Chapter 8 Discipline Hall

The Commandment Hall is a separate yard. There is a circle of array protection outside the yard, which can not only protect outsiders from entering, but also prevent those inside from running out. This array is made up of three real people, White Jade, Snow Mountain and Cloud Sea. Even if you are a master of God melting realm, you can't break this array. The only way to enter this array is at the gate of the Discipline Hall, where there is a light ball. Only when you put your waist tag on the light ball, you can confirm that it is the person of Baiyun Temple, and that it is the disciple designated by any one of the three Immortals who has broken the rules of the temple, can you enter.

This Discipline Hall looks like one, but there is something else inside.

This Commandment Hall was built by senior people, and the skill of level division was used. It looks like a commandment hall, but it is actually stacked by dozens of commandment halls. All the entrances and exits of the stacked commandment halls correspond to only one exit. This exit is the door of the commandment hall, which is the door with the light ball.

Just like the high-rise building we live in, the elevator is the door of the Discipline Hall, and the waist tag is equivalent to a stair card. Each punished disciple will get the waist token of the Discipline Hall. Holding the waist token and putting it on the light ball in front of the Discipline Hall, another gate will appear, which is the entrance and exit of the Discipline Hall. After the punished disciple enters the door, the door will be closed. The door will not be opened again until the punishment period is over and the disciple comes out of the Discipline Academy. During this period, the door of the Discipline Academy will not be opened. If you want to send something inside, you can only send it through a special material channel. And this transmission channel is one-way, which can only be transmitted to the inside, and nothing can be transmitted out. Therefore, it is ensured that only one punished disciple in each discipline academy will be punished.

Chen Qian used the waist token given by Senior Brother Fan to enter a discipline academy. After entering, the door of the Discipline Academy automatically closes. The Commandment Hall is a large space, with a corridor in the middle and some flowers opening on both sides of the corridor. Along the corridor is a house with three rooms. Chen Qian opened the door of the room. On the left is the practice room for rest and meditation, and on the right is a study. There is a bookshelf in the study, on which there are many books.

Chen Wei picked up a book at random. This is a collection of herbs, which contains the names of various herbs and their corresponding effects. Who put down this book and picked up another one? This book records the symptoms of some common diseases and the corresponding medication.

These are all series of life skills, and there are no martial arts books or cultivation skills books.

Chen Qian opened the back door of the room. The back door corresponds to a piece of open space. There are some weapons on the weapon rack. There is a wooden plate beside the weapon rack, on which some names are carved. I don't know what it is used for.

Although it is a commandment house facing the wall, it is not necessary to stand under the wall and reflect on the wall. This is a space belonging to a different world. Chen Zan calmly thought about his past in the Discipline Hall.

Zhao Gang was scolding Zhao Xing at his residence in Baiyun Temple.

"Zhao Xing, Zhao Xing, you are very clever at ordinary times. How could you be confused about Chen Xun? Since you have seen Chen Xun making ice lotus flowers in the pond, you should think that his cultivation is above you. You can't use the previous moves to deal with him. You should find an expert to solve him secretly. You can tell the matter to the master directly when you arrive. Now the master has sent a message, and no one can mention it again. Do you know what that means? "

"Senior brother Chen Qian has been locked up to face the wall." Zhao Xing said wrongly.

"Close the wall" Zhao Gang smiled. "Close the wall and don't tell all the disciples? Just let you keep your mouth shut and don't mention it again? Chen Xun can understand such profound magic and such high understanding from a mortal in less than a month. The Master and the White Jade Temple Leader will lock him up? This is to protect Chen Qian. You and I will never have a chance to touch his finger again. With his ice lotus flower, I doubt whether I am his opponent now. "

"Elder martial brother's accomplishments are already at the middle level of foundation building. He hasn't built a foundation yet. It will take him a minute to teach him a lesson."

"I can't blame you too much even if you are new here. But remember, the Discipline Academy is a double-edged sword, which can both punish and protect disciples." You'd better try not to provoke Chen Wei again later. I have a intuition that he has been particularly concerned by the White Jade Taoist Temple Leader. All the existing threats to Chen can be erased by it. Well, we'd better not meet again if there is nothing particularly important in the future. " Zhao Gang said that and left Zhao Xing's room.

Zhao Xing originally wanted to tell Zhao Gang that he had sent Chen Qian to the Discipline Academy. Unexpectedly, when Zhao Gang came to him, he just scolded him. His happy mood was swept away, and then he began to bite his teeth and curse Chen Qian again.

One noon after ten days, Chu Xue saw Ma Chuang near the pond.

"Senior Brother Ma, I heard from Chen Wei that you have taken good care of him. I want to ask why Senior Brother Ma hasn't seen Chen Wei recently? Is something wrong with him?"

"Are you Junior Sister Chuxue? Chen Wei often mentioned you to me. He has been punished recently and has to wait 16 or 17 days before coming out."

"Why?" Chu Xue asked doubtfully.

"Junior Sister Chuxue, I told you, please don't tell others, otherwise Chen Qian might be in danger." Ma Chuang deliberately said the consequences were more serious. In his mind, women are gossipy women, who often spread false stories.

"It's so serious." Chu Xue worried about Chen Qian.

"Yes, you know the ice lotus here more than ten days ago. Because of this, he was punished to face the wall. Don't tell anyone that the ice lotus was made by Chen Qian," Ma Chuang stressed again.

"I see. Can I take something for him?"

"If you want to take something for her, you can give it to me this time tomorrow. I have something to take to him tomorrow."

"Then I'll go back to Senior Brother Ma." Chu Xue and Ma Chuang said goodbye and went back to their room. Take out some of the received cultivation materials and leave them for yourself, and put the rest into a package. In fact, it is 200 low-grade spirit stones. Chen Qian gave him 100 pills last time, but she didn't use them. Two days ago, she received the cultivation materials of this month and gave them to Chen Qian. She thought that there would be no Holy Stone hair on the wall, so she was allowed to take some Holy Stone to Chen Qian.

The next day, by the pond, Chu Xue handed the package to Ma Chuang. Ma Chuang took the package and didn't ask what was inside. After taking the package, they separated.

Chu Xue went back to meditate and practice on the side of sucking the low-level spirit stone.

Ma Chuang passed the cultivation materials and the package of Chu Xue to Chen Qian according to the date agreed with him.