Chapter 274 Answers of China Daily News Association

"Where are you now?"

"I have already arrived in Jiangnan!"

"Well, if you are free, you can come directly to Sanhe Hotel to find me."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I'll be there in ten minutes."

The young man on the phone soon came to the hotel.

Jiang Kai was also very curious when he looked at the young people who looked smaller than himself.

In addition to his unfavourable performance in the World Treasure Appreciation Competition, he was able to join the Association because he had money behind him.

And this young man, who had never heard of before, could also accept Cai Cheng's mission in Jiangnan at such a young age.

It must be something extraordinary. Jiang Kai was a little curious about his identity.

What Jiang Kai didn't know, however, was that the young man had applied to be transferred to Jiang Kai, which made the association entangled for a long time.

The internal preparation of the Association was to train this young man well, then lay a solid foundation in the capital from the beginning, and expand all the relationships.

In the future, we will make preparations for him to become the regional chief of the capital.

In the association, the general head of the capital region will undoubtedly be the president of the next Tianxia Treasure Identification Association.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Association, this young man is the president of the next Tianxia Treasure Appreciation Association.

What does the next World Briefing Association mean?

The goal of the president of this session of Tianxia Treasure Identification Association is to make the Association become the existence of protecting the development of the whole Chinese cultural relics industry during his tenure.

That means that in the future, the young people will master the whole Chinese cultural game industry.

Now, young people suddenly want to follow Jiang Kai and say nothing to develop in the capital city, which is also a headache for many big men.

The Association held meetings overnight to discuss, and many big men felt it was inappropriate.

Finally, the eldest sister in the association made a final conclusion.

"Is there another young man in China who is better than Jiang Kai? Is it his network or his real strength that matters? Let him follow Jiang Kai to become the president at that time. Even if he goes to the northwest, no one will oppose him to become the president."

The words of the eldest sister in the association reminded everyone of Jiang Kai's misfortune.

Not only that, the giant Buddha behind Jiang Kai is also an exceptional figure.

At that time, the young man will be favored by Qian Laotian, so he can push everything in the cultural circle of the capital.

So, within the whole association, the scheme of young people going to Jiangnan to follow Jiang Kai was immediately approved.

Not only that, they also arranged all the handover work overnight without even notifying Jiang Kai, for fear that Jiang Kai would reject the young man.

The young man looked at Jiang Kai admiringly.

In his eyes, Jiang Kai is his idol in the cultural and entertainment industry.

Unlike those masters who accumulated by time and seniority, Jiang Kai is a real genius.

Jiang Kai's performance in the World Treasure Appreciation Competition has become his next goal.

"Hello, Jiang Shen. My name is Peng Haiming."

The twinkle in Peng Haiming's eyes extended his right hand.

"Hmm, Jiang Shen?" Hearing the young man in front of him calling him Jiang Shen as Wang Yanyan did, Jiang Kai could not help but feel a little funny.

It seems that this young man is his fan.

"Have you come here to accept Cai Cheng's work? Has the Association solved Cai Cheng's plan yet?"

Hearing Cai Cheng's name, Peng Haiming's eyes naturally flashed a trace of contempt, as if he was born to hate such people.

"It has already come out. We have collected all the evidence of Cai Cheng and handed it over to the public security organ. We will also circulate a notice of criticism on this matter at the cultural game conference next month, to give everyone a wake-up call, so as to avoid the situation of one person destroying a pot of porridge."

Speaking of work, Peng Haiming's temperament suddenly changed, not like a young man at all.

On the contrary, it looks like Mr. Su.

Jiang Kai was also surprised by Peng Haiming's way of dealing with it. He did not expect that the Association would choose to report this matter at the Cultural Games Conference.

That means that the Association is going to admit this mistake to the giants in the Chinese language game industry.

Every four years, all the cultural game industry and regional giants in China will gather in the capital.

At the conference, everyone will make a summary of the work of the first four years, and will also make a prospect for the next four years.

The most recent Wenju Fair has been held for one month.

Peng Haiming also breathed a sigh of relief when Jiang Kai nodded as if he was very satisfied with the Association's solution.

Then he went on: "Not only that, but the Association will also take this opportunity to thoroughly clean the members of the Association. Whenever there is someone like Cai Cheng, the Association will hand them over to the public security organ."

"In addition, in order to avoid such a thing in the future, the Association will establish a reporting system in the near future, through which local cultural game merchants can report the situation of local principals to the Association, and then the Association will set up an investigation team to investigate the principals."

Peng Haiming and Jiang Kai made a series of moves, which made Jiang Kai see the determination of the World Briefing Association.

In his original idea, it would have been a good act for Tianxia Treasure Appreciation Association to reveal this matter by itself.

However, he never thought that the World Briefing Association had created a series of systems to deal with this kind of thing.

In this matter, Jiang Kai not only saw the determination of the Association, but also saw the foresight of its principals.

If it is true as Peng Haiming said, then the World Treasure Appreciation Association will not have no chance to achieve their ambitious goals in the future.

Seeing Jiang Kai laughing again.

Peng Haiming knew that this time his series of suggestions were accepted by Jiang Kai.

Not only that, he also saw that Jiang Kai was a person who sincerely hoped that the Chinese culture and game industry would become better and better, rather than those who were greedy for glory and wealth.

Peng Haiming couldn't help asking: "Jiang Shen, will you attend the cultural relics fair in the capital next month?"

When asked suddenly by Peng Haiming, Jiang Kai was also a little confused. One said that he had never thought about this before.

But now he thinks he can go there. After all, he is going to visit Zhang Haoming recently.

At the thought of this, Jiang Kai could not help laughing and crying. He remembered that the treasure he had worked hard to get back had not been absorbed.

Shaking his head, Jiang Kai dismissed the distractions in his mind and said with a smile, "Look at the chance! I will go to the capital in a few days. If I stay longer, I may have a chance to see something."

Peng Haiming's eyes brightened when Jiang Kai said that he might go.

"With your participation in the Cultural Games Conference, it will certainly be a lot lively!"