Chapter 68 Never Be Favourite

When he left Qian's home, Jiang Kai was full of mixed feelings. Although Qian always said that he would let him consider it, if he did not deal with the matter well or could not satisfy Qian, the master and apprentice might end up.

If Zhou Feng is not allowed to compensate for the loss, he will really lose his shirt. Although Jiang Kai does not earn dirty money, he will not do a loss making business.

After a long hesitation, Jiang Kai went to find Ah Fu.

In a small bar, Eve was carrying a glass of whisky with ice and wearing a dress. She was as charming and beautiful as Jiang Kai when she saw her in the bar last time.

"It's rare for you to ask me out. What's the matter?" Eve asked after a sip of whisky.

"I have a supplementary condition for dealing with you," Jiang Kai said.

"What condition? If it's too excessive, I won't agree." Ah Fu answered calmly.

"I want you to get something for me, too." Jiang Kai was outspoken.


"Extremely molten stone."

"Jiang Kai, did you drink too much or didn't you wake up? Do you want a polar melting stone from me?"

"A high-purity extremely molten stone can be replaced by a red Yan crystal. In addition, I will not ask you for any remuneration. I will remember your kindness."

"OK, deal, delivery within three days."

Ah Fu poured down the whisky from her glass, put the glass on the table, pushed it in front of Jiang Kai, and got up and walked out.

The extremely molten stone is not as rare as the material like Chiyan crystal, just because it is extremely difficult to refine and its output is low, but it can repair any non living body damage, and the repair degree can reach the standard of integrity.

Although Jiang Kai only has a trading relationship with Ah Fu, she has almost all these things that no one else has.

Early the next morning, Jiang Kai hurried to Mr. Zhou's house. Before Mr. Zhou came back, the housekeeper only said that he would come back in the afternoon.

"What are you doing here?" Zhou Feng was scolded by the Zhou family every day because of Father Zhou's entering the hospital. His anger was suppressed in his heart. When he saw Jiang Kai, he was even more angry and blocked the door.

"I'll get something." Jiang Kai didn't have the heart to talk to him more, and he didn't bother to deal with this person.

"What can you have here? I haven't settled with you about your letting my father into the hospital!" Zhou Feng said angrily.

After Father Zhou was hospitalized, he was put under house arrest at home, and was not allowed to leave his home for half a step, thanks to Jiang Kai.

"No wonder Mr. Zhou values your elder brother more than you, and the mud can't help the wall," said Jiang Kai, pushing Zhou Feng away to the living room.

"Do you dare to bully the Zhou family?" Zhou Feng said, waving his fist at Jiang Kai.

Jiang Kai dodged sideways and kicked Zhou Feng to the ground, shaking his head helplessly.

The housekeeper glanced at Zhou Feng lying on the ground and frowned at Jiang Kai: "Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?"

"The festival is between Zhou Feng and me, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Zhou. This time, I want to get back the antique fragments sent before," Jiang Kai said with a straight face.

The housekeeper looked at Jiang Kai in embarrassment. Although Father Zhou didn't want them, he kept them well at home, except that some of them were thrown out by the servants when Zhou Feng was venting his anger.

"You......" The housekeeper didn't know what Jiang Kai had in mind, or was he going to take all those things after the Zhou family gave him the money?

"Just lend it to me, and I will return it later," said Jiang Kai.

The housekeeper doubted that the servant had to carry out all the fragments.

Outside the door, Jiang Kai called a car to transport the debris, so they were all loaded into the car. The housekeeper stopped them, and Zhou Feng dared not say anything more.

After all, the steward was appointed by Zhou Qi to watch him. If he had said something to Zhou Qi, his situation would only be more difficult than now.

All the things were loaded into the car, and Jiang Kai drove away alone. Nearly ten of these things were missing. Jiang Kai could not help feeling that the Zhou family had such a second ancestor, so it really needed skills to maintain the family business.

After pulling the fragments back to the Jinding Pavilion, Jiang Kai closed the shop door and moved all the boxes into the basement one by one, which is usually used for repairing.

But the amount of repair this time is more than his workload at any time.

After the preparations are ready, Ah Fu's extremely molten stone is waiting.

In the evening, Jiang Kai received a remittance notice from the bank. It seems that Master Zhou has been discharged from hospital.

A few days later, a truck stopped outside Zhou's gate again.

This time, Mr. Zhou was at home. Seeing the truck outside, he covered his chest again. After all, he had just lost 500 million yuan. Zhou Qi turned his head and stared at Zhou Feng.

"Dad, big brother, I have been at home all the time and haven't done anything!" Zhou Feng hurriedly explained that he was indeed at the Zhou's house these days and hadn't even gone out of the gate.

Jiang Kai motioned to the following people to move the boxes in the car to the living room.

"Mr. Jiang, the old man said these fragments, he didn't want them. You don't need to send them here again, so that he might not get worse." The housekeeper stood at the door of the living room and stopped Jiang Kai.

"Don't even look at it? It's not too rash?" Jiang Kai asked with a light smile, looking at the housekeeper.

"Mr. Jiang, don't embarrass us, please go back," said the housekeeper helplessly.

"I don't really want to come, just because someone else is involved in the feud between me and Zhou Feng, so I will make amends." Jiang Kai looked at Zhou Feng in the living room and said.

When Zhou Qi heard the words, he motioned to the housekeeper to let Jiang Kai in.

When the box was moved in, Old Man Zhou subconsciously avoided looking at it, but Zhou Qi doubtfully walked to a box and opened it in front of everyone.

Everyone froze on the spot. How could this be possible?

Those fragments have been recovered? And there is no trace of repair? What did he do?

Seeing this scene, Old Man Zhou also stared, got up and walked to Jiang Kai, unable to believe it.

"You... are you a fake?" Father Zhou looked at Jiang Kai and asked, after all, it was impossible to repair those things to look like they had never been damaged.

The only possibility is that these are fakes.

"If you think it is a fake, you can ask a professional person to identify it, or you can let the old Qian come by himself. You know his temper, and you will never play favoritism." Jiang Kai said without arrogance.

For Qian Lao, besides his reputation in the industry, his behavior is also obvious to all.

Many years ago, Old Qian once accepted an apprentice, but that person was dishonest. He cheated many people with fakes by virtue of his identity as Old Qian's apprentice.

When he was doing the last business, the other party suspected that there was a fake. Old Qian suddenly appeared, which confirmed that what he was holding was fake. He thought he was old Qian's apprentice and would protect him in some way.

But I didn't expect that Qian Lao kept exposing him, and even handed him over for disposal.