Chapter 133 Changing Arms Dealers

It can clearly interpret the information of the human brain and transmit the edited information to the brain, which meets the conditions for creating a "cloud intelligent knowledge server". It uses the computing power and stored knowledge of the computer to assist people in R&D and creation.

This is definitely an epoch-making product. As long as you link to the cloud server, this person can have all the knowledge reserves today, which also means that everyone can become an inventor.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It is a good thing to use technology to share knowledge and make society more creative. The empire once did this. However, this technology has not only failed to enable people to enter a new era, but also nearly collapsed the empire.

Everyone will be suspicious, especially the emperor who is below one person and above ten thousand people. This technology has opened everyone's inner world while sharing knowledge.

Whether the ministers are loyal, whether the scientific researchers who receive the imperial funds are dedicated, and what the clever princes usually think.

I don't know if it's good. You are a monarch and a minister, and your father is kind and your son is filial. But everything changed when everyone's inner world was opened to the emperor.

After the fight against corruption, there were only a few people left in the court, and the emperor's sons and grandchildren were also in the seventh or eighth quarter of the decade. The prison was full of people for a while. From the top officials and dignitaries to ordinary people, everyone was as quiet as a cicada.

Seeing that the functional departments were paralyzed and the society was brewing a cloud of terror, a minister who had passed the test had to risk his life to advise to stop the installation of brain computer interface and permanently shut down the server.

The emperor also realized that he could not continue like this, otherwise no one would be able to help him manage the country. However, after the empire resumed normal operation, this technology found a place in the judiciary.

The deeply developed brain machine can directly read people's memories, which makes it easier to catch criminals and catch them all.

Although the fate of this technology has some twists and turns, many people still gamble on it to improve their knowledge reserves. As long as the server is set up to prevent intrusion, who can know his inner thoughts? If you succeed, you will be completely transformed.

Ning Yuanchen now has a problem, that is, who will use the brain computer after setting up the server? Because Meng is a snooper, it is not suitable for anyone.

When Ning Yuanchen was struggling to turn a few holes in his head, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and he watched Jiang Tingting send a video call to connect the phone directly.

"No, I'm not home until this time."

"Yes, I'm exhausted all the way. I can't take so many things home next time."

Looking at Jiang Tingting who complained, Ning Yuanchen smiled. Of course, her welfare cannot be equal to that of other employees, so taking her home should be more involved.

"When I said express delivery, you didn't want to, but now I complain again. I said that it would be better to take over my uncles and aunts and arrange a relaxed job or open a small shop after the new year. What's better than working in your hometown?"

"Yeah, but I'm afraid that my father's temper will lead him to you with a stick, and it's still a mace!"

"Er... is my uncle so angry?"

"What do you say?" Jiang Tingting asked in reply. Seeing Ning Yuanchen's embarrassed appearance on the screen, she smiled, and then moved on.

"After your interruption, Zhiyan almost forgot her business. She didn't return home. Where do you think she is now?"

Hearing this, Ning Yuanchen suddenly felt a sense of foreboding in his heart. What's the meaning of this?

"Aren't you? You..."

"This is beyond my control. I checked that a company with a financial background from neighboring countries invited them to the opening meeting of the New Year, so they stayed in China for the New Year in good faith.

You can see it or not. Don't worry. If something happens, I will never tell the landlady. If you talk with her, I won't pay. "

"Don't do that. The midfield replacement is exposed."

"That's none of my business. It's my holiday, and I'm home. Why don't you let me work overtime to help you pick up girls? Beautiful you! Forget it, I heard that my family introduced me to Gao Fushuai and go on a blind date!"

"Alas, you..."

Looking at the hung up mobile phone, Ning Yuanchen sighed sadly. It is unknown whether Jiang Tingting really wants to go on a blind date, but she must be angry, alas~

After boarding the social software and looking at a series of chat records sent by Jiang Tingting, Ning Yuanchen suddenly saw that the other party was obedient. In this case, let's press the brain computer interface to her!

It was time to get off work in a twinkling of an eye. On the way home, Ning Yuanchen suddenly found a large amount of soil and footprints in the snow covered fields on the roadside. Looking intently, it turned out that the fields were planted with young trees.

Seeing this scene, Ning Yuanchen suddenly got angry because the company wanted to occupy this land. At the end of the year, people here should not rent houses for the New Year because of the land occupation, let alone the construction right away.

So we only carried out a visit survey and informed the compensation standard, but we didn't expect that many more plank houses would be built overnight, and now even the land would be spared.

Since she had money, Ning Yuanchen has never been stingy. It doesn't mean that she has to pay for everything, whether it is for herself, employees or farmers with cooperative relationships.

