Chapter 43 Buddhist Heart's Advice

"The fourth prince..." Fanxin was about to ask a question, but heard Li Chengzhou's voice explaining solemnly:

"Today, my father asked me to go out of the city to resettle the refugees who came to the imperial capital because of the Anyang flood. In 1898, Ah Ning told me that Guan Changting asked you to be the trial marriage envoy. Guan Changting is so bold, even the people of the prince dare to move!"

Brahma Xin felt that Li Chengzhou's hand holding the reins was extremely cold. It would take about half an hour to ride from the outside of the Imperial City to the Guan Mansion. It would be extremely cold in such a snowstorm. He and he were just entrusted. The gift of the dagger was also the fourth prince's help to push the boat along the river, which made people not suspicious.

"As the fourth prince is a daughter, it is the most important thing to settle down the refugees. If this matter is settled properly, it will definitely make the Holy Master treat each other. How can we delay for the sake of my subordinates?" Fanxin paused and said, "Please let the fourth prince off his horse, and my subordinates can go back to the mansion on their own."

"Is that all you have in mind, a woman? Don't you really remember?" Li Chengzhou also heard the news that Anning had investigated from the Imperial Academy this morning. That year, the Winter Hunting general went to three gates, namely, the Li Mansion, the Guan Mansion and the Qi Mansion. Li Yinyao was young, and the Guan Family had no girls. Qi Wuming took Qi Zhaoyue with him, but hid him in the guards. After that day, Qi Zhaoyue went away, So I think Qi Zhaoyue's loss was also what Qi Wu did to protect Qi Zhaoyue, so... it must be Qi Zhaoyue who saved her that day!

Qi Zhaoyue is also Li Chengzhou's younger sister. Because she was raised in the Qi family, she seldom met. She has never even been to the Huang's school, but only walked among military officers. Who else could she be in those days?

The old cabinet leader of Sanqing Mountain, Mu Xutian, made friends with Qi Wu, and hid Qi Zhaoyue's whereabouts after Qi Wu's extermination. It's not impossible

When Li Chengzhou persuaded San Qingshan to help him seize the throne, he didn't know why he sent Yin Fanxin. If she was Qi Zhaoyue, everything would make sense.

Brahma frowned and wondered why: "What should the fourth prince remember?"

"Remember the boy you saved 12 years ago in the Winter Hunting Paddock!"

Fanxin was stunned. How did he know that she had been to the hunting ground? You saved people?

"The next generation of grass people... How could they have been to the royal hunting ground 12 years ago?" Fan Xin buried his head and said in a timid voice.

Li Chengzhou hears that Yan Junmei is tangled. Don't you really remember? Or are you playing dumb?

After Li Chengzhou attached Brahma's ear, he said with a wicked smile, "I tell you that even if the whole Jiangcheng knows your identity, only I can protect you."

Brahma's face was cold, and his fingers were clenched into fists. Did Li Chengzhou already know that he was an old man in the Qi family?

Li Chengzhou didn't say directly that he guessed the real name of Fan Xin, so there was no evidence to prove that she was an old man in Qi's house. At this point, Fan Xin could not let him sit still, relaxed his fist, and said coldly: "Did my subordinates do something outrageous? The fourth prince robbed his subordinates from the Guan's house today, and would not want to kill them soon?"

Li Chengzhou saw that Fan Xin was looking forward to something else, but fortunately he didn't argue with her. This little girl is very thoughtful. Anyway, one day he will get the evidence, which will make her unable to argue!

When Li Chengzhou saw that Brahma Xin subconsciously pulled away from him, he put one hand around her waist, and his chest was close to Brahma Xin's back. His powerful heartbeat shocked Brahma Xin's mind, and he immediately became stiff and did not dare to act. Seeing that she was so "cute", Li Chengzhou was satisfied with her and stuck to Brahma Xin's ears, very ambiguous, "No matter what you think, my prince will not be your enemy. No matter what your previous identity is, and what your future identity is, my prince will not be your enemy. You just have to remember that. "

Is it? Brahma asked secretly, but why? What reason does Li Chengzhou have to defend himself like this?

