Chapter 5 Haste makes waste

Building a foundation is a true monk only when you reach the goal of building a foundation.

Chen Wei shut himself in the room and kept sucking up the few low-grade spiritual stones left. His Qi practice has reached a perfect level, and he is likely to succeed at any time. So he wanted to build the foundation before he saw Chuxue again, which at least increased his sense of security. Otherwise, they would have no chance to run when they met Zhao Gang.

Ma Chuang once told Chen Zhan that building a foundation is to connect the two arteries of Ren Du, and a large amount of dirt is discharged from the body, making him light and healthy, as if he could walk as far as ten miles and eight miles with one lift of his foot. At that time, listening to Ma Chuang's words, Chen Wei thought that it was a very distant thing, but it suddenly appeared in his own body.

At this time, the cultivator felt that a lot of dirt was discharged from his body, and an unpleasant odor was emitted. Fortunately, he used the ice shield to wrap himself up early, otherwise the stench would arouse the suspicion of other martial brothers. Why can the foundation be built in such a short time.

I feel more and more qi wandering in the elixir field, and slowly lift my body to the air. In this kind of true and unreal feeling, another day passed.

The dirt in Chen's body has been discharged, and the two veins of Ren Du have also been opened. He opened his eyes, stood up from meditation, changed his dirty clothes, and changed a suit of Taoist clothes given to him by Senior Brother Ma Chuang. When he was about to attack the foundation building, Ma Chuang gave him a suit of Taoist clothes. At that time, he felt strange why Ma Chuang gave himself a suit of Taoist clothes. Now I know why.

Excited, Chen Qian pushed the door open and came to Senior Brother Ma's door. Gently knocked on the door and asked, "Is Senior Brother Ma in? May I come in?"

After all, Ma Chuang has given him a lot of help in the process of cultivation. He will talk to Ma Chuang whenever there is a problem or whenever there is good news.

From the lonely street children in the mortal world to the elder martial brother cared by Ma Chuang today, Chen Wei suddenly felt that he was blessed by God.

After a while, "Come in."

Chen Qian opened the door and saw that Senior Brother Ma Chuang was meditating. "Senior Brother, I have already built the foundation, so I came to thank you for your recent meticulous care."

"Oh, congratulations!" Ma Chuang looked up at Chen Wei and said thoughtfully.

"You have already broken away from the mortal world and got through the Ren and Du channels. I wonder if you have a feeling when you practice?"

"What does it feel like?"

"Is it the feeling that true qi suddenly disappears after rising to a certain extent?"

"No, I'm always full of qi. I feel full of energy. And when I went to wash clothes just now, I felt like I was flying when I walked."

"Well, you haven't built the foundation successfully yet. It is estimated that it is due to the lack of genuine qi. It may be related to your eagerness for success. Although others soon reached the standard of building the foundation, you can't build the foundation successfully due to the lack of genuine qi. You can absorb all the spiritual stones when you distribute the cultivation materials next month, and you should be able to build the foundation successfully."

"So it is." Chen Qian looked sad.

"Don't be sad, your speed is already amazing. More speed, less speed. You should know this truth."

"When I know Senior Brother Ma, I will go back first." Chen Wei regained his mood and said.

"Go ahead, you can now go back and practice the ice shield I taught you. Who can be skillful? Maybe you can also learn some other magic skills from it. After you build the foundation, I will take you to see the Master and let him teach you your skills." Ma Chuang continued to meditate and impact to get pills.

"Bai was happy for a while. It seems that it will take some time to build the foundation. Just as Senior Brother Ma Chuang said, haste makes waste. Go to cultivate ice shields first."

Two days later, Chen Qian's ice shield made some progress, but he didn't learn new skills from it.

Chen came to the pond early in the morning. Today is the day when he and Chu Xue agreed to meet. He stood at the edge of the pond and released a small ice shield to float onto the pond. When the ice shield landed on the pond, a beautiful ice lotus flower was formed at the moment of contact with the pond. The ice lotus flower floated around the pond and finally slowly melted.

He cast another ice shield and watched it turn into ice lotus in the pond and slowly melt in the pond.

After a while a voice came from a distance.

"Chen Xun, how early did you come?" It was Chu Xue. She came slowly and stood beside Chen Xun looking at the ice lotus in the pond.

"Chu Xue, I failed to build the foundation."

"You have already built the foundation?" Chu Xue looked at Chen Xun in surprise.

"Yes, it's just a failure." He didn't say that he was not really angry enough, lest Chu Xue send back the stone he gave her again.

"Then you practice very quickly. Among the new disciples who come with us, you are the fastest. According to your practice progress, when I build the foundation, you will have pills. You can protect me in the future." Chu Xue sighed while looking at Chen Xun who practices very fast.

"How can it be so fast? Senior Brother Ma said that if you want to hurry, you will not reach the goal. You can't rush for success, or you will get twice the result with twice the effort." Then he put another ice shield on it.

"Your ability to control the ice shield is getting stronger and stronger," Chu Xue said, looking at the ice shield released quickly in Chen Xun's fingers.

"I have been practicing ice shields since the failure of foundation building, hoping to learn new skills from them. Maybe I am stupid, but I haven't learned them for several days."

"You are too greedy. I heard from my elder martial sister that only when you reach the level of deification can you realize your skills. If you build a foundation, you will understand your skills and let us not live." Chu Xue looked angry.

"Don't you want me to protect you? If I don't understand well, how can I have the power to protect you!" Chen Wei said half jokingly.

"Who wants you to protect me? I'll just talk about it casually. You are serious." After saying that, she continued to look at the ice lotus in the pond.

Chen didn't speak any more, just released the ice shield, stared at the ice shield and formed an ice lotus in the pond, and then slowly melted.

Silence. No longer break out in silence, die in silence.

"Why don't you talk?" Chu Xue asked, looking at Chen Wei who had been silent.

However, Chen Wei answered that she had one ice shield, and the speed of casting the ice shield was getting faster and faster. The ice lotus in the pond, which had not yet completely melted, appeared again, and soon part of the pond had been completely covered by the ice lotus. Even so, Chen Qian still does not slow down the speed of casting skills.

"Chen Zan, you are evil. What are you doing? If you don't stop, the whole pond will be frozen by you." Chu Xue shouted at Chen Zan worried.

Just then, a miracle happened.