Chapter 67 Deterrence

Although Liu Fa was at the end of a powerful crossbow, his fighting spirit did not diminish. He once again grasped the long knife in his hand, and he wanted to save Liu Ao, not just talk about it. His fierce eyes flashed, and Cao Tianyu firmly locked in. Cao Tianyu's heart sank when he saw Liu Fa's bloodthirsty eyes, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss

"Boom, boom, boom..." Thunder clouds billowed. It was really not a good day. The weather in the southwest was like this. It was sunny for three days, and the ground was not even for three times! The big raindrops hit down again, hitting everyone's heart and soul. Rain or shine, he is Liufa!

No, no, no, no, no, no, it's raining cats and dogs. The beauty is worried

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