In China, many people have become rich due to demolition, but also because of greed, the original best hand has been played poorly. The emergence of villages in the city is not necessarily a mistake in planning, but also many because they scare developers away by asking exorbitant prices.

When thinking about whether to re plan the layout, a pair of men and women appeared again in the vision. Unexpectedly, He Meixuan was blocked by her ex boyfriend again.

Seeing Ning Yuanchen's car stopped at the roadside, He Meixuan hurried forward. This time, the man learned to be smart. After pushing back the door that had just opened, he dragged the struggling He Meixuan to the side.

Ning Yuanchen hurried out of the car, pointed at the man and shouted.

"Let go. It's not over, is it?"

"Who are you? She is my girlfriend. What does it matter to you if we quarrel?"

Everyone is close and distant. Seeing his staff being bullied, Ning Yuanchen came forward and slapped him on the wrist, then dragged He Meixuan behind him and said to the man.

"You don't care who I am. It's not up to you whether she is your girlfriend or not. It's up to her to tell me. Then let me see that you are pestering with work and work. Believe it or not, I will let you go to the bureau to celebrate the New Year?"


Ignoring the shouting man, she went back to the car and directly drove away. He Meixuan looked at Ning Yuanchen innocently from the co driver, and listened to Ning Yuanchen as soon as she spoke.

"If you don't make a decision, just calm down and think about it. Don't force yourself to feel wronged. Don't hesitate when you think about it. Don't regret your current choice, no matter whether it's on or off, and the final result. What's more, do you usually walk to and from work?"

"I... I didn't hesitate." He Meixuan, who explained quietly, looked at the main road ahead and continued to say in a stiff manner.

"There is a bus stop ahead, just go this way."

"Public transportation? As far as I know, this bus is not much. It runs every half an hour and sometimes it is late. It may be even less these days. Do you have a driver's license?"

"Yes, I took the exam at school, but I haven't taken it several times."

"Don't save money on a cold day. It doesn't cost much to take a taxi. Right now, there are many idle cars in the company. Take time to practice tomorrow. When you are on the road, don't be a road killer again."

"Oh, thank you... thank you boss!" He Meixuan said weakly. Somehow, she was always inexplicably nervous when facing Ning Yuanchen, and could not even raise the courage to contradict.

How to go to work is totally my personal matter. As long as I'm not late, you can't even crawl here. It doesn't cost money to take a taxi? No reimbursement! Although I thought so, I was depressed at the bottom of my heart and didn't dare to say anything.

"You're welcome. Just work hard. How can I get to the front intersection?"

"Ah? Oh... left... turn." He Meixuan, who was suddenly stunned, said nervously. Is this going to take her home?

Sitting in the car, He Meixuan, who was gazing around, seemed more nervous. Looking at Ning Yuanchen, who was always observing the road, she didn't mean to open her mouth. Thinking about how to break the oppressive environment, a question that had puzzled her for a long time suddenly popped up in her mind. After struggling for a while, she gently asked.

"Boss, can I ask you something?"

"What is it? Say it."

"It's not a big deal. In terms of market satisfaction and profit margin, EMG prostheses are obviously higher than exoskeleton prostheses. Why doesn't the company launch EMG prostheses for lower limbs? This is not difficult for the company at all, and it can also achieve better profits."

"The audience of EMG prostheses is limited. Few people with complete hands will buy them, but exoskeleton prostheses are different. Anyone who wants to buy two can play with them. There are many experts at home and abroad who can modify exoskeleton prostheses.

If we launch myoelectric prostheses for lower limbs now, people who just bought exoskeleton prostheses will not necessarily change them, but will also reduce the market space. It is hard to say whether we can make a profit or lose, so we should wait for a few years! "

"Oh~" He Meixuan answered softly, then asked again.

"Wouldn't it be better if EMG prostheses and exoskeleton prostheses were sold at the same time, which would not only obtain higher profits, but also not reduce the audience."

"Only one of the two can appear on the market. If myoelectric prostheses are launched, the business license of exoskeleton prostheses will probably be revoked and they will be removed from the medical device catalog. Although they are called prostheses, they are exoskeletons in essence, just expanding some functions on the basis of exoskeletons, and no better prostheses can be found."

"Oh~" He Meixuan nodded with understanding, but then her eyes widened in surprise.

She once saw a video that showed the exoskeleton artificial limbs produced by the company were modified and appeared on the battlefield in the Middle East and other places. In this way, the company did not sit back and watch this happen, or was it intentional to turn capitalists into arms dealers!

He Meixuan thought about moving into the chair, and her figure was obviously shorter. In her opinion, Ning Yuanchen was just a successful inventor and businessman, and now, she has another identity as an arms dealer.