Chapter 19 Ancient Giant Tree

  • The rabbit is invincible
  • Zhen Cimu Boy
  • 2036 words
  • 2020-05-19 14:18:00

In front of us is an ancient giant tree.

The tree cave where Xiao Hei and Mao E live is formed by this giant tree.

Imagine that the internal area of the tree hole alone is as large as a football field.

How big are the roots of ancient giant trees?

In any case, it is larger than the tree hole area.

Xiao Hei looked at it with his heavenly eye.

Like a UAV, the third perspective comes into view.

The area of ancient tree roots is about ten times that of internal tree holes.

The size of ten football fields.

In other words, the area occupied by this ancient giant tree is even larger than that of some small forests.

Whose uncanny workmanship is it?

Xiao Hei had to admire.

The trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them.

The growth of this ancient giant tree has gone beyond common sense.

Trees in nature can never grow like this.

The black rabbit looked up.

The giant trees rose into the sky.

The rabbit's eyes are hopeless.

Simply use the heavenly eye to see.

The result was unexpected.

Even the heavenly eye, which claims to be able to see through all the things of aged Cao Ting, cannot see how high the giant tree is.

What on earth is on this giant tree?

What is Mao E going to do?

Xiaohei's doubts became deeper and deeper.

Since you can't even see through the eye of heaven, I will go there myself.

The idea came to his mind, and the black rabbit immediately prepared for action.

This time, there is no longer the limitation of the tree hole dome.

Xiao Hei can make a full leap.

As for how high he can jump, he has no idea.

The rabbit bent down and riveted hard.

Jump up.

Two hind feet left deep footprints on the ground.

At that moment, it was like a mountain falling over the sea.

Xiao Hei's body soared into the sky.

The wind is whistling in my ears.

The rabbit's head hit either a leaf or a branch.

Thanks to the ancient giant trees, they grow straight.

Otherwise, the rabbit's head must hit the giant tree.

It's OK to hit the leaves.

If you hit a branch, you will inevitably crack.

Because the rabbit has too much power, it is normal for branches, regardless of size, to be broken.

The branches broke noisily.

Especially the sound of falling down after the broken branches.

Enough to frighten the black rabbit.

A rabbit is a rabbit after all.

Xiao Hei's fear of heights has returned.

He feels dizzy and even wants to vomit.

Even though the rabbit jumped with all its strength, it was hindered by branches and leaves.

Therefore, the height of the first jump is not exaggerated.

The super bounce creates upward traction for the rabbit's body.

When the traction disappears, Xiaohei is affected by gravity.

The body began to fall.

Although the gravitational potential energy is very strong, fortunately, the rabbit is relatively small.

There were unbroken branches just now, but now they are working.

About ten meters down, Xiao Hei fell on a branch that was neither thick nor thin.

The dense branches and leaves are like a big open net, wrapping the rabbit's body in it.

Up nearly 100 meters, down tens of meters.

This result is acceptable.

But then it didn't go so smoothly.

The tension of the branches determines the elasticity of the black rabbit.

Xiao Hei certainly has infinite power, but if the branches can't bear this power.

It can only be broken and dropped.

So, how high the black rabbit can jump next time depends on how much strength the branch can bear.

The branches that Xiao Hei stepped on never broke off.

Because the thickness of branches and their own tension are different.

So the height of Xiaohei's bounce is also different.

Or three or four meters, or ten meters.

There are strengths and weaknesses.

Rabbits are neither cats nor monkeys.

Fully rely on their own jumping power to climb an ancient giant tree.

Think about how difficult it is.

What smoking did I commit? Why did I climb a tree?

Curiosity killed the rabbit.

Xiao Hei complained about himself.

The previous curiosity about the strange behavior of the white rabbit has been exhausted after nearly half an hour of climbing the tree.

In order to climb up, the rabbit can't remember how many times it jumped.

Look at the distant, towering crown.

For the first time, Xiao Hei thought of giving up.

"I'm really naive.

If you want to know what White Rabbit is doing.

I will know when he comes back.

Why bother climbing trees! “”

It's too difficult for rabbits to climb trees.

Although I don't know how Mao E Zhiji climbed onto the tree crown, Xiao Hei decided to make a strategic retreat first.

Climbing trees is not fun!

The black rabbit decided to go down the tree.

It's much easier to go down the tree than climb it.

After being blocked by branches and tendrils, Xiaohei stepped into a step.

It took less than five minutes to get back to the ground.

Standing under the roots of ancient giant trees.

The rabbit looked at the tree and sighed.

This time, although I turned back halfway, I didn't get nothing.

After half an hour's consumption, Xiao Hei was hungry again.

If you are hungry, you must eat.

As long as they eat, rabbits can become stronger.

This is the greatest gain.

The moon in the sky is more round.

Before eating, the black rabbit decided to pull out a bubble of Baba.

Not far away, just under the root of the ancient giant tree.

Tata Tata.

Like machine gun bullets, the black balls spewed from the chrysanthemum mouth.

Xiao Hei looked back and smelled.

The smell is a little strong.

This time, it is not soft stool, but hard stool.

The difference between hard stool and soft stool.

Apart from the difference between hard and soft.

That is, soft is edible, while hard is inedible.

Some reluctantly looked at their own Baba.

Just like abandoning his own child, Xiao Hei left three times in one step.

After leaving the roots of the ancient giant tree, the black rabbit did not return to the tree hole.

It is going to eat in the new world.

Although it is an act of seeking distance, it is a rabbit's instinct.

The new small world is really your own private territory.

Xiaohei managed to snatch it from the giant grey rabbit.

If you don't work hard, I'm afraid you will be taken away by other rabbits.

The ancient giant trees are in the east of Lingcao Ting.

The new world is in the middle of Lingcao Ting.

From the ancient giant tree to the new small world, you must pass two places first.

From east to west, there are ancient forests and shrubs..

Under the bright moonlight.

With the guidance of the heavenly eye, the Black Rabbit has no worries about its journey.

Otherwise, how could he say that Xiao Hei couldn't put down his "green hat".

Strong grass and strong wind.

Through the old woods, over the bushes.

Xiaohei soon arrived at the new world.

Such a small world.

The fragrance of small flowers comes with the wind.

The fragrance of the flowers is the same as before.

However, the difference is that in the past, the east wind blew gently, but today, the south wind blows frequently.

The wind has changed.

The new world has been occupied by other rabbits.

The leader is also a black rabbit.

However, the black rabbit is really many times bigger than Xiao Hei.

The giant black rabbit stood up, two meters high.

Compared with Xiao Hei's figure, it seems insignificant