Chapter 81 Malay

November 30, 1986.

Lin Zhengdao, who was not thinking about the Shu Kingdom, suddenly received a long-distance telegram from Malaysia. A plantation belonging to the Lin Group was attacked.

Thirty workers on the plantation were killed. All the twelve guards of the plantation were killed. The plantation was ransacked and even set on fire. Fortunately, it was rainy in Southeast Asia, and the fire was soon extinguished by heavy rain.

This is the first event of Lin's Group not long after the change of chairman. Lin Zhengdao is also aiming at himself.

The plantations in Malaysia are the foundation of Lin's Group in Southeast Asia. The factories of Lin's Group in Malaysia are all kinds of primary agricultural products processing plants. One is to closely integrate with the plantations, and the other is to increase the employment rate of Malay Chinese.

As for the indigenous Wu people in Malaysia, they are ignorant and vicious, but most of the indigenous people in Southeast Asia or the uncivilized places in the world are like this. It's good to have a habit.

When Lin Zhengdao got the news, he immediately called back and asked people to keep the scene. Then let the special plane be ready to take off, and Lin Zhengdao is ready to go back and handle the matter himself.

Here, the five-star group is still left to Bai Sisi and Zhang Yuanchao. Lin Zhengdao, along with a driver and twelve housefilling maids, gets on his Yunshi special plane.

It seems that it is not useless to spend one million yuan every year to raise a Yun10 aircraft. Now it is used. The Lin family bought two Yunshi special planes, of which the Yunshi plane used by grandpa was allocated by Lin Zhengdao to the uncle of the vice chairman in Xiangjiang after grandpa died.

There are actually several cars under the Yunshi special plane, but there are few cars in China, and although the ticket system has been abolished, there are still few people who can afford cars and have money to maintain cars in China.

In fact, people like Bai Sisi and Zhang Yuanchao can already afford private cars in terms of income. However, the factory has a Mercedes, which can be used by both Bai Sisi and Zhang Yuanchao when they go out. Why don't you want to buy your own car. Apart from not being able to experience driving a car by yourself, the others are really fragrant series.

This time around, Lin Zhengdao is going to buy some more Mercedes and bring them back with the special transport ten plane. The factory is bigger, and there will be more entertainment and more places to use cars.

Because domestic cars are the facade of a factory, in this era, people basically believe that good cars are made in Germany.

In the world of cars, Japanese cars are characterized by low fuel consumption and few faults, but their disadvantage is dangerous. Just because of their quality, they will be killed if they collide with any vehicle other than bicycles.

In contrast, American cars and German cars are much stronger. The probability of American cars and German cars surviving a collision with Japanese cars is 99%, and the probability of Japanese cars surviving is 1%.

The disadvantage of the aggressive route taken by American cars is that there are many fuel consuming faults, while German cars have far fewer faults. In addition, the appearance and interior upholstery are of a high-end and grand class.

After getting off the plane and turning to the bus, it took one day to reach the plantations attacked in Malaysia.

Waiting here to pick up Lin Zhengdao is Liu Jianxin, the deputy of the plantation. The nominal owner of the plantation is Lin Kaixin, a cousin of Lin Zhengdao. In fact, he gets a salary every month under his name and does not participate in the management.

On the way to the plantation, Lin Zhengdao once again popularized the external environment of the plantation.

The Chinese in the Malay plantations basically listen to the gunshots every month, and they can't go on without a guard team.

The attack on the plantation is basically by the nearby Wu aborigines. Although these Wu aborigines can also get some guns and ammunition, their combat effectiveness is limited. Everyone hates each other for a month, and rarely one person is injured or killed - this is similar to the perennial tribal war in Africa. The Wu aborigines shoot indiscriminately, and the guard team of the plantation basically also focuses on warning shooting. Unless the Wu aborigines charge, they will not be killed.

Liu Jianxin said, "I was not in the plantation that day, but in fact, in addition to the guard team, there were more than 100 guns in the plantation, and the workers here had received shooting training. It was also twice a year. This was the rule set by the old chairman.

But at the scene, we did not find the bodies of the Wu aborigines, or even the traces of the enemy's massive blood. "

"I understand that the enemy probably won our plantation with no casualties or only a small number of casualties," Lin Zhengdao asked.

"I am so suspicious, but there is no evidence of who did it. The Malay government can't count on it. They want the Chinese dead. Then they can rightfully occupy our wealth."

Lin Zhengdao nodded, "That's why I came back myself."

When we arrived at the plantation site, the twelve filling maids beside Lin Zhengdao vomited first. It was not pregnant, but the scene was too sad.

The bodies of dead workers and guards on the plantation side were spilled with gasoline and burned. Lin Zhengdao was also very angry.

The houses here were also burned clean. Although the forest area of the plantation was damaged, it was only a small part. It was said that the fire was soon extinguished by the heavy rain that day.

After looking around, Lin Zhengdao turned around several times, and then crushed a piece of black semi carbonized wood that was not burned out in the house, and took out a bullet.

Looking at the deformed bullet, Lin Zhengdao gritted his teeth and said, "7.62 × 51mm. NATO bullets."

Liu Jianxin asked, "Do you mean that NATO troops may have done this?"

"The army is not so good." Lin Zhengdao shook his head: "It's probably made by mercenaries."

"But mercenaries can only do things with money. The natives nearby can't afford to hire mercenaries."

Lin Zhengdao said, "I didn't think the local natives could do it at the beginning. Yuan Fang, what do you think?"

Yuan Fang, one of Lin Zhengdao's big maids, said, "There must be a big conspiracy here."

"It's up to you."

Fortunately, Lin Zhengdao is no longer a human being. He takes the bullet and feels the memory of the bullet. Pictures and sounds appear in his mind. This is a magic learned in Danyangzong. It can be used to trace back some scenes at that time.

In the picture in Lin Zhengdao's mind, a team of black and white armed groups in camouflage constantly impacted the defense line of the plantation guard and the armed workers at that time. These people were accurate in shooting, skilled in tactical movements, and well trained in cooperation. It was clear that they were veterans of the Hundred Battles. It is almost the level of special forces.

The guard team of the plantation is actually the militia level. The armed workers are even worse. The combat effectiveness of both sides is not in the same line, and the other side is prepared. During the raid, two open sentries and one secret sentry of the guard were knocked out.