Chapter 2 Being Targeted

  • Godlike son-in-law
  • Fat dragon
  • 2262 words
  • 2021-06-13 09:49:13

Guanhai Pavilion is located in the best section of Tianfu District, near the mountain and the sea, with excellent scenery. It is the top villa area in JH City.

Ning Guoguang, the owner of the Ning family and Ning Sichun's grandfather, lived here. He started from scratch and built a huge foundation for the Ning Family Group.

Just a few years ago, he thought he was old, so he gave the position of chairman of Ning's Group to Ning Sichun, the most talented of the younger generation.

This appointment also made Ning Sichun the target of the whole Ning family.

The Sea View Pavilion is not close to Luo Daying's home, so Xiao Su had to turn on the acceleration system of his bicycle. All the way, there were sparks and lightning. It was only 20 minutes before he reached the place.

Seeing Xiao Su, Ning Sichun snorted with a cold face: "You will play your role later. Don't say anything superfluous."

The meaning of this sentence is to play a harmonious couple. No matter how their private relationship is, they still have to behave in front of their families.

"I understand." Xiao Su nodded repeatedly.

As soon as they entered, the originally lively atmosphere in the villa immediately changed. The next moment, the whole family's eyes flew over.

Ning Sichun pretended not to see it and quickly stepped forward to greet his parents.

"Good father in law, good mother in law," Xiao Su said in a soft voice after him, "Are you still healthy recently?"

Ning Yongjin liked Xiao Su to his heart when he saw him, and said with a smile, "All right! I just told your mother about you."

"Yes," Xue Guixiang snorted and said in a strange way, "I heard you did a good job in security?"

Ning Yongjin was about to speak when Xue Guixiang stepped forward and looked up and down at Xiao Su.

With a frown, she pointed at Xiao Su's clothes and scolded, "You are dressed like this for the father's birthday? Oh, you are a poor ghost all your life!"

"Sorry, Mom." Xiao Su hurriedly apologized.

Xue Guixiang is cold faced and unmoved. Although Xiao Su saved her life, she believes that this is not the reason why the other party has taken over her own family.

"Hey, Guixiang, today is a good day for our father. Don't make such a scene so unpleasant." Ning Yongjin beat Xiao Su on the shoulder while playing the game.

Xue Guifang glanced askance at Xiao Su, "I won't say any more unpleasant words. Think about it yourself! Besides, don't be like a starving ghost when you eat later, which will humiliate our family!"

Xiao Su could not say anything but nodded.

Ning Yongjin is worried about what his wife will say, and hurries to ask everyone to say hello to the Don.

In the middle of the living room, Ning Guoguang was chatting with his sons about family affairs and smiling at Ning Yongjin and others, but he didn't say a word to Xiao Su.

In his opinion, Ning Sichun is the beautiful girl of heaven. Even if she wants to marry a family man, she must have similar family conditions, not Xiao Su, who has nothing.

Although the old man can't stand it, it's the children's business after all, and he can't handle it much.

His silence did not mean that his sons could bear it. The eldest son Ning Yongsheng opened his mouth and said, "Fourth, where is your son-in-law getting rich recently?"

"Brother, Xiao Xiao is considerate and pure, and always helps the family." Ning Yongjin made a ha ha. "In the past, he used to pay attention to men outside and women inside. Now the times are different, and our ideas should also be open. Let the young people do what they want."

Ning Yongsheng picked a corner of his mouth and said sarcastically, "You can see it! Don't comfort yourself!"

The second son Ning Yongchi followed closely, "I think you are too open-minded! If a man doesn't have a career, how can he be tough? Does your son-in-law want to eat soft food all his life?"

"Can't you?" Ning Yongxu, the third brother, said, "I heard Xiao Xiao has been working as a security guard in our company. Is he observing the chances of getting rich?"

With the help of Xiao Su, we ran Ning Yongjin's home. Rao Shi Ning Yongjin is good-natured and has a smile on his face.

Just then, the housekeeper came to inform the old man that the banquet was ready.

Xiao Su knew that no one except Ning Yongjin wanted to see him in this family. He wanted to find an excuse to run away, but in order to save his wife's face, he had to brave his way into the restaurant with everyone around him.

Everyone sat down in different ages. Ning Guoguang stood up with a crutch and simply said a few words to order the opening of the banquet. However, he was old enough to leave the banquet with the help of a housekeeper.

As soon as the master left, the illusion of family reunion was instantly broken. Liang Meili, the sister-in-law, took the lead in the attack and said, "Oh, why is there such a sour taste?"

"Because there is a pheasant from somewhere who wants to become a phoenix after climbing the high branch!" Lin Ling, the second sister-in-law, immediately helped her.

Liang Meili sneered, "They all said that it is better to marry well than to mix well. Unexpectedly, this is also suitable for men!"

"Not really!" Lin Ling, the second sister-in-law, agreed. "It's really smoke from the ancestral graves!"

Her son Ning Sixiao immediately said, "Well, what's wrong with people looking up high? I also want to climb high! We can't always suffer!"

"Good son!" Lin Ling patted the table. "It's really a responsibility. It's different from that heartless person!"

Liang Meili said with a smile, "Sixiao has a vision! Unlike someone else, marriage can be a loss making business. How can you start a company with such a mind? Don't make a fool of the company!"

The spearhead of these people seems to be directed at Xiao Su, but in fact they are aiming at Ning Sichun. In Liang Meili's opinion, the chairman of Ning's Group should be her own son. Although Lin Ling knows that her son has no chance to rise to the top, she can't stand her youngest daughter taking charge of the family business.

Xiao Su knew that his words would be lost now, so he just pretended to be deaf and dumb and concentrated on eating.

For Ning Sichun, this is not a family dinner at all, but a doomsday judgment. No matter how delicious the food on the table is, she has no appetite.

"I'm full." She put down her chopsticks and was about to get up.

Liang Meili immediately said, "Hey, Sichun, the elders are still here. Don't hurry to go!"

"I'm not feeling well, sorry, aunt." Ning Sichun said stiffly and walked away without looking back.

"This child is too impolite!" Lin Lingyu said to Ning Yongjin and his wife with dissatisfaction. "How do you educate your daughter? How can you manage our business if you don't even know how to respect our elders?"

Ning Yongjin sighed helplessly and said, "Second sister-in-law, today is a beautiful day. Can't we sit down and have a good meal?"

"Fourth, you are really calm!" Lin Ling sneered, "Alas, our future is worrying!"

As soon as you speak to me, people will almost call Ning Sichun a heinous bastard.

Because of worry, Xiao Su chased him out, and naturally he was scolded.

He didn't care. Ning Yongjin and his wife who stayed at the banquet were on pins and needles, and Xue Guixiang wanted to eat him raw.

Walking into the yard, Xiao Su saw Ning Si standing in the corner, and her slim figure was lonely in the rustling sea breeze.

Ning Sichun was in a trance when he suddenly got warm. He turned his head and looked at Shang Xiao Su's caring eyes.

"Sichun, it's cold now, I..."

Before Xiao Su finished speaking, Ning Sichun suddenly raised his hand and knocked his clothes on his body to the ground, as if it were something dirty.

"Don't touch me and stop acting!"

"Because of you, my life has been ruined!" Ning Sichun's eyes were full of hatred. He raised his hand to the door and said sternly, "Get out!"

After saying that, she turned around and was not even interested in taking another look at Xiao Su.

Xiao Su was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth to say something comforting, but he also knew that Ning Sichun, who was angry, would not listen. He sighed and had no choice but to leave.