Chapter 619???? despair

If he had known the present outcome, he would never have chosen to be in the limelight. Otherwise, with his strength, even if he failed, he would be the most likely person to escape.

At the same time, the young man behind him did not disappoint him. After recovering his cultivation as a true immortal, the young man's speed can only be described in four words. Almost in the blink of an eye, the distance between them was shortened to dozens of miles.

I believe that when the immortal catches up with him, it will be nothing more than a few breaths.

"Boy, this guy won't last long. At most one hour, he will be beaten back to his original shape, and then you will have a chance to survive!" At that moment, Jiang Kai suddenly heard a familiar voice in his mind.

Hearing the voice in his head, Jiang Kaidun was overjoyed. The owner of the voice was not Shang.

At the moment, he can't help asking why he disappeared for no reason before. He just wants Shang to tell him some more ways to survive.

"You must think highly of me too, let alone for an hour. As long as he catches up with me, I'm afraid I can't even take a move!" Jiang Kai smiled bitterly.

"Hum, you are also a heaven level cultivation. How dare you become more timid with your higher cultivation? Anyway, I have pointed out the way to survive. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your own destiny." After the last sentence, Shang stopped talking. It seemed that he was also afraid of being watched by the immortal, after all, he was the first to irritate the immortal.

Seeing Shang stopped talking, he could not even feel his existence, so he had a headache. It seems that no one can rely on him now.

Knowing that the true immortal would catch up with him sooner or later, Jiang Kai simply stopped and improved his state to the extreme.

When Jiang Kai stopped running away and only took two or three breaths, the figure of the real immortal appeared behind him.

"Very good, very good, I haven't met such an excellent younger generation for a long time. What's more, you are still a lower bound friar. If you give you enough time, you may not be able to achieve positive results and break through the immortal level cultivation. It's just a pity that before you grow up, you don't understand the principle of hiding your strength and bide your time. It's your fault that your life is bad." The young man looked at Jiang Kai and said admiringly.

"I don't know if you can help me." Jiang Kai took a deep breath. Anyway, the man in front of him was the first fairy he met in his life. Although he was cruel and heartless, he was a real fairy after all, and any monk would like to exist.

"Although you have caused me to lose tens of thousands of years of cultivation, I can let you know for your own sake. Ask me what you have!" said the young man lightly.

"I want to know why you have to kill hundreds of millions of friars? In terms of your accomplishments, it's not too much to live with heaven. Why bother these lower friars?" Jiang Kai said in a deep voice.

The young man was stunned for a moment. He thought that he would ask some information about the fairyland, or about the cultivation of immortals, but Jiang Kai asked a lot about a group of ants in the lower world.

"I thought you were a character, but I didn't expect to ask such a stupid question. It seems that Ma has looked up to you before. If it's just such a stupid question, Ma is not interested in helping you!" The young man sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man stopped talking nonsense and slapped him.

Feeling the power of this palm, although there is no such mysterious thing as the law of origin, people in it feel a burst of despair.

There is a saying called "one effort to conquer ten meetings". It's really appropriate to use this immortal at this moment. When the cultivation reaches the immortal level, the stored power in the body is no longer spiritual power, but only the immortal has it. Compared with the spirit power of ordinary friars, the spirit power is much more pure.

It can be said that the purity of the same immortal power and spiritual power is at least 100 to 1.

Jiang Kai only felt that all sides were blocked by a force, and there was no chance for him to escape.

Knowing that there was no way back, Jiang Kai suddenly roared and opened the law of force at the first time. Jiang Kai gradually calmed down under this law of origin.

The next second, Jiang Kai's head appeared a huge virtual shadow of the palm, which was just the power of the young man's palm.

Jiang Kai forced his scalp to smash the huge palm shadow on the top of his head. When the two forces collided, a wave of energy field suddenly broke out all around. If the cultivation level was slightly lower, it would not be surprising if the shocked viscera were broken and died in the wave.

At the same time, Jiang Kaimeng spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and his body flew straight back for hundreds of years before stopping.

His body had long been different from that of ordinary people. Even if he suffered from such a serious internal injury, he quickly got up from the ground.

Seeing this scene, the young man was very surprised. He knew more than anyone how horrible his hand was. The lower friar could not support it, but this lower friar brought him accidents again and again.

If Jiang Kai knew what he was thinking at this time, he was afraid that he would vomit blood in frustration. He tried his best not to catch the other side's casual attack, so he could get a good evaluation, that is, he was a real immortal. If other people were involved, Jiang Kai would think that he was holding a fork.

Jiang Kai looked at the young man in horror, and his heart was even more complicated. Shang had said that if he could survive for an hour, he might survive. But now he could not even take the other side's casual attack. How could he stay for an hour?

"Well, you've wasted enough time. It's time to end!" Although the young man was a little surprised at Jiang Kai's strength, he didn't intend to let him go, even his second palm seemed more powerful.

"Is he really going to die in this ghost place today after he has been cultivating for so long and finally broke through the heaven level cultivation?" Jiang Kai shouted in despair when he saw the young man's second palm.


He would never be willing to die in such a ghost place. Even a fairy is not qualified to take his life. Jiang Kai roared in his heart.

When his eyes became calm again, the whole person suddenly became empty.

At the same time, Jiang Kai's consciousness suddenly plunged into darkness, and whether it was a fairy or anything else seemed to disappear from his consciousness.

Jiang Kai felt the existence of the immortal around him in a hurry, but he could not break through the darkness, just like his soul was imprisoned here.

Jiang Kai even thought that this was the real fairy's trick.