Chapter 11 One Read to Kill Emotion

Ye Lingtian walks alone in the street.

His eyes were empty, and he was like a walking corpse.

He is in bad shape.

The power in the body also rioted, and the breath became disordered.

If there are also wise monks here at this time, they will be shocked. This is a tendency of a person's spirit to run away and become possessed.

"Ye Lingtian, I didn't expect that you should be a scum. I didn't expect that you should be such a shameless person..."

"Ye Lingtian, you are a coward. How can you match my daughter? You are much worse than He Zimin..."

"Ye Lingtian, you disappoint me. You are not qualified to be my son-in-law. He Zimin is my son-in-law..."

In front of him, Xia Wanqing and his father-in-law and mother-in-law will always appear. All three of them are high above the others. Instead, they are indignantly accusing him and saying nothing about him.

In particular, Xia Wanqing was very angry. Her eyes were full of endless disappointment, as if he was hopeless in her eyes.

Seeing Xia Wanqing's eyes, Ye Lingtian felt that his heart was broken and the pain was extreme.

"Ye Lingtian, go to hell. I never want to see you again!"

Suddenly, with the sound of "summer evening sunny", Ye Lingtian suddenly shook his body and woke up.

At this time, he found that these were all illusions, but he did not know when he had arrived at a bridge.

His face was full of tears, and his eyes even dripped blood. He looked miserable. It was blood and tears.

And just one more step forward, he will step into the rolling river in front of him.

A cool wind blows gently. Standing at the bridge at night, Ye Lingtian feels a bit cool.

But now, his heart is colder.

"Ho ho..."

He sat on the river bank, his mouth full of laughter at himself. He laughed loudly, laughed and cried again.

He really fell in love with Xia Wanqing.

But he did not expect that he had paid almost everything for his beloved woman in the past three years, but this was the result.

At this moment, it is not too bad to say that one's heart is like ashes.

"Well, since then, I, Ye Lingtian, will use the nine character secret art of my Ye family to cut off the relationship between me and Xia Wanqing. Since then, I, Ye Lingtian, have nothing to do with the Xia family. I have no guilt about your three years of acceptance."

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Ye Lingtian raised his head and stopped crying. His voice was full of despair and pain.

He has done his best for three years, but Xia Wanqing and her parents in law still refuse to accept him. They always feel that he is not worthy of Xia Wanqing, so he decides to let go of this relationship.

Three years of door-to-door life ended today.

From now on, he only cares about his blood feud.

Almost after Ye Lingtian murmured in his mouth, he stood up.

Then he made a seal in his hand: "Five elements of wind and thunder, gather together to form a curse, listen to my command, and cut my love!"

With the movement of his hands, it can be felt that there is an inexplicable force gathering in the surrounding void to his palm, and finally, a white "Swastika" print is formed.

This imprint carries a breath of thunder and lightning, sending out destructive waves.

As soon as Ye Lingtian's voice fell, the "Swastika" flew out of his palm, and then fell into Ye Lingtian's eyebrows like a flash of knife light.

"Uh huh."

Almost at that moment, Ye Lingtian seemed to be hit by a heavy punch, and his body could not help but take two steps backward, with a smear of blood flowing from his mouth.

At the same time, a strand of silver hair also appeared on his head, among the thick black hair.

However, in his mind, the memory of summer sunset was also blurred.

This is the secret of the "Swastika" in the "Nine Character Secret" of the Ye Family, which can kill the seven emotions and six desires in the world, directly hurt the primordial gods and wipe out the gods and ghosts.

Ye Lingtian used to cut off his love, which was regarded as killing chickens with a cattle knife.

At this time, Ye Lingtian also paid a high price for using the secret of "Swastika" to cut off his relationship with Xia Wanqing.

The silver hair on his head is proof.

A wisp of silver hair represents his love wound.

Love goes, injury stays.

The bleeding in his mouth indicates that his spirit has also been hurt.

It's not too bad to say that even a slight blow on the Yuanshen is like a thousand knives cutting flesh on the body.

That kind of pain is beyond ordinary people's endurance.

Ye Lingtian's heart is as painful as tearing.


However, he did not stop. Even if it hurt again at this moment, he would cut off the relationship. How desperate it was to do such a thing.

The first blow didn't completely erase the memory of Xia Wanqing, so Ye Lingtian quickly played the second way.

"Uh huh."

Then he gave another grunt, and a painful look on his face flashed away, and he suffered another pain.

A second strand of silver hair also appeared on his head.

However, the memory of summer sunset is still not completely disappeared, just blurred again.

"Come again!"

Another "Swastika" sign was introduced into the eyebrows after a low drink.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

That night, I don't know how many blows I had suffered. It was not until dawn that all the memories of Xia Wanqing in Ye Lingtian's mind were completely erased.

He could no longer remember who Xia Wanqing was.

At this time, his hair was all silver, and there was no black hair.

The clothes on the whole person's chest were full of blood, which dyed the whole clothes red.

When the last trace of memory about summer sunset disappeared, he fainted with a sound of "puff". He could no longer bear it and fell into the river.

The other side.

Almost when Ye Lingtian cut off all the memories of Xia Wanqing in his mind.


Xia Wanqing, who was buried in the car crying bitterly, suddenly raised her head and shouted in horror.

A face full of tears showed a frantic expression.

Because for some reason, at this moment, she felt as if something very important to her life had been cut off.

This made her flustered and at a loss.

"Ling Tian, is that you?"

She sat in the car, opened the window, looked around and shouted.

There was no response.

"Lingtian, don't do anything stupid. I was wrong. I really was wrong. Please come back..."

Finally, she began to cry again, and the sense of panic still did not leave her.

When this feeling subsided, she had no strength. She cried herself out and fell asleep on the steering wheel.

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