Chapter 110 Show off in front of Parents

Make some achievements and show off more sense of achievement to whom? Of course, I showed off to my parents!

As a son of man, this kind of show off may be the most gratifying and proud for parents!

In the R&D center, on the spacious and clean road, Ning Yuanchen, Shi Yue with Xiaoyu and Xu Yingying surrounded by Ning Zhenhai and Qin Yulan, who introduced everything in the R&D center in detail. Everything was huge and everything was fine, so they could say whatever they saw!

When parents come to their own place for the first time, how can they not show off?

It's cool in autumn and there are many fallen leaves. After visiting various R&D buildings, we saw several robots that were clearing the leaves from the charging pile, Ning Yuanchen said proudly.

"It's interesting to see these little fools. The environmental sanitation here is maintained by these little fools. In my imagination, the proportion of people and robots will reach one to two, and all the rough work will be done by robots!"

Ning Zhenhai and Qin Yulan just smiled when they heard the words. Although they always pay attention to everything about Ning Yuanchen and have some knowledge of the situation in the R&D center, they can't compare with what they saw with their own eyes.

The busy scientific researchers in the cutting-edge laboratory, the security guards and robots who patrol straight and straight, and the little fools who can be seen everywhere, all of which make them new, proud and gratified.

The clean and tidy environment naturally attracts some rare birds to come here for food. If they knew that nearly half of these birds were robot birds, how would they feel.

"Dad, did you see that building? Mine will be put into use next year." Ning Yuanchen raised his hand and pointed to a bright building outside the hospital. In more than half a year, the main frame and curtain wall had already been completed, and now the interior decoration is in progress.

"And the construction site outside, almost all of them are mine! How about it? The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, my son!"

Seeing Ning Yuanchen with a proud face, Ning Zhenhai only glanced at her and did not answer her, because he was wondering how long she had not cleaned up. The child seemed to be floating, and family education could not be broken!

Ning Zhenhai ignores it, but Qin Yulan reaches out and grabs Ning Yuanchen's ear without hesitation, gently tugs and directly pulls Ning Yuanchen's head in front of him.

"Little bastard, who do you want to shoot on the beach?"

"No, how... how could it be!" Ning Yuanchen hurriedly begged for mercy.

This is not Ning Yuanchen's words, but his intention. The new environment will always make people feel constrained, and you can relax after making a noise. What's more, it's no shame to be cleaned up by his parents. What's more, he hasn't been cleaned up for a long time, which is a little tight in popular terms.

Looking at a few laughing people walking by nearby, Ning Yuanchen said with a grin to the staff of the main building looking here.

"Mom, be gentle, be gentle... I'm the boss here anyway, and I'll save some face!"

"Who's the boss? No one has ever dared to call himself the boss before me!"

"Your boss, your boss... hehe~"

Qin Yulan is the eldest at home. There is a younger brother below. Ning Yuanchen heard his uncle complain when he was very young. His childhood... was very sad, but he came to visit the house when he had nothing to do and was often cleaned up by Qin Yulan.

With no effort in hand, one pretended to pinch, the other pretended to hurt, and gently rubbed Ning Yuanchen's face, Qin Yulan said happily.

"Yes, it looks like that here!"

"That is, I don't know who educated it, right?"

When Ning Yuanchen flattered her, Qin Yulan raised her eyebrows and looked up and down at Ning Yuanchen in surprise.

"I haven't seen you for half a year, and I'm good at flattery!"

"How can it be flattery? Fact!" Ning Yuanchen said seriously. He turned his head and looked at the star chasers who were blocking their eyes at the gate and holding up signs. He thought about giving up the idea of going to the nearby construction site of the "expert building", and led Qin Yulan straight to the canteen.

"I'm a little hungry. It's time to have a meal and have a rest. It's time for the celebration to begin."


Although robots took the place of more than ten cleaning aunts, they did not dismiss them, but came to the canteen to help, and the canteen gradually changed from big pot to small pot.

The tables, chairs and benches in the spacious and bright canteen are neatly placed. In addition to the better materials of the tables and chairs, they are no different from the design of the regular canteen, but the dishes and quality are very different.

