Chapter 26 Child mother staring and collective job hopping

The late autumn has passed, and the cold wind is rustling.

On the Double 11, Comrade Ma successfully reaped another harvest, leading a group of younger brothers to create a group of people who vowed to cut their hands.

Hurry up and slow down. The exoskeleton prosthetic limb with newly woven wings finally got a little hot. The opening was a big reward for guests. If it is over 100000 yuan, it will be reduced by 2000 yuan. If you buy a prosthetic limb, you will get a spare battery!

You were really generous when you were stung by netizens. A thing worth 100000 yuan was 2000 yuan cheaper than a treasure.

Ning Yuanchen flipped his eyelids, but was shocked to see the sales record. Unexpectedly, someone really spent 98 thousand yuan to buy an exoskeleton prosthesis.

Special people can swipe the medical insurance card, but normal people do not have this treatment. The production is limited. If you want to buy a toy, you have to pay the full price.

It seems that the masses of the people are still very rich. Ninety eight thousand people can neither afford to suffer losses nor be fooled.

However, it seems that the rich people are very concentrated. Take the map and have a closer look. Oh, I forgot several little brothers! There's no way. Who made you not have a medical insurance card?

However, in the Internet, the most popular topic is not how many sales myths have been created by Double Ten One, nor is this artificial limb really fun, nor is it someone who wants to win a star's fresh meat, but a software called "Zimu Gaze".

This software, known as the most disgusting software in this century, is divided into two parts, which is actually a software, but the relationship between the child and the mother can be determined through the verification code.

Once it is determined that it is irreversible, the parent has absolute control over the offspring, and even unloading requires the authorization of the parent, otherwise unloading cannot be completed.

If you forcibly change the subprogram or redo the system to cover, the parent will display information. As for the consequences, it depends on the reaction of the master of the parent software.

This is not the most disgusting. The most disgusting thing is that the descendant software will monitor the operation of this computer, so how long do you turn on the computer every day, how long do you watch videos, how long do you play games, etc., and take screenshots of videos and game content.

It would be interesting if it happened to be captured and sent to the parent computer while watching the educational film.

Of course, the disgusting thing is not only that, but also that the descendant can limit the time period that the descendant computer is allowed to open the game and specify the running time of the game according to the parent's settings.

If it is not opened within a certain period of time, it will be forced to close. If it exceeds the game time, it will also be forced to close. This is the root cause of widespread complaints among netizens.

The same function matrix can also set itself. The running information of the computer will be sent to the designated mobile phone number in the form of a short message. Uninstallation also requires a verification code.

This is not a software designed for college students and boarders. It is a serious office software that serves the evil capitalism and specifically squeezes employees. Some employees in the province play games and watch movies when they do not work.

As for whether a mother will use this software to prevent children from playing games, it is unknown. After all, this software is free!

However, because the design of this software is not perfect, we can only bind two sub bodies for supervision temporarily.

Looking at countless netizens venting their anger, Ning Yuanchen, who was greeted by both the 18th generation of ancestors and the ancestral tombs, cast a depressed frown. Although these people were called Huan, some people supported them, such as some parents and comrades.

"Sister, treat the symptoms but not the root cause! Now the Internet cafes are more popular." Ning Yuanchen turned his head to look at Xu Yingying beside him and said, yes, he wrote this "staring at mother and son".

"It will be useful. At least he dare not touch the computer even if he plays truant in school. But can he stay in the Internet cafe all day? Even if he wants to, he can't afford to spend.

After getting used to it for a while, he can study consciously, not to mention he is afraid of my father. "

Xu Yingying was very satisfied with the software. Like most parents, it also made the "staring at children and mothers" become completely popular in a short week.

It is not only a piece of hoodlum software, but also a piece of conscience. Ning Yuanchen, who had long expected to cause controversy, was not stupid enough to leave too much information, not to mention that it is the enemy of the game company headed by Comrade Ma.

"Where did you rent the server? It's very strong! There's nothing to do for so many days." Xu Yingying was curious to hear that she was worried about the software crash.

"Look, the defense of ordinary service providers is definitely not good. I asked Shi Yuehua to rent them from Penguin at a high price." Ning Yuanchen proudly said that whenever he thought of renting Penguin's servers to do this, he felt very smart.

"Penguin?" said Xu Yingying, taking a cold breath, and then gave Ning Yuanchen a thumbs up. This move was really damaging. She rented a server in the game company to provide services for banned game software. No, it was office software.

