Chapter 29 Trends

The next day, after Qianbi had prepared breakfast, the Night Temple went into Qianbi's room to have dinner with Qingluan. Qianbi wants Qingluan to eat more nutritious food, so she cooks in person. The shopkeeper naturally has no opinion.

"Night Temple, did you get any news last night?" Qingluan asked.

The Night Temple took a sip of soup and said, "The disciples of the Longyang Sect are in the military camp of the Great Mongolia, but their leader is not there. In the military camp of the Great Mongolia, there are not only Longyang Sect, but also other Jianghu people. I don't know much about the Jianghu sects and what they are."

"It's not just Longyang Sect. Why do they collude with Mongolia like this?" Qingluan asked.

"I asked several disciples of the Longyang Sect. They are too low. I don't know why. I only know that this is the order of the leader." The night temple replied.

"The country of Great Mongolia should have come here in preparation this time. Even if they killed General Chang Guan, they still could not win Yanmen Pass. When Qian Jun arrived at Yanmen Pass, they would surely be able to stabilize the morale of the army. Isn't the assassination of the country of Great Mongolia in vain? What are their plans?" Qian Bi asked.

The Night Temple shook its head. "If there is another group of Jianghu people who cooperate with the soldiers of the Great Mongolia outside the Pass, the Yanmen Pass may not be able to hold."

"So the disciples of the Longyang Sect we met yesterday... did they make their way in the pass?" Qingluan asked.


After they finished eating, they prepared to go to the town and let Qingluan have some activities.

"You three are going shopping. Let me tell you something terrible happened last night, which is also a good thing." The shopkeeper suddenly said when they walked down the stairs.

"What can I do to make the shopkeeper so excited?" Qianbi asked.

"Last night, the head of General Chang Guan was sent back!" The shopkeeper wiped his eyes, as if there were no tears.

"Is there such a thing? Could it be sent back by the people of Mongolia?" Qingluan asked.

"What's so terrible about this!" said Qianbi.

"It's not that scary. It should not be sent back by people from the Kingdom of Great Mongolia. At dawn this morning, the guards of Yanmen Pass found ten heads nailed around the gate of Yanmen Pass! Each head was nailed to the wall with a knife. It is said that these ten people are all disciples of the Longyang Sect. God has eyes, these disciples of the Longyang Sect should die! No, I have to burn incense for General Chang Guan again. " Then the shopkeeper ran in.

Qingluan and Qianbi couldn't help looking at each other and the Night Temple. Without saying anything, they left the inn.

When she came to an open area, Qian Bi said, "Sister Qingluan, I tell you that this man is the worst. He likes to do these evil things secretly without telling others. He has to wait for others to hear about it. We should stay away from him in the future. I always think he will be struck by lightning in the future."

Qingluan covered his mouth and smiled, "But what Yesi did was a good thing. Sending General Chang Guan's head back can also play a role in stabilizing the morale of the army. However, there will be many experts in Yesi, the Mongolian army. You should not do such dangerous things next time."

The Night Temple didn't say anything.

"General, do you want to dispose of these heads on the wall?" a soldier asked.

"No need, just keep it. They are all disciples of the Longyang Sect. Don't the Great Mongolia always come to shout these days? Let them shout at these leaders." Chang Pan said.

"Do you want to find out who did it?"

"There is no need for that. He can send my father's head back and kill these Longyang Sect disciples. It must not be bad for our army. He should be some heroes in the Jianghu."

"Yunkong! Yunkong! Why did Shaolin Temple not respond to something serious?" Qiu You, the poison king who lives in Shaolin Temple temporarily, walked into the Great Hall.

"Almsgiver Qiu, don't be rude in the Mahavira Hall," said the elder Yunchen.

"Amitabha!" Abbot Yunkong said, "Benefactor Qiu, Shaolin Temple is still discussing your punishment. Please don't worry."

"You guys who only know how to eat sesame oil money, do you know that almost all the female disciples of Shennongtang who rushed to Yanmen Pass were killed by the Longyang Sect! That Qingluan is my favorite descendant. If something happens to Qingluan, I can't spare the Longyang Sect!" Qiu You angrily said.

"Abbot," said Wunian, "Shennongtang stands aloof from the rest of the world and takes saving lives and healing the wounded as its own responsibility. Almost no sect will be against Shennongtang. If there is one, the whole Jianghu will certainly rise up and fight against it. Shennongtang has contributed a lot to the Xingzhou epidemic, and its disciples have seen it with their own eyes. Younger martial sister Qingluan and others have not yet returned to the school, but they rush to Yanmen Pass. This is to love all the people, but unexpectedly, they encounter such things. Disciples voluntarily go to Yanmen Pass to return justice to Shennongtang. "

"I volunteered to go to Yanmen Pass to do justice to Shennongtang!" said all the disciples in unison.

"Elder martial brother, the Longyangzong assassination of the border guard general Chang Guan was a traitorous act. We can't just sit back and ignore it," said Yunchen.

"Amitabha!" Abbot Yunkong put his hands together. "I received a tip that it is not only the Longyang Sect that colluded with the State of Great Mongolia, but also other sects. It is not clear which one is exactly. In fact, I know that His Majesty will send someone else to solve the Longyang Sect's problem. If you are determined to go, then go. Younger Martial Brother Yunchen, there must be many experts in the State Army of Great Mongolia, so you can go with them this time."

