Chapter 160 Waiting for the Rabbit

  • Crazy bones are also true
  • Royal Lobster
  • 2292 words
  • 2020-09-14 01:15:22

Four vigorous characters are presented.

Big Dark Hand!

Lin Chen didn't look much, but took the jade slips back into the storage bag. Yu Guang glanced ahead, clasped his fists slightly, and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Boy, the effect of Dark Soul Pill is also in the jade slip, and I hope you won't disappoint me." At the end of the sentence, the half dark sky slowly dissipated, and everything returned to the scene of frost and cold everywhere.

"Alas, I don't know how long it took here." Lin Chen was worried about the five of them. If you guessed right, the people of the Demon Killing Sect will come to seek revenge tonight.

Out of here, Ding Lijiang and his party did not leave

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