Chapter 12 012 Opportunity Comes

  • Reborn Husband
  • Three water floats
  • 1213 characters
  • 2020-08-22 20:29:25

In the last life, he married Lu Yichen when he was supposed to go to school. After marriage, he tried every means to divorce.

What she regretted most was that she did not continue to finish her studies, so that later she found that if she left the protection of others, she could not even survive in this society.

A sense of frustration arises spontaneously, feeling powerless.

Now, she is back five years ago. God has given her a chance to start again. The most important thing is to make up for the regret of the previous life.

She decided to go back to school.

In fact, she had this idea when she was just born again. She knew it was impossible. Lu Yichen would not agree. He would never allow her to escape from his sight.

But now it is different. She is reborn, which is equivalent to perceiving what will happen in the future in advance.

In the last life, she knew that there was a problem with the company.

For one thing, Qihao Company could be in chaos, even bankrupt, and bear huge debts.

Second, she can get Lu Yichen's trust. After the two people get over their differences, she can go back to school and finish her studies.

So when she heard about the bidding, she had already planned everything.

At first, she thought that as long as the time was long, he would believe in himself. After all, people's hearts will be seen over time!

But how long will it take? With his character, if he wants to let go of his defense and believe in himself, it's hard to do it for a while, then how can she go to school?

Finally let her wait for the opportunity.

First, she told Su Qing that she was going to see Qi Hao. She told him something very important. According to her speculation, Su Qing would tell Lu Yichen non-stop.

Before she went into the coffee shop, she first looked around the outside and chose to sit on the inside seat.

Sure enough, at the moment when she drank a mouthful of water and looked up, she saw someone outside with a mobile phone secretly taking pictures at their table.

She ticked her lips without any trace and deliberately raised her head to create opportunities for the photographers.

I thought it would be better to take a clearer picture. It's not worth that I have chosen a seat carefully so that you can take a perfect picture.

After that, she repeatedly hung up Qi Hao's phone in front of Lu Yichen in a feigned panic. She seemed to cover up, but inadvertently let him see the caller ID.

Every time she listened to the phone behind his back, she would secretly observe his reaction.

She just wants to test his bottom line step by step, irritate him little by little, and finally achieve her goal.

Now it seems that it is a success.

Now wait for a chance to let her go back to school.

After a few days of recuperation, the traces on her body gradually faded, and the scars on her wrists were almost invisible because of Lu Yichen's careful application of medicine twice a day.

When he focuses on doing something, his eyes are particularly soft, and the light shadow of eyelashes is cast on his firm cheeks. He focuses on his heart and every detail is perfect.

The whole world was quiet.

"Lu Yichen, I want to go to school."

The movement of his hand was stunned for a moment, and he said softly, "OK, I will take you to have a look tomorrow."

"I mean I want to go back to school."

He looked at his bandaged wound and smiled with satisfaction: "Although it is almost ready, we should be careful."

"Lu Yichen, I want to go back to school."

She held her breath and looked at him expectantly.

"Don't worry, I will report everything to you in school one by one. I just want to do what I should do at my age and continue to finish my studies. I promise."

Seeing that he hesitated, Su Mo immediately threw out a string of words.

"Are you going to live on campus?"

It is not a rhetorical question, but a positive sentence. The tone is cold without a trace of temperature.

"Well... I will go back that weekend!"

"How about Lu Yichen?"

"What do you call me?"

Facing Lu Yichen's bright eyes, Su Mo instantly changed her mouth.

"Husband, how about it? Husband

Knowing Lu Yichen, I just like her.

Anyway, it's a great success!