Chapter 108 Low Opening

Wang Qi forgot when he finally went to bed!

He only knew that he incarnated as Lifo Devil and fought alone in the Chinese stock market. Finally, he faced many blockades and was unable to support himself and lost the battle!

However, he was not discouraged. Even though he was penniless, he still killed the stock market again with thousands of yuan earned as a security guard. He operated in a very short time and grasped the market leader. One year later, he was worth tens of millions.

One year later, he was worth hundreds of millions again. He launched a fierce attack again on the leaders of the stock market giants who had encircled him. He was a lone hero. Although he killed a thousand enemies, he lost ten thousand.

He was seriously injured when all the money was spent, but the other party was only slightly injured. In the dream, his incarnation, Li Fo Devil, has repeatedly failed and persevered, launching a charge to the stock market again and again, just like Sisyphus, pushing the stone to the mountain again and again.

But even so, he didn't give in, let alone commit suicide


I don't know where the dream ended. Wang Qi was awakened by the warm sunshine in the morning. He felt a little tired, and his spirit was very tired.

This is not sleeping well!

Did you dream?

Wang Qi lay on his bed and recalled the scenes in his dream, but many of them could not remember clearly. He only knew that he seemed to be a Li Fo devil fighting in the Chinese stock market, and finally failed! What does this imply? Is it a hint that even if I am worth billions, I will fail in the end?

Will I end up like Yang Feng?

Wang Qi doesn't believe it!

The old man often said that the dream is the opposite. It means that he has succeeded if he failed in the dream!

Even if the dream is true, even if it is fate!

Wang Qi still doesn't believe it! He doesn't believe in fate!

Wang Qi only believes in himself, and believes that my fate depends on me!

On Sunday, Wang Qi didn't go out and continue to study stock technology in the house. When he was tired, he picked up the book and read Li Fomou's operating memoirs.

A good book needs to be read more, so that you can have a profound understanding.

Monday, April 17th!

When Wang Qi got up, he saw that Fat Man had bought breakfast. He didn't know whether Fat Man came back last night or in the morning.

"Wang Qi, how are you getting along? I heard that you went to see a movie later. It seems that Chen Yu has a good impression on you?" The fat man inquired about Wang Qi's idea.

"Not bad! Just so so!" Wang Qixin wanted to stay with Chen Yu first without Li Zhier. But he promised Li Zhier to talk with Chen Yu again. Wang Qi could not get through this.

"Don't miss the chance!" The fat man looked at Wang Qi and said with a bad smile, "If you have fish in front of you, eat it first!"

"You think I don't want to? But I have an agreement with Li Zhi'er, so I'd better not mess up first!" Wang Qi explained.

"What is disorderly behavior? If a man has not married and a woman has never married, it's normal for you to love me! Forget it, I tried my best anyway, don't say I didn't introduce you to my girlfriend!" Fat man hates iron and doesn't bite.

Shame on wasting food!

When the stock market opened, the shareholders in Chess King's stock group had been sharpening their swords for a long time, and the days when the stock market did not open were less fun.

The market opened directly at a low price!

"What's the matter? Why are you opening so low today?" A little rookie shouted in the crowd. After he sold Jin Yu's shares, he sold nearly ten percent of his shares. This low opening made him lose nearly 10% in two days.

"The concept stocks in Anxiong New Area fell sharply, and there was no hot spot in the market!" a shareholder replied.

"It seems that the bad news over the weekend was a little big. The Securities Commission paid close attention to the malicious speculation of secondary new shares by relevant market subjects. On April 14, the Securities Commission said at a press conference that the Securities Commission would launch the second batch of special law enforcement actions in 2017, and this special action was aimed at vicious market manipulation such as speculation of secondary new shares and fast entry and fast exit tactics." The old leek explained the reason for today's sharp decline in the group.

"No wonder that today's new stock market also fell sharply, and the fast forward and fast out will be hit. This stock market is not easy to do!" shouted the shareholders who are interested in ultra short term in the group.

Wang Qi has been studying stocks and reading books these two days, but he really hasn't noticed the news on the market.

This is a bit wrong!

Low sensitivity to the market is not good for stock speculation!

Wang Qi reflects on himself.

Maybe I don't care if I'm empty!

"The group leader, can we start with today's sharp fall?" A little rookie asked. Since the lost ticket in his hand was irretrievable, he hoped to buy a ticket with the group leader to earn the money back.

"Wait a minute!" Wang Qi replied.

Wang Qi is also watching the trend of Jinyu shares. According to the fat man before crossing, he took Jinyu shares painfully for two days. As soon as he cut his flesh, Jinyu shares began to rise, followed by a ceiling.

Therefore, Wang Qi analyzed that Jinyu shares could rise slightly tomorrow, and there would be a limit on the day after tomorrow.

At this time, Jinyu's shares fell by about 5%. First, hang a down limit to pay the bill. If you can buy it, it's OK.

"Fat people buy gold at the stock price limit!" Wang Qi shouted across the air.

When the fat man heard that Wang Qi finally issued the instruction to buy stocks, he ran away with the computer in his arms, "Do you want to buy more shares? Do you want to buy now?"

"Buying on the down limit?" Wang Qi replied, "I have been fully commissioned!"

"Good!" The fat man also started to light the computer to buy. "Then I will buy it in full warehouse?"

"Good!" Wang Qi replied, and then he remembered something and sent a voice to Chen Ping, "Brother Chen, I'm going to buy gold on the decline limit!"

After a few seconds, Chen Ping replied, "Yes!"

"Beauty, the limit board buys gold!" Wang Qi thought of Ye Xiaomei's repeated instructions. He said in advance for the sake of her being a lovely woman.

After the entrustment, the stock market continued to open low, and the market was obviously panicked.

This is a lot of money running away!

Wang Qi looked at the suddenly enlarged measuring column thoughtfully.

Many retail investors have cut meat! They panicked when the market fell!

Wang Qi can feel the changes in the market more rationally because of his short position.

Selling stocks is not a good selling point at this time.

"It's too scary. I lost 7% today, and I gave up and left!" Some shareholders sold miserably in the group.

"When the risk comes, I knew I should cut the meat at the beginning of the market. Now I'm losing more and more!"

"I think the bidding situation is wrong. Last week, the high-ranking stocks were all subject to the limit of decline. I knew that the market was not optimistic today, so I also walked away directly from the opening auction. Although I lost a few points, the gentleman did not stand under the wall of danger, and if I was wrong, I would stop loss in time!" I love to capture the dragon said in the crowd, and then he posted his delivery order for today.

"You didn't say that long ago?" A stock friend saw that I love to capture dragons, and he was very angry.

Since you already know, you can tell your opinion and operation in advance in the group. As for whether there is recognition and listening, it is our business. But if you dare not say it in advance, it means that you are not confident and confident. Now that the market value has verified your idea, what's the use of that?

It seems that you are prescient and powerful?