Penguin is not sure what it feels like now, but it must be very cozy!


The production of EMG prostheses, whether hardware or software, has different requirements from exoskeleton prostheses. First, it should be light, not too much burden on the wearer. Second, the size must be symmetrical, and the strength must be guaranteed.

Under the limited space, limited weight and sufficient strength, it is not easy to build the skeleton, arrange the motor, battery, processor and enough sensors. All parts should be light. In addition to the skeleton, all parts should be as small as possible while ensuring their working efficiency.

The movement of limbs is completed by muscles, while the movement of artificial limbs is achieved by pulling mechanical joints with high-strength fiber filaments. In the reset state, the fingers of artificial limbs become naturally curved, pulling one when grasping, and pulling the other when stretching. It is not difficult to achieve this.

However, to complete the movement of five fingers plus flexible palms, wrist joints, elbow joints and arms, it is necessary to install at least nine motors and corresponding auxiliary parts in the prosthesis.

Too many parts must take up enough space. When seeing the drawing of the complete arm prosthesis, Ning Yuanchen thought of a question. If only the palm was amputated, how could these parts be compressed into the prosthesis that is only the size of the palm?

There is no solution. At least the current technological strength cannot solve this problem. At last, Ning Yuanchen came up with an answer, that is, to give up appearance and use limb peripherals when necessary.

Don't let the user cut off a segment because the amputation part is not enough?

Thousands of parts are gathered together, put on a soft skin that is no different from the skin color of the wearer, plant hairs, and stick nails to make the corresponding texture, so as to make a fake.

Maybe the pursuit is a little high, but without high pursuit, how can we afford to take a nap every day for more than ten consecutive days?

In the computer, this artificial limb is simulating various actions, recording the data generated when the action occurs, and Ning Yuanchen needs to rely on these data to write programs.

What also needs to be recorded is the potential changes in the body when normal people complete these actions, but these tasks need professional people to record and compare.

When Ning Yuanchen was thinking about why Zheng Zhiming had not called, a pop-up window suddenly aroused Ning Yuanchen's curiosity.

"69 people of a research institute in Jiangbei City left their jobs collectively, resulting in the stagnation of many scientific research projects. It is reported that this is a three-dimensional job hopping event caused by the high salary of private enterprises. The president of the institute strongly condemned this immoral act of banditry."

Ning Yuanchen was stunned after watching it, and moved the monitor to Xu Yingying.

"Sister, see? We don't dig, but someone else does. But this man is really cruel. He has dug sixty-nine years at a time. If it is exposed who did it, you can't be killed by netizens!"

"Jiangbei! Isn't that what we are like?"

Xu Yingying looked at Ning Yuanchen doubtfully, and Ning Yuanchen, who understood in seconds, shook her head hurriedly.

"It's impossible. He will help me find more than forty people, which is a short cut!"

Ning Yuanchen's voice had just dropped when his mobile phone suddenly rang. Seeing that it was Zheng Zhiming who was just mentioned, Ning Yuanchen hurriedly picked up his mobile phone.


"Hello, President Ning! It's me, Zheng Zhiming."

"I know, you are almost finished, aren't you? I'm waiting for you to come and work?" Ning Yuanchen said gloomily.

The reason why he was depressed was that he had recruited a group of people first, but he kept them for more than two months. He thought that this time he was ready to recruit people again, but he waited for another month. Can he not be depressed?

She was short of social experience, so she taught tuition fees. She promised to take charge of the research and development work, but she almost didn't let Shi Yue and Xu Yingying laugh herself to death when these two things happened.

"You have been waiting for a long time. This is the case for public institutions and scientific research institutions. After all, R&D is a continuous work, but the top has finally released people. President Ning, the more people you say, the better. Do you still want to count?"

Hearing this, Ning Yuanchen was stunned, and suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart. He did say this, but it could not be true

"Count, you..."

"I heard that some of you who have not officially joined our hospital have recruited people from your new Zhiyi. I think these people are all good, young and energetic, so I brought a few out by the way. Now there are 69 people in total."

"Well done. In that case, come here quickly. By the way, come here stealthily!"

Ning Yuanchen, who put down his mobile phone, saw Xu Yingying's smiling face and pouted sadly. If 69 people were all involved in EMG, it would be a waste. It seems that he can't be lazy! However, it's better to unplug the network cable before this, because you can see that you have been criticized by words and words.