Chapter 82 Lives Again

"Master, master," Zhu Jianqiang was puzzled when he suddenly stopped moving,

"Well, this, fat man, your Taoist friend's injury is not light. It's all right. After all, I have a worthless pill for activating collaterals and removing blood stasis. I'll give it to you. It's free."

Wu Daode glanced at Zhu Xiaobai, who was dying, and finally became cruel.

I was just thinking that if this boy knew, he would have to scratch my skin. I'd better make a good calculation while he was not awake.

When I leave, I will pat my bottom. I'm sure he can't find me any trouble.

Looking ahead, he murmured,

"The secret place is about to close. We'd better go in first. It's very dangerous. I like to take care of you."

It is indeed an excellent person with compassion,

Zhu Qiangqiang felt a sense of admiration and obedience to him.

"Yes, you really thought it over. I thank you on behalf of my brother. My brother will be rewarded after he wakes up."

Wu Daode shook all over and coughed,

”Well, that's not necessary. I never ask for any reward. You fat man, don't look down on people.

Zhu Jianqiang was immediately awed.

Wu Daode waved his hand,

”Follow me, let's talk about the details. By the way, I have a map of the secret place, which is not expensive. I'm all acquaintances, so I'll give you a discount.

Zhu Jianqiang picked up Zhu Xiaobai and followed him,

In a flash of light and shadow, the three entered the secret realm before the transmission array disappeared.

Just entering the secret place, I heard Wu Daode's regretful roar,

"Grass, is the secret world sent randomly? How can I forget it? My Holy Jade. I have never seen such a person who is easy to cheat. If I don't cheat all the time, I will really betray my many years of practice."^^^^

What's the matter? Where is this secret place.

”Senior, senior“

Zhu Jianqiang looked around in a daze and felt a little lost,

I didn't expect to be separated from the senior master. It's really unlucky.

And I don't know anything about it,

What on earth should we do.

I looked at Zhu Xiaobai in my arms. Although he was pale,

But the pulse seems to be stronger and stronger.

It must be the senior's medicine that works.

In front of us is a piece of gravel land,

Dark yellow, flat,

As I walked forward, I felt more and more hot, as if I had reached a crater.

Waves of heat hit, making people very upset.


Suddenly the ground shook violently.

What happened.

Zhu Jianqiang was unstable and dropped Zhu Xiaobai to the ground.

Horror room,

In the distance, there was a mountain with thick smoke,

The smoke and dust rushed into the sky, covering a range of several miles in a moment.

Then, countless blood red molten slurry gushed out,

It spread like a rain of fire.

The torrent flows freely along the volcano,

Wherever we go, everything is gone.

No, this is a volcanic eruption,

What the hell is this place.


An instinct that made Zhu Qiang exert his strength,

Move Zhu Xiaobai away quickly.

Until far away from the fire rain,

My heart is still beating wildly.

At this moment, the world is still shaking, and the dark red sky is like the end.

The temperature, inexplicably rising, he only felt a dry mouth.

It was not until the clothes faded that the boredom was reduced.

”Water...... Water“

The weak voice is so weak in this turbulent world.

But this did not hide from pig's strong ears.

In his ears like the sound of nature.

On the contrary, it is abnormal excitement.

”Xiaobai, you“

With a slight movement in his arms, the thick eyelashes seemed to blink, and the tightly wrinkled eyebrows let Zhu Qiang see hope.

He finally woke up when the clouds opened and the moon shone,

”Brother, here... Where can I get you water to drink?

Looking at the countless flying fiery rubble, I hesitated for a moment.

Gritting his teeth and biting his arm, he approached Zhu Xiaobai's mouth

He sucked instinctively,

One mouthful at a time,

Zhu Qiangqiang smiled and looked at his brother gently. In his heart, if he could make his brother better, all the pain was worth it.

This pain is nothing compared to his saving his own life.

He used to be the pride of heaven, but I was a mediocre person. For his own future, he could completely stay out of it, but it was for me that he fought so hard.

If I don't do something, how can I live up to my conscience.

Xiaobai, this is what Big Brother owes you.

Zhu Jianqiang stared at Zhu Xiaobai's pale face and gently pulled his hair away from his eyes,

Xiaobai, even if we are destined to die here together, I have no regrets.

Brother, I will be in front of you and pave the way for you.

His mind turned a thousand times. He was so crazy that he forgot everything around him,

And the blood left his body endlessly,

As if to be drained.

Waves of weakness are attacking my body,


Suddenly, his spirit was shocked,

”Brother, are you better? Eh, you finally wake up. "He shouted excitedly, dancing like a child.


Zhu Xiaobai opened his eyes desperately, and his eyes were a little dull.

Consciousness finally returns slowly.

It's like having a long dream.

I can't remember what happened, but my dream will always wake up.

At the moment, his situation is somewhat special.

In the spiritual space, it is like a piece of heaven and earth.

At the top of the head, mysterious stones hang high in the sky, like a dazzling sun,

The originally broken demon pill also hovered in the air not far away, circling the sun, with round luster shining on it.

What's the matter? Am I blessed by misfortune? Is everything because of this stone?

By the way, Xiao Zi.

He looked down,

A transparent round ball like a soap bubble, wrapped around Xiaozi's delicate body, carrying the floating and sinking,

You can vaguely see that she is sleeping with her eyes tightly closed.

That is OK if you have no trouble,

thank goodness,

He finally felt relieved.

In fact, his original physique has already been extraordinary. Even if there is no one's panacea, he will recover sooner or later, just to advance that step.

Although the body is a little weak, it has recovered its seven or eight success force.

”Thanks, brother“

”Hey, what are you talking about! "Zhu Jianqiang tried to lead the way,

Zhu Xiaobai looked at Zhu's strong and dry lips, patted the ring, and a big red and white peach appeared in his hand.

This peach is derived from the injured macaque. It must have enough water,

It comes in handy at the moment.

”Can I have this? You don't eat?

Zhu Jianqiang said in amazement that it was the first time he had seen such a big peach.

”I'm all right now. After eating it, brother, do you think I really don't know what you have done for me?

”What's the use of saying that? We're all fine, aren't we?

The two people looked at each other and smiled, everything was in silence.

Zhu Jianqiang also stopped pretending, grabbed the peach and swallowed it in one mouthful.

He was really thirsty because of the heat and too much blood loss.

”Eat slowly and be careful of choking“


”Brother, are we in the Five Elements Mystery, where is this place? "Zhu Xiaobai asked.

”It seems to be one of them, called Flaming Mountain.

”What! Flame Mountain?