As it is close to the countryside, most of the food materials purchased every day are directly from farmers, which is not cheap, but much higher than the market price. However, cooperative farmers are required to spray less pesticides, especially several kinds of growth promoting agents, which are absolutely prohibited.

For example, the puffing agent, even if it is allowed to be used, is still prohibited here, not to mention whether the drug will remain in the human body, and the taste of the crops with puffing agent is not qualified!

There is no way to choose passively, but now it is restricted from the source and ensures the income of farmers. This is also a solution that has the best of both worlds. The initial organization needs quality, and farmers need to ensure income.

These vegetables and other food purchased from the market, including edible oil and condiments, must be carefully sampled and inspected by the medical R&D department after entering the R&D center, including pesticide residues, hormone residues, heavy metal detection, and of course, the most important bacterial toxin detection.

Only when all of them have passed the standard of preliminary weaving wings can they be sent to the kitchen and finally served on the table after being cooked by the chefs.

As soon as this system was introduced, it was supported by everyone. Food safety is closely related to everyone, and no one would be foolish enough to oppose this system. When the chef hired by the canteen cooks delicious dishes, the demand for ingredients is rising.

You can get what you want if you give up. Spending a lot of money not only improves the treatment of people, but also improves their enthusiasm for work. Both their mood and enthusiasm for work have improved significantly than in the past. Of course, they have also cultivated some snacks.

At more than four o'clock, it was time for the kitchen to prepare meals. Ning Yuanchen used the boss's privilege again, that is, ordering!

Fresh seafood, chicken, duck, fish and meat, although I dare not say that there is everything in the kitchen, at least there is no shortage of categories. After all, this is a canteen that can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

Ning Zhenhai and Qin Yulan, who wanted to take a bite at will, refused to order a meal. Although this is Ning Yuanchen's company, they should not cause trouble if they can avoid causing trouble.

However, Ning Yuanchen unexpectedly ordered six or seven dishes in a variety of ways, not to mention that these dishes were made soon.

"Xiao Chen, the materials in the canteen are quite sufficient, and the dishes are served very quickly. Can't they be prepared in advance?"

Ning Zhenhai said in some doubt that he picked up a piece of his favorite braised crucian carp with soy sauce and put it into his mouth. After tasting it, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, it's good. The fish is fresh and tastes good, half your mother's level!"

Shi Yue was stunned when she heard the words. She was worthy of being a master. Unexpectedly, she didn't even know how to flatter. As she was about to feast for everyone, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Xingmeng calling. Then she put it to her ear and listened quietly.


"It's necessary. There are more than 20 chefs in the eight major cuisines and above. The salary is not worse than that of a big hotel. If the quality cannot be guaranteed, why do I spend so much money?"

Ning Yuanchen said proudly, but Qin Yulan was stunned and said angrily.

"Are you crazy? You don't know what to do to earn some money, do you?"

There is no objection to better food, but the canteen can be implemented according to the standard of the hotel. Isn't that the black sheep?

"I'm creating a corporate culture, and it doesn't cost much. I can sell several pairs of glasses for any money."


Qin Yulan was speechless for a moment. Thinking of those fifty odd pairs of eyes, it was really black! Although only a limited number of people will buy, there are millions of blind people in the world. The most important thing is that there are no competitors. Is it really hard to make money?

She simply answered Shi Yue to the phone microphone, and approached Ning Yuanchen and said softly.

"A few people will come here later, and Xingmeng has already made arrangements."

"Who is it?" Ning Yuanchen asked doubtfully. Since the anniversary was held in the R&D center, no outsiders were invited. What's more, Xingmeng knew it first, which was strange.

"The members of the neighboring women's troupe unexpectedly came to the stage at two o'clock in the afternoon. It only started in the evening. You can't let them go to the stage hungry!"

"Is he so dedicated?" Ning Yuanchen was stunned. Although he didn't want anyone to walk around at will, he couldn't let others perform hungry.

"Come on, don't miss them a meal, as long as you don't walk around at will."