They rode to the place outside the city where the refugees were settled.

Tents are set up in the Ten Mile Pavilion outside the city. Refugees are temporarily settled outside the city. Even if they enter the city, they have no place to live.

A Ning took a suit of men's clothes and changed it for Fan Xin. I have to say that Fan Xin, who changed into men's clothes, was very heroic, and was really as brave as Qi Yue, a major general of Qi Mansion. Li Chengzhou's bright eyes suddenly flashed, and he was instantly sure in his heart that Fan Xin was the girl who saved him!

Qi Zhaoyue is also his sister! It's a pity that her fate is very bad. It seems that after her return this time, starting from Cai Yan, is it for revenge?

Fanxin saw that Li Chengzhou was watching himself entranced, walked up to him, looked at the vast expanse of refugees around him, and said in a deep voice, "Anyang lives by water, but it is surrounded by mountains and cities. If you don't open a canal to open the river, once you reach the rainy season, it will be a disaster of floods."

"Every year, the crown prince arranges the Ministry of Works to reinforce the river bank..."

Fanxin shook his head. "Blocking is better than draining. Drainage is the right way. Anyang has abundant water resources, but it can't grow rice, and the soil is not suitable for planting other crops. So far, it has not been able to get rid of poverty. It has become the poorest town in Ningxia, which has also affected the towns around it. If we can properly drain the water, irrigate the soil, and plant crops, Anyang will be the largest granary in Ningxia."

Li Chengzhou was full of admiration. He wanted to dredge up this layer, but he did not understand the local people's feelings. But Brahma Xin could see clearly. If this policy can be successful, it will surely benefit the people

Fanxin saw that Li Chengzhou had already grasped the key to the problem, so he naturally knew the way to deal with it. Fanxin looked sideways at him and smiled slightly: "The fourth prince had found money last night, didn't he? Liang Renzhi, the minister of the Ministry of Works, has been greedy for ink for many years, but it's not just a small number... People here are all Anyang people, and no one wants to return home. If they are good to their hometown, will they not help? Compared with some useless officials sent by the court, these people are the ones who are most willing to work for Anyang from the bottom of their hearts. "

"If all the officials in the court of Ningguo can think of the people like Xin'er, Ningguo will surely be prosperous."

Fan sighed a little, then turned and walked away. The snow fell on her seemingly thin shoulder. With the night wind gently lifting her hair, her heart turned a thousand times: "Many people want to be clean at the beginning of their official career, and be respected by the people. But when the court's troubles come, who can keep their original intention unchanged? At that time, they will be the target of the public."

Qi Wu once hoped that the people of Ningguo would no longer be displaced by war, live and work in peace, be rich and healthy. But his wish was a thorn in the heart of these dignitaries. Although Qi Wu was a military general, his heart was tied to the court. If Qi Wu knew the truth of not being in his position and not planning his politics, would he be able to avoid the ultimate disaster of destruction?

But her grandfather, Qi Wu, was such a righteous, brave and kind man! For this reason... those who hurt him must pay a price, and no one can escape!

The fierce look in Fanxin's eyes came into Li Chengzhou's eyes. Li Chengzhou felt a pain in his heart. He put a fox fur cloak on her shoulder and said softly, "I will send you back."

Brahma nodded and stopped talking.

Outside Wang Xuan's residence, Li Chengzhou sent Fan Xin off his horse, rubbed her hair with a big palm, and said softly, "Remember what the prince said to you tonight."

Fanxin looked up at the handsome Li Chengzhou, and sighed in her heart that if Li Chengzhou was a talent for governing the world, she would give all she had to help him ascend to the throne.

Fanxin stroked the soft and warm fox fur cloak with his hand, gently unloaded it and returned it to Li Chengzhou, bowed and said: "The fourth prince loves this cloak. It's too precious to be wanted by his subordinates. Thank you for your kindness." Then he turned and left.

Li Chengzhou smiled bitterly, but she still didn't believe him. What she said was the cloak. In fact, what she said was the distance between herself and her. Maybe she could no longer trust the royal family.