Chapter 111 Meet Xie An

  • Dajin Madman
  • Brigade leader
  • 3712 words
  • 2020-09-13 00:33:49

He worked as a colonel in the State of Qin, but unexpectedly he worked as a Sima in the State of Jin. Feng Yan was secretly bored when he left the palace.

"Six grade Sima? General Xie, what kind of officer is this?"

"Just two steps lower than me." Xie Xuan chuckled and shook his head.

"Two lower steps?" Feng Yan frowned.

"Why? Not satisfied? The officials above the sixth grade in our court need to be recommended by the famous families of the gentry or hereditary helplessness. It's not easy for your majesty to recommend you as the sixth grade just because you are Baiding." Xie Xuanyao shook and laughed.

"General Xie, to be honest with you, I have been a colonel in the Qin State, and I will be promoted only when Xiangyang is captured

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