Chapter 28 No Gifts

Li Sheng, who is worried about his studies, may not be able to go to the spring exam next year, even if it is another four years. Li Sheng said angrily, "Sister, why are you talking about me again?"

"At the Spring Festival Festival next year, Zhao Yang will be with you, and you will learn from Zhao Yang. How can Zhao Yang spend his time outside like you? He went to study after inviting An to his mother and concubine. You are the son of Prince Yu's residence, and you can't fall behind in everything..."

Li Sheng imitates Li Yan's whispering behind him. He is just reflected in Li Yan's eyes by a bronze mirror. Li Yan angrily says, "My heart, kick him out!"

Brahma Xin smiled. Li Sheng felt cold on his back. Brahma Xin had kicked him ten feet away the next second!

"Ah -! Sister, am I your own brother? Why do you always say Zhao Yang is good?"

Before Li Sheng could get up from the ground, Liangyu hurried out of the room and shouted, "The princess said that you were not her own, but the princess herself. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the princess to complain!"

"Ouch, my sister! Come and help me, my heart. My butt - Ouch! It hurts! Slow down!"

Li Yan looked through the window and watched Fanxin take Li Sheng out of the yard, who was limping. She covered her lips and smiled lovingly. Although the younger brother didn't have much skill, it was just like Li Sheng said. After all, they were brothers and sisters. Could she still count on that half brother?

Li Sheng walked all the way and looked at Fan Xin all the way. The more he looked at it, the more he felt strange. Why didn't the foot hurt him, and there was a familiar feeling? Did he get kicked before? Who kicked it? I can't remember

"My heart, I used to have an elder sister... Usually, it seems that Wenwen is quiet, but I always like things like wielding knives and guns... Just like you kicked me, that elder sister must have kicked me before... Hmm..."

Li Sheng talked to himself in general, and Brahma Xin smiled. The boy had a good memory. At that time, when Li Sheng was about five years old, Brahma Xin raised him by five years. At that time, he could not help kicking him once because he threatened himself with cats. Because of this, he was taught a lesson by King Xuan's family rules.

"It seems that the prince really needs to be beaten." Fan Xin smiled coldly.

Li Sheng straightened his waist when he heard the words. "Who said that? I remember. I teased her with a cat at that time. She was a terrible cat. I haven't seen her come to the house every day and always like to sit alone in the yard. I'm afraid she is boring. I just got a cat... I want to amuse her."

Brahma's heart was stunned, and there was a warmth in his heart. Yes, it was just an innocent child of five years old. What kind of bad heart could there be? In the final analysis, Li Sheng is still her half brother, and he is not a traitor or a villain. The child under Wang Xuan's hand has a strict family education. It is rumored that Li Sheng is a lecher. It seems that he has exaggerated the truth after being contacted during this period.

"What happened later?"

"That sister hasn't come since that time. I heard from my sister that she seems to be lost. You said that she is a teenager, and I admire her for being able to lose herself."

Hearing Yan Yan, Brahma Xin laughed. Li Sheng thought he was hallucinating and rubbed his eyes. Li Sheng was also an acquaintance in the romantic place. Women's every look and smile were all kitsch. Li Yan was a rare beauty in Li Sheng's heart. When Brahma Xin smiled, she was like a fairy coming down to earth. She asked, "My heart, did you smile? Did you smile?"

At this time, Brahma Shin was already a solemn face. Li Sheng only felt that Brahma Shin's smile was like an illusion, but... Brahma Shin always gave him a feeling of deja vu, especially the foot he just took

Brahma Xin didn't answer the question, but instead asked, "Son, don't you like the eldest son?"

"I can't say I don't like him, but I think he is too quiet. He just stays in his own yard except for necessary occasions. But my brother is also a poor man. Qi Shi died after giving birth to him, and his only sister was lost. People become silent day by day... He is upright in front of people, and feels like he is alive like a puppet Just... "

Fanxin was very worried. When she left Jiangcheng, Zhao Yang was only seven years old, about the same age as Li Sheng. It should be a few months old. In ten years, he is now mature and steady, which is the opposite of Li Sheng's mischievous behavior. Later, his mother family was destroyed, and his son was taken

How did he survive that time?

Fan Xin sent Li Sheng back to his residence and walked back, thinking about how to get to know his own brother. Walking through the stone gate in the backyard, Li Chengzhou was coming here. Seeing Fan Xin happy and displaying his face, he called two or three zhang away: "Xin'er, stay, stay!"

Fanxin stood on the spot and saw Li Chengzhou walking quickly to her, "Dear girl, why did you walk faster when you saw me? Could I eat you?"

"The fourth prince is really a subordinate. I just went a few steps more because I had something to do. I didn't see the fourth prince. I hope he doesn't take it amiss. The fourth prince is going to the princess?" Fan Xin said solemnly.

Li Chengzhou was stunned. Did he come to find Yan'er? I was passing by Wang Xuan's residence, but I came in unconsciously. It seemed that Brahma didn't know what to say. In order to avoid embarrassment, I could only smile and say, "Well, what is Yan'er doing?"

"The princess is fitting."

"Oh, my prince remembered that tomorrow the Princess of the State of Liang is going to the city. I came to find Yan'er to give an idea. What kind of gift should I give her? I can't figure out the girl's mind. Why don't you tell me your opinion?"

It's not stupid, but it seems that the time has not yet come to give gifts. I thought about how to remind Li Chengzhou, so I made a detour:

"The Princess of Liang Kingdom is different from her subordinates. How can she guess her preferences at will? If the fourth prince has to listen to his subordinates' opinions, follow his folly, and according to the etiquette of our court, he will not be sanctified before he comes, it seems that it is not good to give and receive privately."

Hearing the words, Li Chengzhou suddenly smiled heartily: "After seeing the girl in my heart and the prince, they just want to go to the same place. The Liang State and their parents are asking for Ning State of China. It's good to leave her aside."

That's not what I meant!

At this time, Brahma Xin noticed that there seemed to be a man standing behind the tree. The stone in his hand suddenly hit one place. The man was in pain and ran away. Brahma Xin didn't mean to chase him. It must be some careful work placed in the Palace of Prince Xuan. Now he saw Li Chengzhou coming to inquire about some information.

"Do you know someone is following you?" Brahma asked in a low voice.

"After entering the house, I knew that someone was following me. I let Ah Ning keep silent. I wanted to show him the play, but the girl in my heart not only cooperated with me like this, but also drove people away for me."

Li Chengzhou knows that he has been targeted by the prince's people recently, and the Ministry of Works has just taken over. But there are problems with the account books and the materials for building the palace. The prince is afraid that he will find out something and keep an eye on his every move.

Li Chengzhou thought that just now Fanxin said that he would not give gifts to people hiding behind the tree. But in fact, Fanxin lost his mind because he was thinking about Li Zhaoyang. At that time, he didn't find anyone behind the tree. Instead, he looked at Li Chengzhou and said calmly, "Fourth prince, I didn't cooperate with you. If I said not to give gifts, I would not give them."
