Chapter 26 026 Bad for Children

  • Reborn Husband
  • Three water floats
  • 2108 words
  • 2020-10-01 08:00:00

She subconsciously agreed, suddenly reacted and went downstairs? What come downstairs?

Is it... Lu Yichen? He came to school? Probably not. When I just called, I said there would be a meeting later.

Although I thought so, I quickly changed my clothes and went downstairs.

As soon as I came downstairs, I saw Lu Yichen's car at the door of the dormitory and strode across it.

"Lu Yichen, why are you here?"

Su Mo rushed to him excitedly and hugged him. She was 67 meters tall, but she looked small and exquisite against the background of Lu Yichen.

It's just right against his chest! Now the weather is still a little cold. Su Mo feels that his arms are particularly warm and comfortable. There is also a good smell.

Su Mo lingered here and there in his arms for a while, and when he felt it, he suddenly felt the chill on his head. He looked up at Lu Yichen's deep eyes and felt a little guilty.

"That... your clothes... the materials are good, well, good, also very soft,"

"Get on the train."

Su Mo sticks out her tongue and hurries to get on the bus.

"Lu Yichen, aren't you going to have a meeting?"

Su Mo leans against Lu Yichen and holds his arms.

"The time has changed!"


A phone prompt sounds, Su Mo hurries to free up a hand, picks up the phone and looks at it, but no one sends a message?

Turning around, it turned out to be Lu Yichen's, and she curiously went over and took a peek.

"Things have been found out"

The sender is Assistant Zhang.

Su Mo can probably guess what it is.

"Lu Yichen, can you just leave this matter alone and let me solve it myself?"

"It's ok if you don't tell me what happened. Now let me stay out of it? What do you think of me as?"

"You hurt me..."

Lu Yichen then slowly loosened his grip on her arm and simply turned around.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the car became quiet.

Lu Yichen turned his head and saw Su Mo leaning on the seat looking at him pitifully.

"Lu Yichen, you are cruel to me... Sobbing... You were not like this before. If you have changed, do you not love me anymore..."

Yes, he also thinks he has changed. Is he really greedy?

In the past, I just hoped that she would not quarrel with the divorce. She occasionally offered to make friends. Although it was just a cup of coffee or a word, even if he knew that each time there was another plan, he could also be secretly happy for a long time.

A month ago, let alone get along well, it was an extravagant hope for her to have a good talk with herself calmly.

Now, he is not satisfied with the little hope at the beginning, instead, he tries to ask for more.

People are greedy and always dissatisfied with what they have at present.

He clearly got what he wanted, but felt that he could get more. Instead, he forgot that at first he just wanted to keep her around.

Even though she knows she doesn't love him, she even hates him.


Lu Yichen moved his body, held her in his arms, let her fall on his chest, embraced her with one hand, and gently covered the back of her head with the other.

"I just hope that you can think of me as soon as you have something, whether good or bad, so that I can feel that I am needed here."

Su Mo suddenly felt a little sad. It would take more security for a person to say such words.

"Of course I need you. I just don't want to make you think I'm useless. If I have to ask you for such a small thing, what should I do if you are not with me?"

"No, I've been there."

Su Mo was so moved that she buried her head deeper, rubbed in his arms again and again, and then looked up at him with her shining eyes: "Honey, you are so kind."

The voice is crisp and soft.

Lu Yichen looked at her for two seconds, then suddenly kissed her. Su Mo was stunned by the sudden kiss.

His kiss was very gentle and a little aggressive. When he reacted, he began to respond to him. He felt her response and kissed harder and harder.

The rhythm of palm and kiss is completely unified behind.

He kissed too hard, and she couldn't help humming out, but her voice seemed coquettish and complaining, and she felt that the whole person was in a trance.

Gradually there was a tender gasp. Su Mo put her hand on his chest, and soon felt that Lu Yichen was breathing heavily. Realizing that it was in the car, Su Mo wanted to push Lu Yichen away. However, his strength was so different that he did not move for a long time.

Finally, he stopped. She looked down again, swallowed her saliva, and looked up at Lu Yichen's burning eyes, which made her turn away.

Fortunately, as soon as I got on the bus, the driver was very observant and lifted the partition board up, which saved me a lot of embarrassment.

"Lu Yichen, I want to eat ice cream."

Su Mo said something cold.

"Too much cold food is not good."

"I haven't eaten yet..."

Supermarket entrance.

Lu Yichen suddenly thought of something and grabbed the ice cream Su Mo had already got.


What's the situation? Didn't it just say?

"You are approaching your physiological period, so you'd better not eat."

Looking at Su Mo's interrogative face, Lu Yichen whispered an explanation in her ear.

"No, I just want to eat a small one. It doesn't matter."

Seeing that Lu Yichen was unmoved, Su Mo looked at the people around her and suddenly raised her voice: "Hum! You know that she loves her child. I haven't eaten ice cream for a long time, and the doctor said that she could eat less."

Her voice attracted many eyes.

"Don't make any noise!" Lu Yichen said according to her temper.

"You don't love me at all. Don't you marry me because of this child? Don't I just want to eat ice cream? You won't give it to me after you buy it!"

"Su Mo" Lu Yichen almost gnawed her teeth and called her name.

Su Mo pretended not to hear it, but also bowed her head and pretended to wipe tears.

Then it succeeded in attracting more attention.

An aunt came up and said, "Little girl, don't cry. Pay attention to your health when you are pregnant!"

Turning around, he said to Lu Yichen, "Young man, let others' girls go. I'm in a bad mood when I'm pregnant..."

Another complicit also appeared: "That is, this pregnancy has always been very hard. When I was pregnant, I had to eat what I wanted immediately, but I could not eat later."

Finally, Su Mo happily held the ice cream, while Lu Yichen blackened his face behind him.

Su Mo had just bitten the winner of her superb acting skills, when Lu Yichen said in a quiet voice, "You can only eat one mouthful if you agree."

Su Mo quickly took a big bite, and then took a few more bites when he came after him. By the time Lu Yichen seized it, the ice cream was already half way down.

Su Mo watched helplessly. She couldn't bear to enter half of the ice cream she had coaxed into, but was mercilessly thrown into the garbage can.

Lu Yichen ignored Su Mo's eyes and stroked her head. She smiled and said softly, "Be obedient. Eating too much is bad for children."