Chapter 8 Release of simulated test results

Soon, the new week began.

On Monday morning, the bell rang for class. The first class was taught by teacher Liu, the head teacher.

Liu Qingyu, the head teacher, as the English subject of Class One of Senior Three, is a beautiful young woman in her twenties. As the head teacher of a key class, she has good ability.

After entering the classroom, Mr. Liu put down the lesson preparation materials, gently knocked on the teaching table, motioned for all students to calm down, and said: "Before class today, first introduce a new transfer student, Nangong Xueqi, welcome."

The words fell. Under the eyes of many students, a young girl with eight years of double life came into the classroom door. She was 165 meters tall, with smooth black hair falling down on her shoulders, a white oval face as white as jade, and willow eyebrows as moon. There was a kind of unspeakable beauty.

The whole class suddenly saw something.

The girl came to the lectern with an easy manner, without any formality. Her eyes were bright and smiling, especially cute. She waved and smiled to the whole class, saying, "Hello, everyone. I am Nangong Xueqi, and I will be a new member of Class One of Senior Three from now on. I hope to get along well with you in the future."

When the words came down, there was a burst of warm applause in the classroom, especially the male students in the class, whose eyes were shining.

For a moment, there was a lot of talk in the classroom. Both boys and girls liked the cute girl.

At this time, Mr. Liu dropped his right hand on the desk, gently and forcefully knocked, and immediately calmed down. Then he opened his mouth and said, "Nangong student, when he was in the No. 1 Middle School of the county, had excellent results, and this simulated exam had a good score of 712 points. I hope you will study hard, discuss together, and make progress together in the next days, so that you can all get into the ideal university. All right, Nangong, get a seat and get ready for class. "

As soon as Mr. Liu's voice dropped, there was a sound of cool breath in the classroom. This result was too bad. It was steady and big, like Beijing University.

Only because it was near graduation did I transfer to another school. The front row seats in the classroom were full, and there were only two or three empty seats left in the last row. After a glance, my eyes suddenly lit up, and I stepped forward directly, and sat on the right seat of Xu Shengtian. Gang He and Li Dongmin clamped Xu Shengtian in the middle.

Nangong Xueqi smiled brightly: "Hello, I'm Nangong Xueqi, please give me more advice in the future!"

Xu Shengtian smiles and nods: "Hello, my name is Xu Shengtian. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, my name is Li Dongming, and I'm a good brother of Brother Tian from childhood to adulthood." Li Dongming beside me also said with a red face at this time. I can't see the boy, but he will blush when meeting beautiful women. Xu Shengtian smiled to himself.

After arranging Nangong Xueqi's seat, Mr. Liu swept down to more than 40 students with a serious face, among whom Xu Shengtian stayed on his face for dozens of seconds before saying: "The results of the second simulation test in the next semester of the third year of senior high school have come out. Now I would like to announce the results of your simulation test."

Under the platform, almost all the students cheered up, except Xu Shengtian, who looked indifferent, while the new Nangong Xueqi was watching him secretly.

However, this is only the second simulation test, but as the simulation test of the last semester, each test can almost represent the final score of the college entrance examination.

"Li Ronghao." Teacher Liu first read out his name, "Chinese 132 points, math 134 points, foreign language 130 points, comprehensive 271 points, a total of 667 points."

"Oh, my god, 664 points. It's really one of the best students in Class One, Grade Three of our high school. The second simulation exam was so difficult that I could even get 667 points, more than 40 points above the score line of the key book."

"Li Ronghao has great hopes even if he is admitted to Beijing University."

Li Ronghao got up and left his seat. He calmly came to the platform and took the test report card with both hands.

Teacher Liu looked at Li Ronghao with great satisfaction and smiled: "Li Ronghao's performance in the mock exam was very good, many times higher than the heavy base score. In the next hundred day sprint, you should work hard to get admitted to Beijing University of China."

In this era, teachers' salaries and bonuses are linked to the class entrance rate and the number of students admitted to key universities. One more Li Ronghao means more income. Which teacher would not like such students.

"Teacher, I will try my best." Li Ronghao said respectfully.

"Next, Liu Xia. Chinese 135 points, mathematics 121 points, foreign language 133 points, comprehensive 264 points, 653 points in total.

This result is also very good, no accident, there is also a great chance to be admitted to Beijing University or Huada.

"Li Dongming has 111 points for Chinese, 120 points for mathematics, 106 points for foreign languages, 257 points for comprehensive learning, and 594 points in total. This makes Li Dongming very excited. He will definitely go to Wuhan University if he works hard.

Soon I read Xu Shengtian's name. Teacher Liu paused at this time and then said, "Xu Shengtian did very well in this exam. He scored 141 points in Chinese, 148 points in mathematics, 148 points in foreign languages, 293 points in comprehensive terms, and 730 points in total."

Hearing this result, there was an uproar and silence in the classroom. Many students were surprised by the noise.

"Quiet, quiet." Teacher Liu knocked on the platform forcefully. "This time, Xu Shengtian is not only the first in the class, but also the first in the whole school. I hope Xu Shengtian will make further progress in the next three months and strive for better results."

Xu Shengtian's face was indifferent to the fact that he had finished his report card. His calm face did not show any pride and excitement. This makes Nangong Xueqi very curious.

But the other students have been silent, and no previous contempt and ridicule.

Soon, as soon as Xu Shengtian's results were announced, the whole school was shocked, and even the old headmaster who was not usually in charge of the school paid attention to him.

These will not cause any waves in Xu Shengtian's heart. For him, there is no difficulty at all.

Life is still the same, time goes by in a hurry.

As the college entrance examination approaches, we can see the countdown on the wall getting closer and closer every day. The air in the classroom is full of anxiety and anxiety, but time is still passing quietly.

End of college entrance examination

On June 7, 2042, this day is the starting point of the dream and nightmare of senior three students. If you work hard, you will have no regrets. As the saying goes, "God rewards hard work", you have to work harder if your talent is not enough. Believe in yourself and study hard.

After being checked by the invigilator, he sat in his seat and waited for the start of the exam. In the morning, it was Chinese, and in the afternoon, it was math. Anyway, it was easy for Xu Shengtian to say that.

At the end of the exam for two consecutive days, many examinees could not help crying, saying that they did not do well in the exam and could not read the university they wanted.

The classroom is full of scraps of books and paper flying all over the sky. Students have been venting their pent up emotions for a long time. As the bell rings, they leave the school.

After leaving school, Xu Shengtian and Fan Mengruo, together with their six friends, went to a restaurant to get together, order food and drink, and talk while eating. "Third, do you want to apply for a good university?" Liu Zhongda asked.

"It must be Wuhan University. First, it's convenient to take care of parents when you go home. Second, you don't want to run so far, ha ha." Xu Shengtian couldn't help laughing after saying that.

"Well, Wuhan University is really good. Many famous people go out." The second child then replied with great strength. "But I'm hopeless. I'm sure I can't pass the exam."

"There are so many famous schools in Hualong State, it's not enough for you to choose. Don't be greedy." Li Dongming joked.

Laughter and laughter are continuous, so lively, happy time is always so short.

After three years of high school, Xu Shengtian is about to graduate. Looking back on the whole high school career, I have experienced all kinds of ups and downs necessary for life growth, which has also made my mood more natural and harmonious, and is about to break through the third layer of Hongmeng's formula of nature, when there will be enough energy to break the barrier of space.

PS: During the new book period, we are looking for recommendations, collections and rewards for comfortable reading.