Chapter 228 Lilly Comes to Me

  • Crazy bones are also true
  • Royal Lobster
  • 2355 characters
  • 2020-11-28 23:53:47

"No matter whether he is true or not, it's great if he can help me."

Sixty interest? My goal can stop like this!

Do what you say. In the next few days, Lin Chen kept grabbing a lot of dark spirit power around him. Through refining, he sent the pure dark spirit power to the sea of Qi again and again.

Lin Chen's sea of gas was a thousand times bigger than the average person. Since he entered the Five Illusions, the whole sea of gas has expanded again. There is no need to worry about the problem that the sea of gas can't hold.

At the end of the March deadline, in front of the mouth of the evil Buddha with its tusks on the ghost faced giant Buddha, a ten zhang sized vortex slowly swirled and stirred

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