Chapter 69 Sixty nine Shirley

Stop all research work, close each basement entrance, and people sit in front of the computer to open irrelevant software to wait for the arrival of the visit. After seeing off the visitors, they will take annual leave without delay!

Hundreds of security guards are waiting in front of the gate, and more than ten interpreters who are proficient in many languages are waiting at the gate. Everyone has one goal. No matter who comes, they can't run around, let alone walk in the park.

However, when seeing more than a dozen people getting off the bus and the official media carrying the camera, Ning Yuanchen was stunned and then smiled. It seemed that he lacked self-confidence.

The reception leader is not something he can do. He has no experience and doesn't know what to talk about. However, there are many experienced reception personnel here, such as those professors.

After explaining a few words to several professors, Ning Yuanchen turned around and was about to leave. However, several cars suddenly stopped at the gate, and then there was a loud noise.

A group of foreign journalists with guns and guns were shooting not far away, while Shirley, Stanson's daughter, took out several pages of paper and constantly asked Chu Zhiyi to release people, claiming that Chu Zhiyi was doing inhuman human experiments.

The noise soon attracted the attention of the visiting group, and the crowd frowned. Unexpectedly, these people would know when they were waiting for someone to come here and use this opportunity to make trouble.

It seems that someone is giving advice! Ning Yuanchen thought for a moment and went back to the medical building to avoid people's eyes. When she came back, she directly asked Qu Xueer to open her mobile phone and start recording, and then walked to the door.

Some things are destined to be solved. Since Stanley's daughter Shirley suspects that her father is here, let her come in and have a look. Others

Seeing Ning Yuanchen walking towards the door, all cameras quickly turned around, and reporters holding recording equipment shouted all kinds of sharp questions.

Ning Yuanchen didn't have time to meet the reporters. If he answered one question, there would be a second one. It's the same reason as kicking his nose and putting his face on. It's better to ignore none.

When she came to the door and asked the security guard to let Shirley in, Ning Yuanchen quietly looked at the white girl who kept shouting until Shirley's voice became weak and gradually became a little confused.

"Is your father missing?"

"Yes... Yes!"

"How do you know that your father is in my research and development center?"

"Here are the application materials..." Shirley took out a copy of the materials and said.

"This information can only prove that your father wants to work in our research and development center. I asked how you were sure that your father was in this research and development center, and that he did inhuman human experiments. How did you know?" Ning Yuanchen asked again.

"I... I just know!" Shirley was very positive.

"All right! You can come in and look around, but we need to check you, because I suspect you have ulterior motives!"

Ning Yuanchen said that he would lead Shirley to the security room. After taking out the hand-held detector that had been prepared for debugging, he swept Shirley gently and suddenly remembered the harsh alarm sound.

Ning Yuanchen smiled awkwardly and held out his hand to Shirley, who was at a loss.

"I... I didn't..." Shirley said in a panic. At this time, she was really in a panic. How could the alarm go off?

"OK, do it again!" Ning Yuanchen said and picked up the detector, from top to bottom, but when the detector just fell to Shirley's head, a piercing alarm sounded again.

"I really don't have one!" Shirley said hurriedly, looking at the strange eyes, she suddenly became more timid.

"Alas, don't move!" Ning Yuanchen sighed, looked up at Shirley's long golden hair, then suddenly reached out and pulled it out, slowly taking out something like a wire.

"This... this is not mine. How could I have such a thing in my hair?"

Shirley, who saw Ning Yuanchen take out a camera from her hair, was stunned and kept fiddling with her long hair, explaining.

"Is this my thing?" Ning Yuanchen asked, putting the camera aside, picking up the detector and sweeping at Shirley again, but it rang again.

Looking at Shirley, who was about to cry, Ning Yuanchen suddenly said seriously.

"Don't move!"

After trying the detector again, Ning Yuanchen took out a bug from Shirley's trousers.

"You said your father was here, but there was no strong evidence. I said your father was not here. You don't believe me, but it's hard for you not to let me doubt your real purpose of making trouble here!"

