Chapter 50 Injury

Dong still came back. Only Cui Wei, who had been taking care of Master Chen, was here. The others had not come back.

Cui Yu smiled and said, "How is it?"

Dong still said, "I got a little harvest. How about you?"

Cui Yu: "A little bit. Master Chen has poisonous insects in his body."

Dong was still surprised: "Oh??"

Wind Spirit Shadow: "Is the loss of soul caused by a poisonous insect?"

Cui Yu frowned and said, "It's not sure. But it's also a direction." He looked at Master Chen and said, "But if only he could open his head, he could see clearly." He licked the corners of his mouth.

The eyes are very hot.

Dong still looked at her like this and his hair stood on end: I didn't expect such a beautiful and gentle beauty to be so cruel.

The wind spirit shadow twitched at the corners of its mouth: the gentle impression just collapsed! This is a medical idiot!

Cui gave his sister a pale look: the old problem has been committed again.

One after another, everyone came back.

Only the two little transparencies of Shengdao Academy did not come back.

Time went by, and the sun went down little by little.

Just when they wanted to go out to find the two men.

A painful shriek went up and rushed to the sky: "Ah?"

Cui Yang: "No, they are Ziyi."

"It should not be in distress!"

"Let's go and have a look."

The crowd took out their weapons and ran to the place where the noise was made.

The tunnel entrance is very narrow, only two people can pass through at the same time.

Cui Yu and Cui Yang get in first.

Cui Yu exclaimed, "Little sister, go out."

Cui Wei, though confused, hesitated for a moment and then withdrew.

Song Xingchen saw what was going on inside because of his height. It turned out that the two men had been dug up and were lying there in ragged clothes, wailing.

Song Xingchen looks at Dong still, who is curious about trying to squeeze her past. He gently holds her shoulder and turns her around.

Dong was still confused: "What happened inside? Can't I see it?"

Song Xingchen: "Don't look at it, it's not good." He then took her and walked out, leaving only an ignorant Feng Lingying standing there.


"Ouch~" A burst of vomiting sounds.

After a while, Feng Lingying came out with a pale face and a strange look.

Dong still looked surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her: "Are you all right?"

"Nothing, just a little nausea."

Dong was still curious when he heard the words: "What happened inside?" He was about to go in.

The wind spirit quickly grabbed its arm and said, "Don't go, it's like a corpse."

"Eh! That's something."

Cui Wei, who has been listening with ears pricked up, feels disgusted and scared when he hears the words: It's good that he didn't see them, otherwise he would have nightmares again at night.

The three girls were chatting with each other. Cui Wei lost her pride at the beginning. She was a lovely girl.

Song Xingchen looked at Dong still with peach blossom eyes and a smile, feeling affectionate.

Cui Wei thought they were a couple and asked, which made Dong still very embarrassed.

At the same time, there is a trace of sweetness in my heart that I didn't realize.

This makes the system howl again.

After a while, Cui Yu heard a slightly excited and tired voice: "Well, come in!"


Li Ziyi's pale face was angry and desperate.

The same is true of people who have never known their names, but there are tears in their eyes.

Behind them were several putrid corpses that had been processed and spliced.

No wonder the wind spirit shadow has just vomited. That's why Dong still has some nausea.

Dong still looked at Cui Yu admiringly: I respect you as a man.

Dong still tried hard to adapt to this environment and silently suppressed this nausea with the power of Wu Soul.

It's strange that I can't really feel nausea.

Song Xingchen: "Can you see who did it?"

Li Ziyi gritted his teeth and said, "No."

Cui Yang: "What's your body shape?"

"About to my chin, I was thin, hunched, with withered fingers and hair. My hair was as dry as wood, yellow and white, and my mouth was purring. My fingernails were long, sharp and sharp, and my body had a faint ghost spirit, because I should be possessed by spirits."

Dong still said: "Are you complaining? You can hurt both of you. That's not a low level!

Why don't you ask the school for help? "

Dong was still afraid: he was afraid of ghosts, but he chose a person who lost something. There was no ghost, but he met him unexpectedly. He was so lucky that he knew he would pick up the one from Wangjia Village.

Several people looked at Dong still contemptuously.

"That's where it goes! We can handle it ourselves."

Dong still said, "Well, all right!"

Cui Yu: "Just now you went to investigate and didn't find any ghost?"

Dong still frowned and said, "I found a strange smell on my twelve aunts. I can't tell what it is, but it makes me feel uncomfortable."

Feng Lingying said, "Yeah, yeah!"

Cui Yang: "We didn't find anything here."

Cui Wei: "So the twelve aunts are very suspicious!"


Li Ziyi gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go to find her."

In that way, Dong still wondered what the other party had done to him?


"Did you meet them?" asked the woman's voice.


"Still fighting? How about it?"

"Quack quack!!!"

"Did you almost kill the other party? So strong?"

"Quack quack~"

"You mean you didn't succeed because the other side came to help you."


The woman said with a dignified look: "You should hide in the ground for a few days and wait until the limelight has passed."

"Gaga~" sounds with grievances.

"Good, be obedient." The woman coaxed each other like a child.


Twelve aunts outside the courtyard.

A little servant girl stopped several people with a mouthful: "What are you doing? I don't know this is the backyard. Can't men enter?"

Li Ziyi will rush in if he doesn't listen.

Who knows that the little servant girl will not give in.

Afraid of hurting her and getting Li Ziyi, she was at a loss. Her face turned red with anger for a while, and finally became more ruddy on her pale face.

"Get out of the way, you girl." The voice was helpless.

Cui Wei snorted coldly: "What are you talking to her about?" She said with direct spiritual power, tied the other side, and moved her away intact in the other side's frightened eyes.

The little servant girl remembered at this time that a group of immortals came to the mansion today: Is this the way of immortals? How amazing!

There was longing and envy in the eyes of the little servant girl.

Cui Wei lifted his head proudly and looked at Li Ziyi in disgust. "Hum! That's good, but you are so stupid." He said without looking back.

Cui Yu shook his head helplessly and smiled apologetically at Li Ziyi.