"Amitabha! Cloud dust wishes to go."

"Deputy leader, it must be the one who killed our disciples and took away Chang Guan's head last night. It should be the one who killed all the disciples who sent us to perform the task." said Long Jiao, the eldest disciple of Longyang Sect.

"Well, I already know." The deputy leader Long Yue nodded. "Since we have done such a thing, all the major Jianghu sects must not look at it. It is normal for someone to take action. When Shaolin Temple takes action, the whole Wulin will take action."

"Deputy leader, I don't understand what the leader wants to do. Is it really worth sacrificing so many disciples? Besides, we won't have a foothold in the Central Plains in the future," said Long Jiao.

"In order to achieve great things, some sacrifices are necessary, and we should take a long view. When the leader comes back, he will tell you. From tonight, we will strengthen our defense."

"Yes, deputy suzerain."

In the imperial study, in addition to the Emperor Yanming and the Duke of Wu An, there was also an additional member of the 'Cha' organization.

"Wang Kai paid a visit to His Majesty."

"Get up and talk."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Have you all heard about what happened at Yanmen Pass?"

"Go back to your majesty. Your subordinates have heard about it."

"I'm glad to hear that. This time I will send all your" land "characters to Yanmen Pass, and Hunluo will wait for you at Yanmen Pass. You will listen to the command of Hunluo at that time. I will catch all the Jianghu sects that collude with the Great Mongolia, especially the Longyang Clan, and take the head of the leader of the Longyang Clan to the soldiers of Yanmen Pass to pay tribute to the flag. If this task is not completed, you will not have to come back. "

"Obey me! I will fulfill my mission!"

In the next few days, there will be ten more heads on the wall of Yanmen Pass every day, some of them are disciples of Longyang Sect, some of them are from other Jianghu sects, and some of them are soldiers of the Great Mongolia State. In the face of Yanmen Pass, which is full of people's heads, the soldiers of the Great Mongolia State have no intention to go to battle.

"What do you want to do? Just kill a few people. You are addicted to killing every day?" Qianbi asked while the three were eating in the room.

"Yes, Night Temple, it's too dangerous for you to sneak into the military camp of Mongolia every night." Qingluan said.

"Kill it, then kill it." The night temple said irrelevant.

"Despice!" scolded Qianbi.

"Qianbi, let me teach you martial arts," the night temple suddenly said.

"What kind of martial arts should I learn? I'm lazy and don't want to learn!"

"Qianbi, the Night Temple is for your own good. In this troubled world, it's hard to survive without the ability to protect yourself." Qingluan advised.

"I know he thinks I'm a burden. After I learn it, he won't have to carry a burden around. Then learn it. After I learn it well, you can leave me alone and do what you want to do." Qian Bi sulked.

"I can't save you every time when you are in danger. As you said, I am a person who will be struck by lightning, and may not live as long as you do, so I hope you can have the ability to protect yourself. After you learn it well, you can also protect Qingluan girl." The night temple said.

"Night Temple is determined," Qingluan said, "but your skill is too strong and overbearing for women to practice."

"When I was in the General's Mansion, the Master of Sword Master was the master of the young master. Although the young master didn't want to learn, the Master of Sword Master still guided the young master very carefully. At that time, I learned some secretly. So Qian Bi, I can teach you the Master of Sword Master's swordsmanship."

"Is that OK? You learned it secretly and taught it to others. If the master of sword master knew it, wouldn't he..." Qingluan wondered.

"Regardless of him, I will learn the sword technique of the sword master grandpa, which enrages him! Who told him not to save us at the critical moment?" Qian Bi airway.

"Grandpa Sword Saint? As far as I know, the Elder Sword Saint is not so old, he should be more than 40 years old." Qingluan said.

"This is Qianbi's special name for the master of swordsmanship." The night temple explained, "Qingluan girl, why don't you learn with Qianbi? You can learn the swordsmanship of the master of swordsmanship together, so Qianbi can also have dynamics."

"The Night Temple is joking. Regardless of the different sects, you see I have only one hand left now. How can I practice sword?"

"The Elder Sword Master's Liufeng Sword Technique is light, flexible and elegant. The strength of the sword holder's hand is not important. If you can practice the heart of the sword and control the sword with qi, let alone one hand, you can gallop in the Jianghu even without hands." The Night Temple said.

Hearing what the Night Temple said, Qingluan was really interested in the Liufeng Sword Technique. "Our Shennongtang's martial arts are ordinary, and we focus on the study of medical skills. There is no school rule that we cannot learn other martial arts. After all, our martial arts cannot be called a school. It's reasonable for Qian Bi to learn the swordsmanship of the sword master. If I also learn the swordsmanship of the sword master, what will it be? "

"Qingluan, please don't say that. Elder Sword Master is not a pedantic person. He hasn't found a suitable disciple yet. If he finds you have this talent, he may give it to you."

"That's right," said Qianbi Bangqiang. "If Sister Qingluan doesn't learn, then I won't learn. I will learn together."

Qingluan smiled helplessly and said: "Then I will study with Qianbi and practice with her. If the elder swordsman blames her one day, sister Qianbi will help me block it."

"Don't worry!" Qianbi patted her chest. "If Grandpa Sword Master dares to blame you, I will dye his white hair black!"