Chapter 63 Everyone's Cultivation Progress by leaps and bounds

There are countless treasures in Hongmeng space. As long as there is no problem with their conduct, they can be sent into the first layer of Hongmeng space, which can ensure that they will not leak secrets. Xu Shengtian rubbed his chin with his right hand and thought carefully that the cultivation of the disciples in the sect was not enough, and they had to be promoted. Hmm, just do it. Think straight out of space.

A transmission array is arranged in the martial arts practice hall and the cultivation hall, and an array is arranged outside, which integrates defense and attack. Of course, there is a detection array in the transmission array. If you find a problem, you can directly expel it and then suppress it. This array was created by Xu Shengtian after hundreds of times of practice in Hongmeng Space. At that time, Xu Shengtian was very happy. Unfortunately, she was told by Huluwa not to be beaten.

Looking at the array in front of him, Xu Shengtian nodded proudly, and the divine sense spread the word, "No cliff, quickly gather a group of disciples to the martial arts hall."

Wuyanzi was explaining some rules of the Xiaoyao Gate to Duan Yu, when Xu Shengtian's voice suddenly rang in his mind and he hurriedly replied, "Yes, Sect Leader."

"I hope that the cultivation of the disciples in the sect is at least at the level of the master, and the higher the better. I specially set up an array to speed up your cultivation. One hundred years in the array, and only one day outside. I hope you will cherish this opportunity. If you want to enter the array in the future, you must exchange your contribution for it. When you come out tomorrow, Wuyanzi will lead you to fight in all directions and unify the whole world. "

"We must live up to the expectation of the Sect Head. Thank you for your generous gift." All the disciples shouted in unison, their voice ringing through the whole mountain, soaring into the sky, even the clouds in the sky were scattered away, as if to hide far away.

Xu Shengtian stood up with his hands down. His white clothes further set off his tall and upright figure. His beautiful face was as sharp as a knife and an axe. It was like a sculpture in ancient Greece. His deep eyes occasionally flashed stars, just like stars. A warm, spring like smile was held on his beautiful face.

I was very satisfied to see the disciples streaming in. Step directly into the martial arts hall. One step is more than 100 zhang, and two steps have disappeared without trace. It seems to be walking slowly, but in fact, the speed has broken through the void, and the space is within a foot, which is magical. The cultivation has not reached the realm of immortals. To understand the laws of space, it is impossible to shrink into an inch. Moreover, with the progress of accomplishments, the distance is even longer, and even more, the distance is far away, and the cross-border travel is easy.

"Li Tian, you can see that the aura here is so rich. The aura of the heaven and the earth there are all liquefied like rain drops. It's really great. We must cherish this opportunity and find a place to practice quickly." The inner disciple Wang Shiming whispered his opinion to his good brother.

"Shiming, you are right. Go to a place to practice outside and try to improve your accomplishments. They will become core disciples in the next examination." The two came from the same village. Once they went out to hunt in the mountains, they met a fierce monster. They were in extreme danger. At the critical moment, Qin Hao, the core disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, fell from the sky and hit a blow to break the air, Kill the monster under the palm, send one to Zhenyuan to help them recover, and then leave.

When the two saw the lifesaver leaving, they quickly cried out, "Dear Lord, dare to ask Gao's name and where he came from, and let our brothers repay him for saving his life." Unfortunately, Qin Hao has disappeared from their sight. When they were secretly upset, a clear voice came: "Raise your hand. I am Qin Hao of the free gate of the world. It is destined to meet you."

Hearing the sound suddenly, the two brothers jumped up with joy and cheered constantly. Seeing Qin Hao fall from the sky, he killed a beast with his own hands, and then drifted away. The two brothers were very jealous. They were determined to be heroes, just like their benefactor. From then on, they ran away from home. After going through hardships, they searched for famous masters and practiced martial arts. Finally, they learned that the Wanjie Xiaoyao Sect recruited disciples. After passing many tests, they finally stuck to the present and became an internal disciple. Li Tian had the initial accomplishments of the master, and Wang Shiming reached the middle of the master's career a little higher.

What they don't know is that what they are now in is not in the array, but on the level of Hongmeng space. After all, the greatest treasure of Hongmeng's nature must not be revealed, or else many emperors, ancient saints and even higher level beings will come to seize it. The power of those levels is too far away to imagine.

Now the disciples have been tested by the array, and then entered the Hongmeng space. After subtle brainwashing, they will only become more and more loyal to the Wanjie Leisure Gate. They can sacrifice their lives for Xu Shengtian at any time, and regard him as the only master. Even if you cultivate to the sky, you cannot change his mind, nor can you peek into the core area of his mind, In the most dangerous period, all secrets in its core area will be destroyed automatically.

The rich aura of heaven and earth is continuously inhaled into the body of all the disciples, refined and refined, and the most pure essence is taken for your own use. The aura storm can be seen everywhere enveloping the people sitting cross knee, and the aura of heaven and earth is surging rapidly, like the sea rolling wave after wave, continuous, until the limit of everyone can bear.

During the cultivation, people did not know the time. It was the second day in a blink of an eye. They got up one after another and felt the extremely pure essence in their bodies. Their muscles, bones, blood and flesh became more and more bright and strong. It could be seen that their accomplishments had made great progress, especially Li Tian and Wang Shiming, who exuded even more powerful power and the spirit around them was trembling violently, It is necessary to step into a new level. All people are full of joy on their faces, and their hearts are even more respectful and grateful to Xu Shengtian. In the eyes of all disciples, Xu Shengtian is an omnipotent god, profound, but approachable to all disciples, as long as you do not make mistakes.

Xu Shengtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his divine sense was like a breeze blowing gently across all his disciples. He was clear in his heart, and nodded with satisfaction. Among them, there were two disciples with high bone aptitude. Later, martial arts could reach a higher level.