those who don't have much money to buy. When it comes to high-level runes, they will report who has the highest bid!"

The host continued: "The second batch of talismans can be used to get 24 kinds of weapons, which can be divided into four to eight groups to attack the opponent in all directions, and those who are slow in reaction cannot be defended at all!"

"There are forty pieces of amulets in this batch, of which five are in Yufu Villa, five are in Shenshu Building, three are in Tianshu Hall, and one is not provided by Zhenshu Hall. Now let's start the bidding. After the bidding, the top forty people who bid higher will get the right to buy them! Now!"

This time Xiang Fei heard the name of Zhenshu Xuan at the end, and still said that it was not provided. As an experienced specialty store, how could it not provide this level? This is a bit strange. "Why do you bring it here without providing it?"

Cheng Bingmei said, "It's really a bit strange to ask the question of Master Jingxiang. In previous years, it seems that there was no special mention about what the store did not provide. Do you remember clearly? Did you have such a situation in previous years?"

Cheng Binglan didn't remember clearly. They reminded each other and finally decided that in previous years, they didn't mention which store didn't provide, but only how much. They agreed that this might be a new feature of this year, which deserves attention.

Xiang Fei didn't think it was a new feature, but felt that Zhenshu Xuan was targeted!

But then again, generally speaking, when you are very afraid or worried about something, you tend to force a lot of irrelevant things to this matter, and may really be able to draw a conclusion that something is going to happen.

Xiangfei certainly didn't think so.

After a period of time, three rounds of quotation ended. Affected by the results of the previous batch of bidding, the highest price of this batch reached eleven thousand pieces, and the lowest price was 6501 pieces, which was even cheaper than the previous batch.

Some people naturally regret that they knew that they had saved the money to buy this batch of products, while others were very happy that they had no more money to increase, and they were actually put in the queue to get the purchase qualification. Even if there was only one, it would also be a guarantee!

The host continued: "The third batch of magic charms, when used, can get no more than 30 weapons. Because they are not in the mainstream for a few years, and the quality is average, they are counted as a batch alone!"