Chapter 111 is bad!

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If there is no opportunity, try to create it!

Ning Yuanchen didn't pay too much attention to the women's group, Little Fresh Meat, or the famous singer. After all, he was not a star follower.

I pay you to work, which is a very pure employment relationship, so don't talk to me about terms, because I am the one who pays you.

Compared with other employers, the contract of Chuzhiyi may be more stringent. After all, it is in the R&D center, so when entering here, electronic equipment must be kept in the guard, and the scope of activities is limited to the rest area and stage.

Signing a contract means agreeing to these conditions. If it is violated, it will be treated as a breach of contract. However, these people still find an opportunity to come in advance.

If it's an ordinary commercial performance, it's OK to sing two songs and leave with money. But in this research and development center, one of the most concerned places in the world today, how many people don't want to come in and explore the truth, cooperate with it or even get some information?

Come to be familiar with the stage rehearsal twice in advance. It's natural to be hungry when the time comes. If Chu Zhiyi sends the food to the lounge, he will have no loss. But if he is allowed to go out, he can see more, have the opportunity to contact more people and learn more.

Although this is only a possibility, if you come on time, prepare for a period of time according to the process, and go straight after the performance, you may not even have this.

In the temporary stage built on the playground, several people who rehearsed twice quietly gathered together, estimated the number of people who should be at dinner time, and directly told the staff that they were hungry.

In order to keep fit, we only eat two meals a day. It's normal to be hungry just after singing and dancing. However, the staff responsible for reception is somewhat confused, and there is no food supply in the process!

It's obviously inappropriate to buy some bread and ham sausages. After all, several people come from afar and are also very famous women's troupes. Moreover, if they are exposed, it will also damage the reputation of Chuzhiyi, although Chuzhiyi's reputation has already been mixed.

The man didn't struggle for long. He wanted to go directly to a robot in charge of "security" and tell the situation. These robots are connected to the LAN. It is no secret that the two bosses can use their mobile phones to remotely control, or they can use their mobile phones to remotely and simply command the cleaning robots.

The robot quickly replied that it could lead several people to the canteen to eat whatever they wanted, but only within the scope of the canteen.

When she walked out of the stage and saw a few people still scattered on the road, Zhiyan and several others peered at each other, and the estimation was inaccurate, which seemed to be ahead of schedule.

But I have already come out, and I can only go on with it. I can't go back and wait for a while!

When several people came to the canteen and saw Ning Yuanchen, Shi Yue and others eating at the table inside the canteen, they couldn't help looking at each other again. Unexpectedly, they bumped into the boss here by mistake, and the boss's family would also eat in the canteen.

After the two parties simply nodded to each other, Zhiyan sat down in a position that was neither close nor far away.

Looking around and around, they seemed curious about everything here. Just as Ning Yuanchen was finishing her meal and preparing to leave, Zhiyan suddenly got up shyly and kept turning her head to see her companions coming.

"How are you doing, tranquil and good!"

Looking at the woman who came up and gave a salute, several people quickly nodded their heads and said hello. The visitor was a guest. Although they did not know him, they could not lose their courtesy.

"Can I take a picture with you? I really admire you!"

Hearing some stiff Mandarin, Ning Yuanchen nodded and stood up. But after posing, Zhiyan touched her pocket and opened her hands to Ning Yuanchen in embarrassment.

"Can you borrow your mobile phone and send it to me later?"

"Of course!"


The first picture was followed by the second one, and the atmosphere gradually became active. When Ning Yuanchen and his colleagues walked out of the canteen, more than ten photos appeared on their mobile phones.

On the way back, Shi Yue quietly came to Ning Yuanchen and touched her on the shoulder.

"Look at others. The way to contact them is so fresh and refined!"

Ning Yuanchen looked at Shi Yue, who was slightly tasty, and suddenly smiled.

"Yes, I didn't expect that I was so popular. Do you think I can become a monk?"

"You're still proud, aren't you?"

"No, I was wondering whether they intended it or just wanted to take a group photo. If they just wanted to take a group photo, it would be boring. If they intended it, was it a personal act or was it inspired?

It is necessary to guard against others. My personal behavior is nothing more than to hype up some gossip and discuss some topics, or to ask for money, maintenance or promotion. Is it too dirty for me to think so? "

Ning Yuanchen said quietly that he and Shi Yue slowed down and fell behind a group of people. Shi Yue said with interest after hearing the words.

"It seems that you haven't been confused by several calls from Oba, but... continue!"

Ning Yuanchen smiled at Yan and then said.

"Personal behavior is not interesting, but if someone instructs you, you must have a big plan. For example, Star Electronics, which has always wanted to buy our batteries, robots, and body glasses may be goals, but in short, they are not borrowed seeds.

If there is such a purpose and my contact information, what will the person who can instruct them do next? If win-win cooperation is useful, they will not use it.

The simplest and most effective way, beauty trap! She is lively, lovely and beautiful. She is good at singing and dancing and has the aura of a star. Who can stand this?

But after all, they are not professional. Even the compromises under oppression and inducements must be unwilling, unless they also have some ideas in their heart.

It's said that the performance circle in Linguo is darker than ours. It's easy to buy some small stars, but I won't buy them.

I was wondering if it would be a very beautiful scene if we could drag the game on for two years, and after the brain computer interface that can affect human thought is made, it will be spread to the world's rich class and elites in all fields through their hands. "


Shi Yue was stunned when she heard that Ning Yuanchen and Jiang Tingting were doing some "anti human" research, but she didn't think that Ning Yuanchen wanted to use it on the rich and elite. Isn't it to make the world more harmonious?

"It doesn't matter what you want to study, but don't overdo it!" Shi Yue thought about pulling Ning Yuanchen seriously and said.

"Ann! I have a sense of propriety in my heart. I just want to operate on the thoughts of those who oppose us and exclude us. To be honest, although I'm free now, I haven't had the leisure to accompany her to talk nonsense. If she really teases me after sending the photos, I will give this number to Jiang Tingting, just to let her learn how to tease the Han!"

Ning Yuanchen could not help smiling when she said that it would be interesting for Jiang Tingting to "meet girls". This would also make Shi Yue feel much more comfortable. Sure enough, Shi Yue was stunned again after hearing this, and then smiled helplessly.

"Whatever you want, I find that people who have been with you for a long time are learning bad!"

"How could it be! I'm bad... Eh."

Ning Yuanchen had no face to say that he was a good person. After all, he knew what he had done, and thought about it and then said.

"Qu Xueer and I have been together for a long time. Is she bad?"

"She? It seems that you don't know that Cher went to art painting and mystery in the name of being the first weaver, and his high salary poached almost all of their people, which is what you learned!"

"Er..." Ning Yuanchen was speechless. I can count on it. Can I be reasonable, but... it seems that I can't be reasonable!