"I... I..." Shirley, who has shed two lines of humiliation tears, can't figure out why she has such things.

"There are secrets in our R&D center, but they are not hidden. If you want to come in and look for your father, I will give you a chance today. However, you may have to change your clothes. Do you want to go in and look for him?"

Ning Yuanchen sighed, stood up straight and said with a righteous air. Although she was wronged and confused, Shirley was not reconciled, and wiped her tears and nodded obstinately.

"Find her some clean clothes, and arrange two women to take her to the dressing room!"

After seeing Shirley taken away by the security guard, Ning Yuanchen couldn't help smiling. Ning Yuanchen didn't know whether Shirley had any of these things, but she could have them.

Check if there are any loopholes in this video and send it out to see what the consuls have to say!

Soon, Shirley, dressed in a white coat, went back to the security room with her body in her arms. It seems that people here are not very kind to her, and they didn't say they could find a thick coat in this cold day.

Ning Yuanchen saw this and took off a security coat from the wall and put it on Shirley.

"There is a confidentiality agreement here. Anything involving some inhuman experiments and violations of laws and regulations will be exposed at your discretion. But if you see any business secrets and go out to talk nonsense, I will sue you. After signing it, I can take you anywhere here!"

Ning Yuanchen found that he was getting more and more evil. But sometimes, once he took the first step, he would never turn back. People had to maintain the design, and some things still needed to be done.

After seeing Shirley sign her name, Ning Yuanchen, along with Qu Xueer and two security guards, becomes Shirley's guide. Except for no introduction or explanation, wherever Shirley wants to go, she will be released.

Under the camera, Shirley first came to the medical building and eagerly searched all the studios. The corridor, the bed, even the room where the experimental animals were kept in captivity, and the narrow corners were not missed.

I found the first floor from the third floor, and then pointed to Ning Yuanchen underground.

"I know there is a basement here. Can I go in and have a look?"

"Of course, it seems OK, but don't go out and say it." Ning Yuanchen nodded and then said to the two security guards.

"You two just wait here for a while."

"Good boss!"


The elevator door started. When she saw this huge underground space, Shirley did not have time to be shocked but searched again.

The basement is still very empty. In addition to several office work tables, four cabins and some robots, there are also some stacked parts.

Shirley, who turned around, ran directly like the baffle, but when she saw the scene behind the baffle, she was stunned because she seemed to see something she shouldn't have seen.

Shirley turned around hurriedly when she saw those thin pieces of cloth, suddenly saw a door guarded by a robot, opened her eyes wide as if she saw hope, and ran quickly past.

Seeing that the robot reached out to stop and issued a warning, Shirley turned to Ning Yuanchen and Qu Xueer, who held up their mobile phones.

"I'm going here. I suspect my father is here!"

"Yes, let her in!"

Ning Yuanchen casually threw out a bunch of keys, and the robot that received the command gave way directly to one side. But when Shirley took the key to open the door, she was stunned at the rows of blinking lights.

"This is the server of our R&D center, which stores all of our data. You should know the value of these data. There is a reward of more than one billion abroad. If I guess correctly, the people who let you trouble our R&D center should be for it!

You can also see outside that there are hundreds of security guards, almost all veterans, with perfect monitoring facilities and robot guards. Several people can come here to steal things.

Unless we use unconventional means, such as... to frame us for doing something illegal, or as you said, we are doing human experiments, and then walk in from the front door to investigate, don't you think? "

After hearing Ning Yuanchen's words, Shirley suddenly heard a buzzing sound in her mind. Did I get cheated, and my father and I became pawns that were used? My father has been here for more than seven years and has never done anything illegal again. How could he suddenly

Shirley couldn't help crying because she really didn't know what to do.

"Maybe your father is really missing. Let's go! If you need help, you can come to me!"

Ning Yuanchen sighed. If he had known the details of Stanson, he might have received formal reform education. Alas