Chapter 24 Here Comes

Zheng Cheng woke up just before dawn. Staring at the roof for a while, he looked at his watch. It was only five o'clock.

Get up slowly, wash your face and brush your teeth, that's all. There was self-study in the morning, so I had to hurry up and hurry to the front gate of the yard. As soon as Zheng Chenggang opened the door bolt, the chickens and ducks in the circle suddenly cried.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Cheng looked at it strangely.

Cluck... cluck

"Cluck cluck, what did you say? I don't understand."

Go over and have a look. There is still much water in the trough. Feed... Alas! Zheng Cheng smacks his head, feed!

It seems that he hasn't fed since yesterday. Really, that old man Chen didn't say clearly. It seems that there is no feed here, and he doesn't know what he used to feed.

In the countryside, there is no feed at all. The insects in the forest can eat half full. But here, if he dares to release them, people will dare to stew them.

Forget it. Take time to buy some bran... Why forget this stubble.

As soon as he left the alley, Zheng Cheng met Yang Hanlin and hurried back with a cloth bag.

"Comrade Xiao Yang? What a coincidence!" Zheng Cheng greeted him.

Yang Hanlin smiled uneasily and said, "You go to school?"

"Yes." Zheng Cheng nodded.

He glanced slightly and saw that some rotten vegetable leaves were exposed from the bag... He didn't know where he got them.

Yang Hanlin was about to continue his journey home when Zheng Cheng suddenly stopped him.

"Comrade Xiao Yang!"

"Yes?" Yang Hanlin stopped and put the bag behind his back.

"That's it. Can you buy some feed for me? The chickens and ducks raised in my yard are fed by the way. If you want, you can get the eggs for both of you every day."

"Really!?" Yang Hanlin's eyes flashed.

"That can be fake," said Zheng Cheng, taking out a dollar from his pocket.

"That's fine." Yang Hanlin took the money and said happily, "Don't worry, I'll buy it later."

This is just a matter of running a few steps. I can get two eggs every day. I really earn a lot.

"Thank you!" Zheng Cheng said with a smile.

The two people just passed by by mistake and left separately.


Zheng Cheng's life continues to be stable. He really studies hard like a student every day. For someone who is used to high-intensity mental work and has good self-control, his studies are smooth.

A cruel reality is that talent often plays a greater role than hard work in both liberal arts and science. Therefore, within a few weeks of the start of school, the level of students began to increase rapidly, and did not shift with effort. Fortunately, Zheng Cheng is the leader. He has his own learning rhythm for a long time, so he will not collapse gradually in the blind efforts like many students.

Before long, Li Xiangdong sent a message that the matter was settled.

"The average price is five yuan. I bought four thousand, and we are just half of each other..."

At the school gate, Li Xiangdong whispered to Zheng Cheng about the results of this trip.

"Where are the things?" Zheng Cheng asked.

Li Xiangdong pointed to the truck parked nearby. "They are all on the bus. I went on a special leave a while ago and asked my acquaintances on the train to transport them back. It took me a week, but none of them was lost

He also had some ideas in mind, but he felt that they were not reliable, so he still wanted to listen to Zheng Cheng.

"We are both busy, so I'm afraid we can't set up our own stall." Zheng Cheng had a plan for a long time, and soon said, "We have to find someone to distribute. Now you go to contact people in several nearby cities, sell clothes in batches, and only do wholesale."

Li Xiangdong nodded repeatedly and agreed: "I think it's OK. By the way, where do you put this dress now? Aren't you moving it out!? Why don't you put it first?"

"I'm afraid not." Zheng Cheng shook his head and said hesitantly, "I have to go to school during the day. It's not safe to put it there. Maybe I lost it. Last time, my bike was almost stolen at the gate of the hospital."

On the other side of his yard, the public security is obviously not good. He dare not store anything that is a little expensive. If people come and go with big and small bags, it is estimated that they will lose them within half a month.

"What should I do? My home is too noisy. There is no one at home during the day. So many small packages may be passed on." Li Xiangdong was also worried.

As Zheng Cheng said, something must be watched, otherwise it will be a big loss. Moreover, he didn't intend to let many people know about this, otherwise he would not only find Zheng Cheng. If he kept his home, he would be familiar with each other, which obviously could not be concealed.

"Let me see." Zheng Cheng held his forehead and walked back and forth.

Now it's easy to find a place, just people... who can watch it? His brother should fail. First, he can't give up the business there, and then Zheng Cheng doesn't want him to interfere with this matter.

Other relatives and friends either cannot trust or have doubts about their ability. In short, they seem to be inappropriate.

"That's right!" He suddenly slapped his forehead and remembered a person.

He said, "I have a young man next door, why don't you let him watch?"

He certainly meant Yang Hanlin.

"Your neighbor?" Li Xiangdong frowned. "Can you trust it? It's worth thousands of yuan."

If the acquaintances are OK, but if the neighbors are new acquaintances, it will be too risky.

Zheng Cheng nodded, "I think I can trust him. He helped me get my bike back a few days ago. He is also very filial to his mother, so we are not afraid of him running away."

Having been a neighbor for so long, Zheng Cheng also knows what kind of person Yang Hanlin is. He has nothing to say except that he is a little shy. In particular, he was really good to his mother. Zheng Cheng basically didn't eat the eggs he gave him, but they all turned into egg soup for his mother to eat.

From Zheng Cheng's experience, most people who are filial are reliable. After all, there are many worries in my heart. If I get into trouble, I will bear much more pressure.

Zheng Cheng said so, but Li Xiangdong had no other idea, so he had to agree.

Without delay, Li Xiangdong quickly started the car and drove to the alley.

At the entrance of the alley, the car couldn't get through, so we should move it bag by bag.

But they didn't dare to leave the car. Li Xiangdong watched from the car, and Zheng Cheng moved back by himself.

Nearly 800 pieces of clothes were packed with several sacks. Zheng Cheng ran back and forth for more than ten times before he finished moving them.

When everything was piled up in the yard, Zheng Cheng found Yang Hanlin and told him about it.

"You see, I'm not free to come back in the daytime. Do you want to save these clothes in your house first?? Don't worry, it's not useless. It's estimated that you can save them for half a month, one yuan a day, and you can earn 15 yuan. What do you think?" Zheng Cheng asked.

"Then I promise!... Is it really fifteen yuan?" Yang Hanlin was hesitant at first, but changed his mind when he heard about the salary.

Their family is really short of money. His father died early, his mother's eyes have not worked well in the past two years, and she has no job, so life is difficult. Usually, we can only barely make ends meet by helping people move bricks and doing odd jobs. Even what we eat is the rotten vegetable leaves he asked for from the vegetable stall.

"Of course." Zheng Cheng smiled.

Having agreed on this matter, they moved the clothes to Yang Hanlin's house again. They just had an empty room, so they saved it temporarily.